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Text 2. 1 the training language barrier

2. Read the following text. What does the author mean by language barrier?

Training has a language of its own. Like all spoken languages, this language comprises hundreds of different " dialects, " each with its own nuances and connotations for commonly used training expressions. Not surprisingly, we sometimes misunderstand each other when we talk about training. For example, some coaches use the term speed work to refer to several types of training with varying time and intensity, including short, 8-second speed bursts, 5-minute intervals, and race/pace sessions. Another person might have a different meaning for speed work, such as 200-meter leg-speed drills. The examples are endless.

When an athlete attends a camp or clinic and starts working with a new coach, the training language barrier can become a serious problem. The athlete must spend valuable energy and time trying to interpret the training dialect used at the clinic, slowing the learning process considerably. Just think how fast athletes could learn if everyone spoke the same training language.

In Scandinavia, Germany, and the Soviet Union, coaches are highly trained in physiology, psychology, biomechanics, and other sport sciences. Typically there is a national system used for training, and the terminology is the same across the board, both within each sport and from sport to sport. This makes it is easy for a cross-country skier to communicate with and learn from a runner, because both speak the same training language. Young children growing up with this system accelerate their learning and quickly master the skills of training for their sports. This systematic approach to training serves as a great translator and a universal approach that provides a foundation from which any training plan may be created.

My goal here is to share with you some information about the various components of training for endurance sports and to present the basic methods for using a systematic approach to training. But first, let's discuss your needs and goals for using this book and the systematic approach to training.


3. Find the English equivalents for the following:

цель, разный, одинаковы повсюду, легкий, совершенствовать умения, потребность, систематический подход, значительно, собственный, обыкновенно /обычно, быстро, замедлять, нюанс, удивительно, скоростные рывки, интенсивность, дополнительный оттенок значения, хорошо подготовленный, трактовать, выносливость, ускорять, ценный, закладывать фундамент, общаться, бесконечный, охватывать \ включать, (по)делиться.

4. Substitute words and word combinations from the text for the italicized parts.

1. Training has a tongue of its own. 2. We sometimes don’t understand each other when we talk about training. 3. Some coaches use the term speed work to allude to several types of training with varying time and intensity. 4. A person might have another meaning for speed work. 5. The athlete must waste energy and time trying to interpret the training dialect used at the clinic. 6. Typically there is a national system used for training, and the terminology is similar both within each sport and from sport to sport. 7. Young children growing up with this system speed up their learning and quickly perfect the skills of training for their sports.


5. Complete the sentences with logical ending.

1. Like all spoken languages, this language comprises …. 2. When an athlete attends a camp or clinic and starts working with a new coach, the training language barrier can become …. 3. How fast athletes could learn if everyone spoke …. 4. In Scandinavia, Germany, and the Soviet Union, coaches are highly trained in …. 5. This makes it is easy for a cross-country skier to communicate with and learn from a runner, because …. 6. This systematic approach to training serves as ….


6. Put 10 questions to the text (3 general, 2 alternative, 2 disjunctive, and 3 special ones).

7. Translate the following into English:

У тренировочного процесса свой собственный язык. Очень легко, когда в разных видах спорта одни и те же термины обозначают одни и те же понятия. Барьер в понимании тренировочных терминов является серьезной проблемой. Спортсмену приходится тратить драгоценное время и энергию на толкование тренерских указаний. В Скандинавии, Германии и бывшем СССР у тренеров хорошая академическая подготовка в области физиологии, психологии, биомеханики и т.д. Они пользуются одной и той же терминологией повсеместно. Если все говорят на одном и том же тренировочном языке, то это способствует ускорению обучения спортсмена и формированию тренировочного мастерства.



1. Read the following text. Do you share the author’s opinion?

The information presented in this book applies to a variety of endurance sports. The systematic approach to training works equally well for the beginner and the elite athlete. The principles in each instance are the same, though the content of the actual training plans will be different to suit the individuals.

Beginners will find an easy-to-follow, step-by-step approach to determining their abilities and goals and forming a training system that makes sense and that will serve as a springboard for improved fitness and success in endurance sports.

People who train to improve or maintain physical and mental health through cross-training will find the systematic approach helpful for coaxing their bodies toward greater states of fitness in a safe and sensible fashion. A foundation for mastering many aspects of conditioning can be formed through systematic training.

More advanced amateur competitors will use the systematic approach to clearly map out their progression of training and competition during the months ahead, incorporating previous experiences and training knowledge within the plan.

Serious, elite-level endurance athletes will also benefit from the systematic approach to training, which meets their need to project progressive improvements in performance over a number of years or competitive seasons. Every detail can be planned with this method, from daily workouts to training camps to national championship competitions. The elite athlete can use the systematic approach to plan and control an overall program, making sure it truly fits individual needs and circumstances.

Coaches can easily insert their own training experiences and philosophies into the systematic approach, producing an organized, efficient, manageable program for athletes. Each athlete's individual needs can be considered and met, while the integrity of the overall training program is maintained. In this way the coach can nurture each athlete's progress with detail and precision while directing the progress of the collective team. New training theories and ideas, which continually challenge the coach, can be tested and applied within the systematic approach, and the effects of each can be measured accurately.


