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Read and translate the text. 2. Translate the following words and phrases and learn their pronunciation:

2. Translate the following words and phrases and learn their pronunciation:

machinery equipment; voyage; vessel; merchandise; harbour; freight rates; quote; particulars; shipping instructions form; dates of loading; inclusive; cubic metres; frequently; habitually; current; twice; acceptable

3. Give English equivalents of the following Russian words and expressions:

a) железнодорожная станция; регулярные поставки; фрахтовые ставки; судовое расписание; бланк-инструкция по отгрузке; экспедитор; до 27 июня включительно; дата погрузки; груз; должным образом заполненный; по открытой дате

b) договариваться о чём-л.; зарезервировать заранее место для груза; связаться с экспедитором; начать погрузку; выслать документ о временной страховке груза; сообщить о фрахтовой цене; вложить расписание (движения корабля)

4. Answer the following questions:

1) With whom should arrangements be made regarding transport?

2) How can goods be transported?

3) In what case will you know the normal freight rates?

4) What should you do if you are not informed about the changes in sailing dates?

5) What kind of letter should you send if you want to know the freight rate for the shipment of some special equipment?

6) What kind of letter should you send if you want your consignment to be shipped at the nearest possible date?

7) What is a sailing card?

8) What must you do if the sailings are infrequent?

9) What kind of letter would you receive in reply to your enquiry concerning the freight rates?

10) What kind of reply could you receive to your order of cargo shipment on a certain date?

5. Sum up the contents of the text according to the plan:

  • 1) The regular actions of customers and carriers regarding the transportation of cargo.
  • 2) Different types of enquiry letters.
  • 3) Different types of reply letters.

6. Translate the letter from the shipping agent to the exporter paying attention to the underlined words and expressions:

Dear Sirs,

We have proceeded with the shipments of your goods to Roma as requested but regret to inform you that we have encountered a problem.

It would appear that regulations governing the packing of imported goods have recently been modified. On arrival at the port of entry, local customs authorities impounded the landed cargo because the crates were not standard. The goods will be released only if they are repacked and after payment of a special fee imposed for shipments which are resubmitted for clearance.

In view of the fact that your goods must meet a strict delivery deadline we have proceeded with recrating but must warn you of the additional costs incurred.

Yours faithfully...

7. Translate the letter into English:

Уважаемые господа!

Настоящим подтверждаем получение товаров, которые мы у вас заказывали два месяца тому назад и которые были вчера доставлены на наш склад.

Количество отгруженного товара совпадает с отгрузочной накладной. Товар в отличном состоянии и отвечает нашим требованиям.

Перед тем как оформить новый заказ, мы хотели бы получить заверение, что вы сможете поставить товар в строго оговоренный срок.

Мы хотим подчеркнуть, что задержка в поставке обходится нам дорого, и полагаем, что при создавшихся условиях ваш экспедитор мог бы избежать трудностей с таможенной очисткой груза, выполнив новые правила по упаковке.

Мы также хотим подтвердить, что не готовы оплачивать расходы по хранению на таможенном складе.

С уважением...

Write a letter to a firm of shipping agents in Finland and ask them to quote for the collection of some cases of tools from a firm in Helsinki and the shipment of them to your nearest port.

As a firm of forwarding agents you have been asked to advise on the forwarding of a consignment of textile machinery parts. Write a letter and ask by what route the merchandise is to be sent; give your advice on the matter.


1. Role-play. Agree or disagree with the following statements. Give your reasons. Use these formulas:

For agreement For disagreement:
That’s right... Quite the opposite...
Exactly... That’s wrong...
Undoubtedly... I don’t think so...

1) The order cycle while selling goods abroad is complete after a consignee has physically received the consignment.

2) Errors in documentation cost money.

3) The storage charges must be paid in full.

4) A commercial invoice is obtainable from chambers of commerce.

5) The set of shipping documents should be complete with each consignment.

6) Money not declared while going through the customs control is detained and the traveller can collect it on his way back.

7) A customs officer has no right to ask a passenger to show him personal belongings.

8) If the consignor finds the rate of freight acceptable, he will send an advice of despatch.

2. Say a few words about:

  • 1) The formalities through which incoming/outgoing passengers must pass.
  • 2) The main points of the declaration.
  • 3) Dutiable, prohibited and restricted articles.
  • 4) The set of documents necessary to declare goods.

3. Express your views on the following statements:

  • 1) There are too many articles liable to Customs duties.
  • 2) It is very convenient to make previous transport arrangements.

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