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Vocabulary and Speech Exercises. 7. Read and translate the following:

7. Read and translate the following:

1) The commercial invoice contains the names and addresses of the Sellers and the Buyers, a full description of the goods delivered including the weights and numbers and marking of all the cases, the price per unit and the total value of the consignment. It also states the port of shipment and the date, the terms of delivery and the terms of payment. It is signed by an authorized person on behalf of the Sellers.

2) The Sellers shall inform the Buyers by cable or telex within 48 hours since the sailing date about the ship’s name and her sailing date, the number of the Bill of Lading and the quantity of the goods shipped.

3) In every SAD, there is a box which requires the commodity code of the particular consignment to be inserted. The commodity code is usually a nine- or eleven-digit number which relates to a particular consignment. All these numbers come into the customs tariff.

4) Companies which import into the EC-countries require a nine-digit commodity code whereas imports to the rest of the world require an eleven-digit classification. This is a general rule and there are no exceptions, particularly with agricultural products.

8. Ask questions in English to which the following Russian sentences are the answers and supply the answers:

1. а) Одним из основных документов, используемых во внешнеэкономической деятельности при транспортных операциях, является коммерческий инвойс.

б) Он содержит все необходимые сведения об отправителе и получателе груза, а также данные о маркировке и нумерации груза, стоимости товара и условиях запродажи.

2. Упаковочный лист состоит из детального описания содержимого поставки; нумерации и типа упаковки, веса нетто и брутто, всех параметров и суммарного объема каждого упаковочного места.

3. а) Сертификат происхождения - это документ, удостоверяющий, что данный импортируемый товар изготовлен в данном месте.

б) Сертификат происхождения позволяет таможенным органам определить, следует ли классифицировать товар согласно преференциальному тарифу.

с) Выдается он обычно торговыми палатами.

9. Denote the following by a single word:

  • 1) to get the shipping papers passed by the Customs;
  • 2) to allow goods to be taken away from the customs warehouse;
  • 3) to declare formally that a certain stated fact is true;
  • 4) to fix as a price;
  • 5) an addressee to whom goods are sent;
  • 6) a bill relating to the sale of goods or services;
  • 7) the amount of cash by a business during a specified period.

10. Read and translate the text:

Customs Documents

The following documents should be presented to the Customs or be enclosed with the accounts when goods are declared:

  • Customs declaration, filled in and complete, with customs duties and taxes calculated and entered on the form.
  • Bill of Lading, freight document, notice of arrival or similar document issued in connection with buying or selling the goods (one copy will be kept by the Customs if the Customs declaration is surrendered at the customs house).
  • Documents of origin when customs clearance of goods from certain countries under the terms for preferential trade is claimed, for example EEC or EFTA countries.
  • Licences, permits, etc. for goods which are subject to import restrictions (not all types of goods can be imported freely).
  • Other documents requested by the Customs in order to determine the correct customs tariffs (duty rates, etc.), weight, quantity or value of the goods.

Relevant documents are catalogues, folders, weight specifications or contract documents.

11. Give English equivalents of:

счета; заполненная полностью; таможня (здание); на условиях преференциальной торговли; Европейское сообщество; Европейская ассоциация свободной торговли; рекламная книжечка (складывающаяся); разрешение (документ)

12. Retell the text " Customs Documents" enlarging it by any additional information.



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