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Text 1. 1 coaching careerСтр 1 из 22Следующая ⇒
TOPIC 1. COACHING AS A JOB 1. Discuss and share your opinion: ü What is coaching? How does it differ from teaching? ü What qualities should both good teachers and effective coaches have?
2. Read the text bellow. Do you share the author’s ideas? Text 1.1 COACHING CAREER Many prospective physical educators aspire to a career as a coach. Within the last decade coaching opportunities have increased tremendously. The increased interest in sport by people of all ages also served as a stimulus to enhance opportunities in competitive athletics. Similar to teaching, opportunities to coach today exist in both the school and nonschool setting. At the interscholastic and collegiate setting it is often expected to combine teaching and coaching responsibilities. In nonschool settings coaching opportunities are available with professional teams, commercial sport clubs, and community recreation and sport programs. Individuals choose a coaching career for many reasons: their love to sport, their own previous involvement on athletic teams, and the enjoyment they derived from participation. Coaching is a highly visible occupation. Coaches may have a great deal of influence and power within both the institution and community. The excitement, attention, influence, and recognition associated with coaching make it attractive career choice. A coaching career has both advantages and disadvantages. Many intrinsic rewards are associated with coaching. The opportunity to work with athletes and strive side by side with them to achieve their fullest potential, the excitement of winning and the satisfaction associated with giving the best of oneself, and the respect accorded to a coach are some of the intrinsic benefits of coaching. There are several drawbacks associated with coaching. The hours are often long and arduous. The practice hours and the hours spent coaching during a competition are the most visible indications of the amount of time involved in coaching. Untold hours may be spent in preparing practices, reviewing the results of games and planning for the next encounter, counselling athletes, performing public relations work, and, at the collegiate level, recruiting. Since coaching is in essence teaching, the qualities that exemplify good teachers—organizational, communication, human relations, instructional, and motivational skills—may also be characteristics of effective coaches. Many responsibilities associated with coaching may be classified as instructional, managerial, and institutional in nature. Salaries vary greatly, depending on the level coached, the sport coached, and the coach's position as head or assistant coach. Salaries at the high school level can range from a small stipend to a few thousand dollars, whereas coaches at the collegiate and professional levels may have contracts worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.
3. Answer the questions to the text. 1. Who aspires to a career as a coach? 2. Are there any coaching opportunities for them? 3. What servers as a stimulus to enhance opportunities in competitive athletics? 4. Opportunities to coach exist in the school and nonschool setting, don’t they? 5. What opportunities do coaches have at school and college? 6. What places can coaches work in nonschool setting? 7. What are the reasons to choose a coaching career? 8. What makes coaching an attractive career choice? 9. Does a coaching career have advantages or disadvantages? 10. What rewards are associated with coaching? 11. Do you know about any drawbacks in coaching? 12. What features may exemplify good coaches? 13. Why coaches’ salaries vary greatly? 14. What do you think about coaching as your future career?
4. Find English equivalents for the following. будущий/перспективный; стремиться; последнее десятилетие; возмож-ность трудоустроиться тренером; возрастать; в огромной мере; за/ в пределах; люди всех возрастов; сфера/обстановка; доступный; сочетать; получать удовольствие; причина; существовать; трудный; как … так; стимул; повышать/улучшать; обязанность; бессчетный; иметь большое влияние; соревновательный; ожидать; оклад/зарплата; производить набор; награда / вознаграждение; идти бок о бок; признание; недостаток; существенный / присущий; соответствовать; варьироваться; жалование/стипендия; выполнять работу по связям с общественностью; профессия «на виду»; возбуждение/волнение; собственный; уважение; по характеру/по сути; явный / очевидный показатель; уровень; существенный/присущий; преимущество; предыдущий; подобно/сходно; выбирать; привлекательный; характеризовать/ служить примером; в зависимости от; тогда как; количество; тратить/расходовать; удовлетворение; выступление/встреча; достигать; давать советы/консультировать; выгода/привилегия
5. Complete the sentences with logical ending in accordance with the text. 1. Many prospective physical educators aspire to a career …. 2. Opportunities to coach today exist in …. 3. Individuals choose a coaching career for many reasons: …..4. A coaching career has both advantages and ….. 5. Many intrinsic rewards are associated with coaching:...6. There are several drawbacks associated with coaching:.... 7. The following qualities can exemplify effective coaches: …. 8. Salaries vary greatly, depending on:....
6. Use a synonym instead of a word in italics. 1. There are several disadvantages associated with coaching. 2. Coaching is an occupation which is in a public eye. 3. A lot of hours may be spent in preparing training sessions, reviewing the results of games and planning for the next competition, counselling athletes, performing public relations work, and, at the collegiate level, recruiting. 4. Coaching is teaching in nature. 5. Individuals choose a coaching career for many motives. 6. Within the last decade coaching opportunities have enhanced very much. 7. Today there are opportunities to coach in both the school and nonschool sphere.
7. Translate the following into English. 1. Многие будущие специалисты в области физического воспитания и спорта выбирают карьеру тренера. 2. Возможность работать тренером заметно возросла в последнее время. 3. Можно работать как в учебном заведении, так и в профессиональных командах, спортивных коммерческих клубах, муниципальных рекреационных программах, и т. д.. 4. Существует много причин для выбора тренерской деятельности в качестве профессии. 5. Для одних это любовь к спорту, прежний спортивный опыт, радость от занятия спортом. 6. Других привлекает то, что тренер пользуется большим авторитетом и уважением в обществе. 7. К недостаткам работы тренером можно отнести не лимитированный рабочий день, когда много времени уходит на проведение тренировок, анализ выступлений, планирование и подготовку тренировочного процесса, осуществление связей с общественностью, а также проведения набора и селекции. 8. Хороший тренер должен быть хорошим организатором, обладать коммуникативными навыками, уметь ладить с людьми, уметь хорошо инструктировать и мотивировать своих подопечных. 9. Оплата труда тренера варьируется в зависимости от уровня тренерской деятельности, вида спорта и должностного уровня.