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Допоміжна література


1. Abadinsky, Howard. Organized Crime, 5th ed. Chicago: Nelson-Hall, 1977.

2. Albanese, J.S. Organized Crime in Our Times Exit Notice. Cincinnati OH: LexisNexis Anderson Publishing, 2004.

3. Albanese, Jay S., ed. 2005. Transnational crime (International Studies in Social Science). Whitby, ON: de Sitter Publications.

4. Albini, Joseph. The American Mafia: Genesis of a Legend. New York: Appleton-Century Crofts, 1971.

5. Beare, M. (2003) Critical Reflections on Transnational Organized Crime, Money Laundering and Corruption. Toronto: Toronto University Press 2003, pp 120-14.

6. Chin, K. (1996). Chinatown Gangs: Extortion, Enterprise, Ethnicity (New York: Oxford University Press).

7. Friedrichs, David O. 2007. Transnational crime and global criminology: Definitional, typological, and contextual conundrums. Social Justice 34: 4–18.

8. Jacobs, James B., and Gouldin, Lauryn P. " Cosa Nostra: The Final Chapter? " In Crime and Justice: A Review of Research, vol. 25. Edited by Michael Tonry. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1999. Pages 129–189.

9. McClean, D. Transnational Organized Grime: A commentary on the UN Convention and its Protocols / D. McClean. ─ Oxford: Univ. press, 2007. ─ LVIII, 512 p.

10. Martin Killias, Marcelo Fernando Aebi, Kauko Aromaa, Bruno Aubusson de Cavarlay, Gordon Barclay, Beata Gruszczyñ ska, Hanns von Hofer, Vasilika Hysi, Jö rg - Martin Jehle, Paul Smit, Cynthia Tavares. European Sourcebook of Crime and Criminal Justice Statistics 2006, 0& B 241

11. Myers, Willard H., III. " The Emerging Threat of Transnational Crime from the East." Crime, Law and Social Change 24 (1996): 181–222.

12. Nelli, Humbert. The Business of Crime: Italians and Syndicate Crime in the United States. New York: Oxford University Press, 1976.

13. Organised crime around the world // Sabrina Adamoli Andrea Di Nicola Ernesto U. Savona and Paola Zoffi. Helsinki, 1998.

14. Reichel, Philip, ed. 2004. Handbook of transnational crime and justice. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.

15. Richard, A.O. (2000). International Trafficking in Women to the United States: A Contemporary Manifestation of Slavery and Organized Crime (Washington, D.C.: Center for the Study of Intelligence).

16. Richards, J. R. (James).Transnational Criminal Organizations, Cybercrime, and Money Laundering: A Handbook for Law Enforcement Officers, Auditors, and Financial Investigators /J. R. Richards. -Boca Raton; London; New York; Washington, CRC Press, 1999. -318 p., [XXII]; 24, 0 x 16, 0 cm.-Index: p. 297 - 318.

17. Transnational Crime and Transnational Policing By James William Edward Sheptycki, York University, Toronto (September 2007)

18. Transnational Threats: Smuggling and Trafficking in Arms, Drugs, and Human Life (Praeger Security International) by Kimberely L. Thachuk (Hardcover - May 30, 2007)

19. Upperworld and Underworld in Cross-border Crime. Petrus C. van Duyne, Klaus von Lampe, Nikos Passas (Eds.).Published by Wolf Legal Publishers (WLP), 2002. ISBN: 90-5850-030-6.



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