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Topic 4. Physiological guidelines for systematic training

1. Comment on the following scheme.


2. Read the text bellow. Do you share the author’s ideas?

It has been chosen to break systematic training plans into five stages for each competitive season. The concept of using five training stages applies ideally if you are planning for one or two competitive seasons per year. However, if you are planning a shorter training season leading up to a competition phase, you should also adapt the concept of using five stages and apply this to your plans.

The five stages are referred to as Base, Intensity, Peak, Racing, and Restoration. Each stage represents distinct physiological, neuromuscular, and psychological developmental phases necessary for systematically developing your conditioning. The graph in Figure 1 illustrates the characteristics of each stage in terms of percentages of each training component. Ideally, there will be a subtle distinction between successive stages as training volume and emphasis change appropriately from one training cycle to the next.

The following is an overview of the five stages of training. Understanding them will help you decide upon the necessary training components for each stage of your plan. Additionally you can use the terminology presented to build your training vocabulary.


3. Answer the questions to the text.

1. How many stages can systematic training plans be broken into? 2. What does

the concept of using five training stages apply ideally? 3. What are the names of these five stages referred to as? 4. What does each stage represent? 5. What kind of distinction will there be ideally between successive stages? 6. What will help you decide upon the necessary training components for each stage of your plan?

4. Match the words below.

  additionally A словарный запас
  stage B связанный с развитием, эволюционный
  successive C выбирать
  overview D едва различимый, тонкий
  appropriately E отличие, различение
  distinction F особое внимание, акцент, ударение
  to choоse G в добавок, в дополнение, к тому же
  subtle H обзор
  vocabulary I соответствующим образом, соответственно
  to apply J этап, стадия, фаза
  emphasis K последующий
  developmental L применять, использовать

5. Change the italic words for those equivalents from the text.

1. The following is a survey of the five stages of training. 2. Each stage represents clear physiological, neuromuscular, and psychological developmental phases necessary for systematically improving your conditioning. 3. The concept of using five training stages applies ideally if you are scheduling for one or two competitive seasons per year. 4. It has been chosen to divide systematic training plans into five stages for each competitive season. 5. Understanding them will help you determine upon the necessary training variables for each stage of your plan. 6. Ideally, there will be a slight distinction between consequent stages as training volume and stress change appropriately from one training cycle to the next.

6. Complete the sentences with sound logical endings.

1. The five stages are referred to as ….

2. The graph in Figure 3-1 illustrates the characteristics of each stage in terms of ….

3. Additionally you can use the terminology presented to build your ….

4. The concept of using five training stages applies ideally if ….

5. Understanding them will help you decide upon


7. Retell the text with help of Figure 1.


Figure 1. Training components emphasized during the five training stages of the year.


1. Read the text bellow. Do you share the author’s ideas?

The Base stage should be 20 weeks in length if you plan for 1 racing season per year, 8 to 10 weeks for a plan including 2 racing seasons per year, and as short as 4 weeks if you plan a shorter training program or several short programs per year. The predominant features of the Base stage are aerobic buildup, with a high percentage of Overdistance and Endurance work; and Strength, both nonspecific and sport-specific. Race/Pace, Intervals, and Speed work will be used little or not at all during the first 75% of this stage. Gradually, during the later weeks, a greater percentage of these components are included.

2. Answer the questions to the text.

1. How long should the Base stage be in length if you plan 1 racing season per year? 2. When does your Base stage last 4 weeks only? 3. How do you plan the Base stage for a plan including 2 racing seasons? 4. What features are predominant at the Base stage? 5. What is the percentage of Race/Pace, Intervals and Speed work during the Base stage?

3. Complete the sentences with sound logical endings.

  1. The Base stage provides the opportunity to emphasize ….
  2. Most endurance sports require ….
  3. The primary goal for Strength training during the Base stage is …
  4. Typically, muscles improve in strength when ….
  5. It is recommended that a high percentage (60-70%) of the total training volume during the Base stage be devoted to ….
  6. The predominant features of the Base stage are …

4. Translate the following into English.

Для подготовки к соревновательному сезону идеально подходит концепция деления тренировочного плана на пять этапов, которые называются: базовый, интенсивный, пиковый, соревновательный и восстановительный. Каждый из этапов существенно отличается по физиологическим, нервно-мышечным и психологическим характеристикам. В идеале, переход от одного этапа к последующему должен быть плавным, по мере того, как тренировочный объем, и акцент будут изменяться соответственно от цикла к циклу. Понимание тренировочных этапов поможет определить необходимые тренировочные компоненты для каждого из циклов.


1. Read the text bellow. Do you share the author’s ideas?

The intensity stage should be 16 weeks in length if you plan for one racing season per year, 4 to 8 weeks for a plan including two racing seasons per year, and as short as 4 weeks if you plan a shorter program.

This stage brings an increase in overall training stress in terms of greater volume (hours) and intensity with specific Speed, Interval. Race/Pace, and Vertical Intervals. It is recommended that a high percentage of this stage's total training volume (50-60%) be planned as low-intensity aerobic training through Overdistance and Endurance/Easy Distance activities in order to maintain the aerobic base established earlier. However, more time is devoted to higher intensity training than in the Base stage. Intervals, Race/Pace, and Speed workouts will improve the body's ability to sustain high-intensity effort for longer periods of time, which is the requirement of competition. The amount of these higher intensity components must be increased gradually throughout this stage so the body can adapt adequately. These training components will be discussed in greater detail further.

