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Vocabulary and Speech Exercises. 7. Conduct the following two-way translation: 1

7. Conduct the following two-way translation:

1. Через какие таможенные формальности должен пройти пассажир, прибывающий в нашу страну или убывающий из нее? Like in most countries all formalities through which an incoming/outgoing passenger must pass in Russia, include passport and visa control, health control and customs inspection of the passenger’s baggage.
2. Что конкретно должен делать человек при въезде или выезде из страны? When the passenger enters or leaves the country he must fill in an entry/exit declaration which he must present then to a customs officer.
3. Существуют л и какие-либо определенные инструкции по заполнению въездной или выездной декларации? Yes, certainly. All the points of the declaration should be answered in full words and in block letters.
4. Что именно должен пассажир указать в декларации? The passenger is to fill in his name, citizenship, country of residence, permanent address and purpose of his visit. He also should declare all dutiable articles and currency he is having.
5. Что будет, если он не укажет всю имеющуюся у него валюту в декларации? Money not declared and therefore concealed from the customs control is liable to confiscation as smuggling. The violation of currency regulations is regarded as a criminal offence.
6. Какова судьба предметов, которые были указаны в декларации, но вывоз которых или запрещен или ограничен таможней? Prohibited or restricted articles having been declared are usually detained, and the traveller can collect them on his way back.
7. По предъявлении какого документа эти вещи выдаются? On presentation of the entry declaration which must be kept by the passenger for the duration of his stay in the country. He is to present it together with the exit declaration when leaving the country.
8. Какие вопросы может задать таможенный инспектор пассажиру, проходящему таможенный контроль? The customs officer may ask the passenger to open, unpack and repack his belongings for inspection. And the owner of the luggage is obliged to answer all the questions on the contents of his luggage and present any article for customs examination.

8. Explain the following terms in English:

confiscation; concealment; customs declaration; customs inspection; currency; offence; prohibited articles; restricted articles; smuggling


9. Choose corresponding Russian words for:

1) exit declaration печатными буквами
2) in block letters полностью
3) criminal offence въездная декларация
4) concealment личные принадлежности, вещи
5) belongings содержимое
6) dutiable задерживать
7) smuggling сокрытие
8) passport control таможенный досмотр
9) detain подлежащий обложению пошлиной
10) customs inspection уголовное преступление
11) entry declaration паспортный контроль
12) on presentation по представлению (предъявлению)
13) contents контрабанда
14) liable выездная декларация
15) in full выезжающий
16) outgoing подлежащий чему-л.

10. Complete the following sentences:

1) The customs formalities through which all incoming or outgoing passengers must pass include...

2) While entering or leaving the country a passenger must...

3) In the declaration the passenger should fill...

4) All the points of the declaration should be answered...

5) The passenger should declare also...

6) Money not declared is...

7) The violation of currency regulations is...

8) Prohibited or restricted articles are usually...

9) The detained articles are given out on presentation of...

10) The Customs Officer being in charge of the customs inspection may...

11. Complete the dialogues and reproduce them in parts:

A. Customs Inspection of the Baggage

Customs Officer: Will you show your things, please.

Passenger: _____________________________________.

Customs Officer: How many pieces do you have?

Passenger: _______________________________________.

Customs Officer: Do you have anytning to declare?

Passenger: _______________________________________.

Customs Officer: This quantity is not liable to duty. And what do you have in your suitcase?

Passenger: __________________________________________.

Customs Officer: Thank you, that’s all.

Passenger: __________________________________________.

B. Customs Control of the Cargo

Customs Officer: Good morning! I’m here to complete customs formalities. What goods are you carrying?

Captain: ____________________________________.

Customs Officer: Can I see the shipping documents?

Captain: ____________________________________.

Customs Officer: I can’t see the Bill of Lading.

Captain: ____________________________________.

Customs Officer: I see. Do you have any prohibited or restricted goods or live animals?

Captain: ________________________.

Customs Officer: Do you have a certificate for it?

Captain: ________________________.

Customs Officer: Thank you. Now you can start the unloading. And I’ll have a look around the ship.

12. Translate into English:

a) - У вас есть разрешение на беспошлинный ввоз оборудования?

- Нет, но мы просим вас оказать нам содействие в получении разрешения на беспошлинный ввоз.

b) - Вы приняли меры по таможенной очистке?

- Да мы подготовили необходимые документы. Наш груз не подлежит обложению таможенными пошлинами.

c) - Вы заполнили таможенную декларацию?

- Да, конечно.

- Предъявите, пожалуйста. У Вас есть вещи, ограниченные для ввоза и вывоза за границу?

- Нет, только личные вещи.

- Это необходимо указать в декларации. Напишите " не имею". Вы неправильно ответили на вопрос пункта 4. Нет, нет, поправки в декларации не разрешаются. Перепишите, пожалуйста.

13. Make up short dialogues discussing the following points:

  • 1) the formalities through which incoming/outgoing passengers must pass;
  • 2) the main points of the declaration;
  • 3) dutiable, prohibited and restricted articles.


Shipping and Forwarding 1

A lot of correspondence regarding transport is between firms in the same country: for example, sellers make arrangements with forwarding agents or shipowners, while buyers frequently have to contact agents or carriers in their own country when goods are to be collected from a harbour, airport or railway station.

The seller or buyer - depending upon which party is responsible under the terms of payment for transport arrangements2 - has to know how much it will cost to deliver his goods. If he is going to deal with regular shipments between specific ports, he will know the normal freight rates and will be kept informed about the changes. But in other cases he will have to make enquiries, as in the following letters:

1. Dear Sirs,

Please quote us your freight rate for cased machinery equipment3 for shipment from Liverpool to St.Perersburg and let us know when you will be sailing to Russia during the next two months.

Yours faithfully,...

2. Dear Sirs,

We are about to make up an order for a customer in Naples, and in accordance with the terms of the letter of credit the consignment has to be shipped by 23 June at the latest.

Please inform us whether your " Italica" will be able to meet the requirements and kindly quote us a rate for the voyage.

We are looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,...

Habitually, a shipping line issues a sailing card that gives particulars of loading and sailing dates of some cargo vessels sailing between some specific countries. If sailings are infrequent, space has to be reserved in advance.

Further you will find the possible replies to the letters 1) and 2):

1. Dear Sirs,

We have received you enquiry of..., and can advise you that our current freight rate4 for cased machinery equipment, Liverpool - St.Petersburg, is... per metric tonne or per 10 cubic metre5.

We sail twice a week, and the whole voyage takes five days. We enclose our sailing card for " S.S. Night Star" and our shipping instruction form. We would appreciate it if you would kindly complete and return the latter as soon as possible.

Yours faithfully,...

2. Dear Sirs,

In reply to your letter of..., we are pleased to inform you that " Italica" will be receiving cargo from 20 to 27 of June inclusive, and is expected to commence loading on 23rd. We see no reason why your goods should not be on board by this date, but suggest that the three containers should be delivered to the ship on the opening date.

We look forward to assisting you. Yours faithfully,...

If the consignor finds the rate acceptable, he will send an advice note6 to the shipowning firm or agents:

Dear Sirs,

Thank you for your letter of... We have noted that your " S.S. Night Star" is receiving cargo for Liverpool on the 9th of this month, and are making arrangements for our equipment to be delivered to the ship.

We are enclosing your shipping instructions form, duly completed.

Yours faithfully,...

After the arrangements have been made, the senders will inform the customers that the merchandise is on the way. This type of communication is known as an advice of dispatch7, and normally the information is typed on a printed form and sent together with a cover note8.

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