2. Answer the questions:

1. How do you plan your training currently? 2. Do you map out 6 or 12 months of training in advance, projecting a peak and a competition period? 3. How do you keep up with the latest training information and incorporate it into your plan? 4. Do you plan and train by feel? 5. How do you monitor the progress of your training and the stress and recovery associated with it? 6. Does your training plan raise your conditioning level at the rate you desire? 7. What is the systematic approach for beginners? 8. More advanced athletes don’t use the systematic approach, do they? 9. In what way can serious, elite athletes treat the systematic approach? 10. As a rule coaches don’t apply their own experience and philosophies for the systematic approach, do they? 11. Does the systematic approach to training work equally well for the beginner and the elite athlete?

3. Find English equivalents for the following:

бросать вызов; возможность/способность; содержание; может быть точно измерен; направлять; таким образом; вырабатывать; точность; целостность; ин-дивидуальные потребности каждого спортсмена должны учитываться; опыт; убедиться; действительно/подлинно; ежедневные тренировки; cоревнователь-ный; определение; иметь смысл; трамплин; тело/организм; хотя; спортсмены высокого класса; доступный; постепенно; применять; состояние; предыдущий; отвечать нуждам; приводить организм в состояние лучшей физической формы; приносить пользу / выгоду; подходить / соответствовать; способ / манера; любительский; успех; ощутимый / заметный/ рациональный / безопасный; четко планировать; продвинутый / повышенного типа; совершенствовать/улучшать; вперед/ заблаговременно; реальный/фактический; улучшение; на протяжении лет; результативность/соревновательное мастерство; планировать / проектиро-вать; вкладывать; обстоятельство; полезный; способствовать формировать; безопасный; одинаково хорошо; поддерживать/ сохранять; общий; внедрять


4. Substitute words and word combinations from the text for the italicized parts.

1. The systematic approach to training is beneficial both for the beginner and the elite athlete. 2. The principles in each example are the similar, though the content of the real training plans will be different to fit the individuals. 3. Beginners will find a simple, gradual approach to defining their capabilities and objectives and nurturing a training system that makes sense and that will serve as a springboard for improved conditioning and success in endurance sports. 4. People who train to perfect or to keep physical and mental health through cross-training will find the systematic approach useful for coaxing their bodies toward greater states of fitness in a safe and rational way. 5. Coaches can easily implement their own training experiences and philosophies into the systematic approach, producing an organized, efficient, manageable program for athletes.

5. Complete the sentences with logical endings in accordance with the text.

1. A foundation for mastering many aspects of conditioning can be formed through …. 2. More advanced amateur competitors will use the systematic approach to …. 3. Serious, elite-level endurance athletes will also benefit from the systematic approach to training, which …. 4. Coaches can easily insert their own training experiences and philosophies into …. 5. the coach can nurture each athlete's progress with …. 6. The information presented in this book applies to ….



6. Translate the following into English:

1. Систематический подход к тренировке одинаково хорош как для новичка, так и для спортсмена высокого класса. 2. Принципы тренировки остаются одни и те же, хотя содержание тренировочных планов зависит от потребностей каждого отдельного индивидуума. 3. Такой подход к тренировочному процессу позволяет учесть возможности спортсмена и определить цели тренировки, сформировать систему, которая имеет смысл и способствует совершенство-ванию физической формы и результативности. 4. Для спортсменов высокого класса такой подход дает возможность четкого планирования постепенного совершенствования соревновательного мастерства на несколько лет вперед.



1. Read the following text. Describe the key aspects of the given approach?

The systematic approach has proven successful for athletes and coaches of many countries. This comprehensive method works equally well for endurance athletes of all levels, from the beginner to the elite athlete. There are many benefits to training the systematic way, including variety, complete planning, adjustability, and regard for individual needs and differences. The structure provides a framework around which a sound, physiologically correct plan can be created. Perhaps most importantly, systematic training serves as a universal translator so that you and coaches can begin speaking the same training language, thereby accelerating the learning process and increasing your potential to learn from other sports. If you know how long a workout is, its intensity, and the activity used, you will have a good idea of the physiological value of the workout and be able to relate it to your previous experiences.

No matter how you slice it, you (and every other athlete) follow some plan. Sometimes that plan is decided upon 5 minutes before you run out the door, with little regard for what was done yesterday and what will be done tomorrow. Sometimes a coach's plan is made up on Monday to include the rest of the week's workouts, yet is pretty much the same week after week and is used for each athlete on the team, regardless of individual differences.

2. Make up 10 questions of all types to the text.

3. Complete the sentences with words from a box.

to follow; will require; to evaluate; log; the most important; balance; essential; need

1. Keeping a detailed … is not difficult and will provide you with the data you – and perhaps coaches, doctors, or sports scientists - will need … … your training objectively. 2. Perhaps … … … concept behind logging is that of balance. 3. Balance between overtraining and understanding … … continuously checking your state of training – revealed in your log. 4. In order to maintain the fine … required for optimizing your potential and minimizing any downtime, disciplined logging is …. 5. The SERIOUS training log system is logical and easy … …. 6. All you … is the commitment to make it work for you.


4. Translate the following into English.


Тренировочный дневник был разработан для ведения записей по контролю над использованием компонентов тренировки, хотя его можно модифицировать и привести в соответствие с систематическим тренировочным планом и сопутствующим ему тренировочным компонентам. Он предназначен для того, чтобы помочь вам отследить прогресс, выявить тенденции, сбалансировать тренировку, легко справиться со стрессом и перетрени-рованностью, не тратя много времени на письменную фиксацию незначительных подробностей.


5. Retell the text “A Training Approach that Works”.

6. Comment on the scheme bellow.


Scheme 2. Training Process

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