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Active Vocabulary Section

a meeting/a session

a plenary meeting/the opening ceremony/in the opening session

hold a conference (a meeting, a discussion, an examination, a reception)

to take part in/to participate in/to attend a conference

a chairman/a chairwoman/a chairperson

a welcome reception/a welcome remark

an agenda/an addenda

to announce / to schedule for

a notice/to notify/to replace

to register/a registration form

to fill in/out

an identification card/a conference file

to recognize/to get to know/to specify/ related

to call upon someone/to give the floor to someone

a speaker/to be a speaker/ invited /uninvited speaker

to set up/to fix the time limit

to stimulate discussions/the problems under discussion

make a comment (a contribution, a discovery, an experiment)

to ask somebody a question/to call for questions

to submit abstracts/to present papers/to present poster reports

to take the floor

to keep/to stick to the point/with special emphasis on

to present a poster/ poster reports/ papers

give a lecture (a reception, a talk, a translation)

to have a good/poor knowledge/command of English

to find the knowledge of English adequate/inadequate

to find English hard to follow

to fail to understand reports/questions in English

  • Supply the words with their English equivalents from Active Vocabulary Section

бланк регистрации; повестка дня; уточнять; памятка/объявление; заменять; относящийся к теме; особенно подчеркнув; торжественный прием; председатель; регистрировать(ся); уведомлять; приветственное слово; удостоверение (участника); назначать на; предоставить слово; узнавать кого-л.; стендовый; знакомиться с; папка с материалами конференции; изменения (в повестке дня)/дополнения; объявлять; заполнять; на открытии конференции.

  • Complete the sentences with the words from the Active Vocabulary Section

Every year conferences... in our institute/university.

This year I... in the conference which was held....

I had to... the abstracts covering the problem of....

The time limit was... and I had ten minutes to....

My report... the problem which... much attention.

Of... interest were the reports presented by X and Y.

I… in understanding English, because I find my English …

There is no doubt that … at this congress proved very important.

  • Work in groups. Supply the words with their English equivalents

проводить конференцию

проводить конференцию под эгидой

участвовать в конференции

заполнять регистрационную форму

российская конференция

международная конференция

читать лекцию

делать/читать доклад

доклад/докладчик/основной докладчик

доклад по приглашению/доклад по инициативе организаторов/участников

сборник статей и докладов

сборник тезисов

хорошее знание английского языка


  • If you have no experience of attending conferences make a spidergram “ How are you going to …? ” Add as many items as you can.




  • Thinking about your presentation. Answer the following questions

What is the topic of the paper you are going to presents?

When are you going to present your paper?

Why are you interested in this particular topic?

Do you always prepare for presentations?

What recommendations for making oral presentations do you find most helpful?

Which ones do you always follow?

State your purpose - be specific.

Identify the central idea of your presentation.

List the main points of your presentation.

Think of supporting material for each main point.

Decide what kinds of visual aids you will use.


· Read and translate the list of phrases you obtained. Add to it some more phrases concerning:

the beginning of presenting a paper:

The aim of this study was to see why…

The aim of this work was to find an explanation for the ….

The purpose of this paper is to report an experimental observation of ….

…to have this opportunity to present my paper at this working group session.

The purpose of this study was to understand …

So the aim of this work was to find an explanation for

the closing of presenting a paper:

Now let me discuss in some detail the data we have obtained and the conclusions we have drawn.

Experimental results agree with this theory and show that in …

Our explanation is supported by a model calculation.

In conclusion I would like to say that the … I have described is supported by the experiment.

To summarize, I would like to repeat the main points.

Now let me repeat the main points again.

Let me summarize the main points.


  • Answer the questions. Say a few words about the program of the conference (symposium, colloquium, seminar) you recently attended.

Have you ever participated in (taken part in; attended) the international/national conferences/symposia/congresses?

When did you last take part in a conference?

Where was the conference held?

