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Self-study Work 2. 8 Sports Training Principles

I. Read the text and answer the following questions:

1. What are training principles agreed upon?

2. What is essential for optimizing the benefits of these guidelines?

3. What are commonly known training principles?

4. Why is it important for coaches to understand how they operate in practice and competition?

5. Which major principles does the author of the text suggest?

6. What does transfer principle mean?

7. What does recovery principle mean?

8. How does specificity principle differ from individualization principle?

9. Enumerate training principles that an athlete should follow for optimal training and performance?


Coaches rely on well-established sports training principles to build fitness training programs and develop sport skills. Principles are generally agreed upon guidelines that consistently apply to training athletes successfully. They summarize the best information from the sport sciences and good coaching practices.

When training athletes, it is advisable consider these principles collectively and interpret them with flexibility, rather than with rigidity. Wisdom from experience as well as good judgment is essential for optimizing the benefits of these guidelines.

The commonly known training principles (Specificity, Overload, and Recovery) are heavily grounded in exercise physiology--the study of the effects of exercise on the human body – but are sometimes misapplied in athletics. Regardless of the fields in which they are studied, it is most important for coaches to understand how they operate in practice and competition.

While it is important to know how to use these principles, skill learning, movement mechanics, and other areas that strengthen sports performance must be integrated into the training programs of athletes at their respective levels of competition.

The 8 Key Principles for Sports Training are:

1) The Balance Principle is a broadly applied principle that concerns achieving the right proportions of training activities.

2) The Individualization Principle concerns adjustments in training based on needs of individual athletes.

3) Overload Principle provides guidance about training intensity and progression.

4) The Recovery Principle concerns rest and recovery between training bouts.

5) The Reversibility Principle provides guidance about detraining when athletes stop working out.

6) The Specificity Principle dictates how training changes athletes' bodies to prepare for the demands of their sports.

7) The Transfer Principle provides guidance on how training activities can speed up sport learning and performance in competition.

8) The Variation Principle provides direction about training cycles that prevent problems such as plateaus and overtraining effects.

Thus, training to improve an athlete's performance obeys the principles of training: specificity, overload, recovery, adaptation and reversibility, as well as many other principles to consider.


II. Find the equivalents in your native language to the following words and word-combinations:

- well-established sports

- develop sport skills

- guidelines

- coaching practices

- misapplied in athletics

- skill learning

- movement mechanics

- respective levels

- balance principle

- adjustments

- intensity and progression

- detraining

- plateaus and overtraining effects

- reversibility


III. Make a ranking of the most important training principles for professional athletes. Do they differ from those applied by amateur athletes? Write, please, about it.

Passive Voice (Пасивний стан)

The English verbs may be used in active and passive voices:

- when we use the active verb, we say what the subjectdoes: Johnbuilt the house in 1987.

- when we use the passive verb, we say what happens with the subject, what is done with it: The housewas built by John.

Passive Voice is used:

- when the person who does the action is unknown, unimportant or obvious from the context: Rolls Royce cars are made in England.

- When the action itself is more important that the person who carries it (is used in news reports): Two people were injured in the car accident.

We form the Passive in the following way:

to be + the past participle of the main verb (Vedfor regular verbs orV3for irregular verbs)


  Present Indefinite Passive Past Indefinite Passive Future Indefinite Passive
+ I he, she, it we, you, they am is are Ved/V3 I, he, she, it we, you, they   was were Ved/V3 I he, she, it we, you, they will be Ved/V3
e.g. I am often asked to help. We are invited to the party. Letters were delivered by postman yesterday. The students will be informed tomorrow.
- I he, she, it we, you, they am not is not are not Ved/V3 I, he, she, it we, you, they wasn’t weren’t Ved/V3 I he, she, it we, you, they will not be /won’t Ved/V3
e.g. I am not often asked to help. You are not invited. Letters were not delivered by postman yesterday. The students won’t be informed tomorrow.
? Am Is Are I he, she, it we, you, they Ved/ V3 Was Were I, he, she, it we, you, they Ved/V3 Will I he, she, it we, you, they be + Ved/V3
e.g. Is he often asked to help? Are they invited to the party? When were the letters delivered? Will the students be informed tomorrow?


2.1. Put the verb into the correct Present, Past, Future Active or Passive.

e.g. It is a big factory. Five hundred people are employed (employ) there.

1. The room _________ (clean) yesterday. 2. Water ________ (cover) most of the Earth’s surface. 3. The park gates ________ (lock) at 7 p.m. every evening. 4. The students ______ (come) tomorrow. 5. The information _______ (release) next week. 6. The letter _______ (post) a week age and it ________ (arrive) yesterday. 7. The boat hit a rock and ______ (sink) quickly. Fortunately, everybody _______ (rescue). 8. When I was on holiday, my camera ______ (steal). 9. When I was on holiday, my camera ______ (disappear) from the hotel room. 10. Many cars ______ (produce) in China. 11. He ______ (invite) to her party. 12. They _______ (repair) their car tomorrow.

1.2. Translate into English using the correct Present, Past, Future Active or Passive.

1. Я розповів – Мені розповіли. 2. Я запитаю. – Мене запитають. 3. Я часто допомагаю іншим. – Мені часто допомагають. 4. Він забув. – Його забули. 5. Чорне море омиває береги Криму. 6. Україна розташована в Центральній Європі. 7. Більшість природних ресурсів приховано під землею. 8. Україна розділена на дві частини Дніпром: лівобережну і правобережну. 9. Україна була проголошена незалежною 1991 року. 10. Державна влада в Україні поділяється на законодавчу, виконавчу та судову гілки. 11. Більшість українців вважають, що зимові олімпійські ігри будуть проведені в українських Карпатах. 12. Вся правда про заснування Київської Русі не була встановлена в минулому, але в майбутньому її точно знайдуть.

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