2. Answer the questions to the text.

1. What should the intensity stage be in length? 2. Does this stage bring increase or decrease in overall training in terms of greater volume? 3. What kind of training is it recommended in order to maintain the aerobic base established earlier? 4. More or less time is devoted to higher intensity training here than in a base stage? 5. What else will improve the body’s ability to sustain high-intensity effort for longer periods of time? 6. What must be increased gradually throughout this stage so the body can adapt adequately?

3. Fill in the gaps with words from a box.

benchmarks; maintain control; coordinated; the body; program

1. Easy Speed work teaches … … to learn pace and, very gradually, … movement at faster-than-race pace. 2. Intervals on flat and hilly terrain allow you to develop a subjective sense of " threshold" and to train at high intensity yet … … and not exceed the threshold. 3. As the stage progresses, designated Pace workouts and early season Races will be introduced to the …. 4. These will provide … for measuring progress and for working out any technical and psychological bugs well before the competitive season arrives.

4. Translate the sentences into English.

На интенсивный этап планируется от 16 до 4 недель в зависимости от количества соревновательных сезонов. Здесь происходит увеличение объема часов и повышение интенсивности других тренировочных компонентов по сравнению с базовым этапом. Тренировочные усилия направляются на поддержание уровня аэробной базы, достигнутого ранее. Наращивание интенсивности компонентов должно происходить постепенно для адекватной адаптации организма. Облегченная скоростная работа обучает темповым навыкам. Интервальная тренировка позволяет развить в себе субъективное чувство “порога” возможностей для того, чтобы контролировать его превышение при тренировке с высокой интенсивностью. По мере развития этого этапа вводятся темповые тренировки и предваряющие соревнования. Это послужит хорошим ориентиром для определения достигнутого прогресса и работы над техническими и психологическими проблемами задолго до начала соревнований.


Text 4.2c Stage III: Peak (Taper)

1. Read the text bellow. Do you share the author’s ideas?

Many coaches and athletes refer to peaking as tapering or sharpening; the terms are synonymous. This stage (usually 4 to 8 weeks in length) is characterized by a decrease in training volume from the Intensity stage.

However, the intensity of certain training components, such as Speed, Intervals, and one or two Race/Pace workouts, will typically be very high in order to refine technique and energy systems at high speeds.

Simultaneously, about 50% of the training volume will be low-intensity aerobic training through Overdistance and Endurance/Easy Distance activities in order to maintain the aerobic base. The Peak stage is also characterized by an emphasis on restoration and recovery from training so that the body may become fully rested and energy stores completely replenished prior to intense competition.

2. Answer the questions.

1. Are the terms “tapering” and “sharpening” synonymous? 2. Does an increase or decrease in training volume characterize this stage? 3. The intensity of what training components will be high here? 4. What is the percentage of low-intensity aerobic training at this stage? 5. What is the emphasis on restoration and recovery from training here?


Text 4.2d Stage IV: Racing

1. Read the text bellow. Do you share the author’s ideas?

1. Ideally, the plan will have been successfully carried out and you will be at optimal racing capabilities at this stage. Depending on you and the design of your training plan, peak racing form and top racing will last 8 to 16 weeks.

2. Some sports, such as cycling, may involve slightly longer Racing seasons, and this must be reflected in the overall plan. Approximately 50% of total training time during this stage will be Overdistance in order to maintain the aerobic base and provide active recovery training. Interval training will comprise another 10% to 15% of total training, Speed work will be about 10% of total, and Racing will constitute the remaining time.

3. The races will be very demanding physiologically. That, coupled with the stresses of travel, change of diet, and psychological adjustment, will wear you down. It is essential that you employ an active restoration/recovery routine during this stage.


2. Answer the questions.

1. Will you be at optimal racing capabilities at Racing stage? 2. How long will the peak racing form last? 3. What helps to maintain the aerobic base during this stage? 4. What is the percentage of interval training (Speed work, Racing) here? 5. Why will the races be very demanding? 6. What will wear you down? 7. What else is it essential to do at this stage?


3. Translate the following into English.

Успешное выполнение тренировочного плана, как правило, гарантирует спортсмену обретение оптимальной соревновательной формы. В зависимости от вас самих и построения вашего тренировочного плана пик соревновательной формы атлета может продлиться от 8 до 16 недель. В некоторых видах спорта соревновательный сезон бывает дольше. Это следует учесть в общем плане. На этой стадии около 50% всего тренировочного времени отводится на сверхдистанции. На интервальную тренировку уходит еще 10 –15 %, скоростная работа занимает 10 % и на тренировочные соревнования – все оставшееся время. Проведения таких состязаний необходимо с физиологической точки зрения. Все это усугубляется стрессами по переезду, изменениями в диете, психологической адаптацией и приводит к потере формы. Во время этого периода необходимо обеспечить проведение активной реабилитации.


Text 4.2e Stage V: Restoration

1. Read the text bellow. Do you share the author’s ideas?

1. After a competitive period, it is recommended that about 4 to 8 weeks be devoted to active recovery. 2. This stage is characterized by a reduced training volume and low-intensity training. 3. An emphasis is placed on using alternative training methods in a variety of terrain. 4. It is also beneficial to incorporate some team sports such as soccer or volleyball once in a while to break up the routine. 5. If you are coaching, this approach works especially well for younger athletes. 6. The key to all training in this stage is that it be less structured and have variety.


2. Insert prepositions if it is necessary.

1. It takes longer … some bodily systems to recover than it does … others. 2. Connective tissue (tendons and fascia) and supportive tissue (ligaments and bone), because … decreased vascularization, usually take longer to recover than do the metabolic and cardiovascular systems. 3. Likewise, mending … muscle proteins and replenishment … muscle glycogen typically take longer than replenishment … other biochemical substances. 4. It is essential that restoration practices be directed … those systems that require more time to recover.


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