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Chapter 1. Fighting the urge to cry, Amanda Cauble stomped angrily towards her car

Fighting the urge to cry, Amanda Cauble stomped angrily towards her car. The potholed asphalt had begun to resemble a lake, due to the constant rain that had fallen for the past several days. A few steps before she reached the Mustang, her left foot sank into a small hole, soaking her foot all the way up over her ankle. The young woman staggered sideways, dropping her briefcase into another puddle before she was able to get her balance. Grimacing, Amanda gingerly shook her foot, relieved to be pain free. At least I didn't sprain my ankle… that's all I need, she thought to herself. Picking up the now mud- splattered briefcase, she shook the excess water away as she opened the car door. Sitting behind the steering wheel, she gently laid the briefcase in the passenger's seat floorboard, and then proceeded to dig through her purse for her car keys. Good thing about small towns, you never need to worry about locking your car! Amanda smiled, leaning back in the bucket seat in relief. Releasing a heavy sigh, the young woman gently closed the car door, happy to be out of the rain. The classic Mustang was a graduation present from her beloved grandfather over five years ago…

" Oooooh!!! Grandpa Jake… you've got to be kidding! " The young blonde girl squealed in delight when her blindfold was removed. Directly in front of Amanda sat her grandfather's pride and joy… a 1967 powder blue mustang, fully restored, with a very large red ribbon and bow adorning it.

Jacob Cauble laughed. " What's the matter, Peanut? Would you rather have one of those new fancier sports cars? " he asked with a grin. " Is this car too old for Neiman High's valedictorian? "

Amanda turned suddenly serious. " No, Grandpa, that's not it at all…it's just that…" she stammered, trying to find the words to express what her heart was aching to say.

The older man put up a hand to forestall her argument. " Shhh… we worked together on this old clunker for almost three summers… and nothing would make me happier than for you to enjoy the end product." He smiled. " Besides, what's an old coot like me going to do with a car like this? "

Amanda wrapped her arms around him in an exuberant hug. " You are not an old coot, Grandpa. I think you're quite debonair! " this with a saucy wink.

Jacob Cauble was still a very handsome man, even in his early sixties. Tall, with thick salt and pepper hair, he still turned quite a few heads. Unfortunately for the ladies, he was completely devoted to his wife. He returned his granddaughter's hug. " If you say so, Peanut." He handed her a set of keys. " I hope you have as much fun driving her as I had rebuilding her with you! "

Amanda gently took the keys from his hand. " Well, what are we waiting for? " she used her other hand to capture his. " Let's go try this baby out! Ice cream's on me, handsome! " She laughed as her grandfather followed in her footsteps.

Amanda wiped a tear from her eye, saddened at the turn her thoughts had suddenly taken. We almost lost him. Jacob Cauble had been severely injured in a horrible automobile accident six months ago. Amanda had immediately moved from her parent's home in Los Angeles to her grandparent's house here in Somerville, to keep her grandmother company while Jacob was in the hospital, and also to help take care of him once he was released. Now the only outward signs of the accident that had nearly taken his life were a jagged scar on his forehead near his hairline, and a pronounced limp that Jacob himself swore would not be permanent. Taking a deep breath, Amanda pulled the rear view mirror towards herself, checking her reflection. Drowned rat, she sighed to the vibrant green eyes looking back at her. Running her fingers through her strawberry blonde shoulder length hair, Amanda turned her attention to the task at hand. " Sitting here feeling sorry for yourself isn't gonna get the job done, " she mumbled out loud. " Now get a move on and take care of business." She scolded herself, starting the car and backing out of the parking space.

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