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Chapter 59⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 49 из 49
It was late evening, with Lex and Amanda snuggled up on the sofa in front of a roaring fire. " You know, " Lex chuckled, " I always knew your grandparents were special…I just never really realized just how special they were until today." She felt a light kiss on her collarbone, where Amanda's face was comfortably tucked. " Yeah…It may sound strange, but they're closer to me than my own parents…" Amanda agreed, snuggling closer in the dark woman's lap. " I love my mom and dad, but we were never as close…I've always felt like I could tell Gramma and Grandpa Jake anything." Lex kissed the top of her head. " I know what you mean. I feel the same way about Martha. She's always been there for me." They sat there for a while longer, staring as the flames burned down, just enjoying the quiet company of each other. Amanda had dozed off, and Lex was contemplating her visit to the bank tomorrow, as well as going to the county jail to sign the complaint against the five thieves. She had refused to press charges against the teenager, especially when Charlie told her he was an orphan under the care of his older brother, Matt. When she asked him what they were going to do with the boy, the sheriff said they would probably have to put him in juvenile hall. Lex was going to see the boy tomorrow, and ask him if he'd like to work on the ranch. I hope I'm making the right decision here, she wondered, but I can't let a boy go to jail for following his brother. Anna Leigh glided quietly into the room, in case the two younger women were asleep. She noticed her granddaughter was sound asleep on the rancher's lap, and the dark-haired woman was staring pensively into the dying fireplace. She edged over to the arm of the sofa and perched atop it. " Lexington? Is everything alright, honey? " Lex looked up at the older woman, seeing where Amanda got her beauty. " Yeah, just fine. I was just going over in my head the things I have to do tomorrow." She uttered quietly, loathe to wake the sleeping bundle in her arms. " From what I hear, that means a trip to the doctor as well, doesn't it? " Anna Leigh didn't know how else to bring such a subject up. " Amanda said over the phone that you have broken ribs, and had been shot? " Sighing, Lex ran her free hand through her hair. " Yeah…she'll badger me 'til I go, I guess." She looked up at the older woman. " It's really not that bad…I'm sure she made it sound worse than it actually was." Anna Leigh grinned, then gave the dark head a gentle pat. " Uh-huh…your forget how well I know you." Then her face took on a pensive look. " Why haven't you been by recently? I've missed our conversations we used to have on the patio Saturday evenings." The two women would sit outside, drinking iced tea and discussing everything from politics to the price of cattle after the Historical Committee meetings, but that had stopped after the incident eight months ago. " I…" Lex stammered, looking one of her worse fears in the face, " I just figured you didn't need me around your little gatherings…I'm not exactly tea party material." She couldn't look the older woman in the eye. " Lexington…I was never so proud of you as I was that day you stopped those horrible thieves! What if one of the ladies had decided to leave early? Do you think they would have just ran away? " She forced the younger woman to look her in the eye. " I don't think so. I believe that they would have seriously hurt someone…and yet you jumped to our defense immediately." She gave the dark rancher a gentle smile. " Don't be ashamed of the fact that you protected us from an unknown danger…yes, they were just boys. But you know as well as I do how vicious young men can be…don't underestimate what you did that day. The ladies still talk about how very proud of you they are." Lex was caught speechless. I never realized … " Mrs., ummm… Anna Leigh, " she smiled at the look the older woman gave her. " Thank you. I've been worried all this time about what happened then. I'll still worry about it, but you've helped me put it more in perspective." Anna Leigh leaned over and kissed the dark head. " Honey, there's nothing in this world I wouldn't do for you… now why don't you get yourselves upstairs and into bed? " she gave the young woman a sneaky grin. " Unfortunately, the guest room is under repairs, so you'll have to share with Amanda. I do hope that's alright." She patted the nearby arm. " Get some rest, we'll see you in the morning." She got up and left the room, a chuckle escaping her lips. Lex looked after the older woman with a fond smile. Oh yeah…she's subtle. She glanced down at the sleeping woman in her arms. Wonder if I can get her awake long enough to make it upstairs? " Amanda? " she asked quietly, gently shaking the small body. " Mmmm? " The blonde head tucked itself tighter into her chest. The rancher shook her head in defeat. Can't say I didn't try. She stood up, cradling the sleeping form gently. Okay, now where the hell is her bedroom? Lex started walking up the stairs, remembering from a previous tour of the house that all the bedrooms were on the back area of the second floor. Just as she reached the top, Amanda woke up slightly. " Lex? " She looked up into the blue eyes, then realized where they were. " You didn't carry me up the stairs, did you? " Amanda used one hand to push the dark bangs from the rancher's eyes. " Yep." The tall woman smiled. " And your grandmother told me the guestroom was being repaired, so we'll have to share…" she shifted her grip on the small form in her arms. " So where should I take you? " Amanda grinned. " Anywhere you want to."