When was the conference held?

What problems were considered and discussed?

How many participants attended the conference/session/workshop?

Were there any simultaneous sessions held during this congress?

When did the sessions start?

What paper attracted widespread attention during the first morning session?

When was the reception held and who was it addressed by?

Which reports attracted general attention?

Whose report was of particular interest?

What problems did it deal with?

Were you given the floor?

Was the time limit fixed?

Did you find your English sufficient/adequate to participate in the international conference?

Do you think you have good/poor knowledge of English?

Did you find the speaker's English hard to follow?

Why is it necessary/important for a scientist to know foreign languages?

Did you read/present a paper at the conference?

Was you paper published in proceedings?

  • Translate into English paying attention to the prepositions of time.

Конференция состоялась (was held) в прошлом году.

Экзамен состоится (is going to be held) в июне.

Я представлю свой доклад (present my paper) в будущем месяце.

Симпозиум проходил с 27 по 30 сентября.

В прошлом году я присутствовал на международном симпозиуме по…

Он был проведен под председательством …

Дискуссия, проведенная на утреннем заседании (in (at) the morning session) привлекла всеобщее внимание.

  • Useful expressions: to confirm the statements

to my mind / as far as I know / in my opinion / to my knowledge

SPEAKING CARD (3-3.5 min) Give a 2 minute talk. Use reasons and specific examples to support youranswer.
    • How does intercultural communication influence scientific community’s behavior?
Remember to: use some of the following words and expressions
    • assess interests; to think hard about; to be good at; to focus attention on; to spread interests to combine with other scintific communities; to carry out/to conduct research
    • efficiency; remarkable, top-rated, outstanding success; mutual understanding; to reach an understanding/to come to an understanding; to motivate sb; to follow up; to work independently or in a team
    • to be determined to; to hope to; to improve; to benefit from;; to enhance communicating experience; to develop a plan to reach
You have to talk for 2 minutes.The teacher/partner will listen to you until you have finished. Then s/he will ask you some questions.  


SPEAKING CARD (3-3.5 min) Give a 2 minute talk. Use specific reasons and details to explain your choice.
    • If you were asked to send one thing representing your country/institute/laboratory/research group to an international exhibition, what would you choose? Why?
Remember to: use some of the following words and expressions · tо carry on/to carry out/to conduct research; to make a contribution to; to put forward an idea; to work out/to develop/to design · results/findings/data/observations/evidence/detailed; advantages/disadvantages; flexible implementig opportunities · to succeed in/to make progress in/to be a success; to offer an excellent opportunity to present; seriously compete with; to work online You have to talk for 2 minutes.The teacher/partner will listen to you until you have finished. Then s/he will ask you some questions.  


SPEAKING CARD (3-3.5 min) Give a 2 minute talk. Use specific reasons and details to support your choice.
    • Imagine that you are preparing for a conference. You plan to invite some local and foreign speakers. Who would you invite and why?
Remember to: use some of the following words and expressions · hold a conference/a meeting/a discussion; to take part in/to participate in/to attend a conference; to be a speaker/ an invited /uninvited speaker; the problems under discussion; to submit abstracts/to present papers/to present poster reports; research interests include; have numerous journal/conference publications; an Associate Editor of the journal · be a well-known (distinguished, prominent, outstanding, famous) scientist; be known (distinguished, famous) for; hold the position of a Director (Head, Manager, Professor); be at the head of (head, run, be in charge of) an Institute (laboratory, research team, etc.); be generally recognized; win general recognition; win (receive, be awarded) a prize (award) for... do important (outstanding, excellent, etc.) research in (into, of)...; make a thorough (complete, detailed, accurate) study of...; · to take the floor; to keep/to stick to the point/with special emphasis on; to have a good knowledge/command of English You have to talk for 2 minutes.The teacher/partner will listen to you until you have finished. Then s/he will ask you some questions.  



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