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Ex.2. balm – balk – bald palm - walk – alderÑòð 1 èç 3Ñëåäóþùàÿ ⇒
A” after “w”, “wh”, “qu” in close syllables [P]: w a nt, wh a t, qu a d; [L]: w ar n, wh ar f, qu ar ter. Ex.1. ant – w ant mad – w ad ash – w ash match – s w atch splash – s qu ash and – w and tan – w an at – w att hat – wh at bad – qu ad But! made – wade pane – wane paste – waste pale – whale take – quake
Ex.2. barn – w arn scarf – s w arf bard – w ard start – w art bar – w ar farm – w arm harp – w arp starve – d w arf Carter – qu arter darts – qu artz But! bare – ware mare – square
Ex.3. w ash – w ake – w ar – w are wh at – wh ale – wh arf s qu ash – qu ake – qu art – s qu are -'ange- [eɪ ]: to be an angel, a strange, noise, a wide range of goods, danger money, to change for the better, to ar'range a party. But! a glass of 'orange juice -aste- [eɪ ]: paste, waste, haste. Ex.1. Don’t waste time! A notice had been pasted on the door. They left in haste. ‘a’ + ‘ff, ft, nt, nce, nch, ss, sk, sp, st, th’ [ɑ ː ]: staff, after, can’t, chance, branch, class, ask, clasp, cast, bath. But! plastic['plæ stIk], ant, pant, classic, etc. Ex.1. Agatha has broken her arm and is having a plaster cast around it. A path had been worn across the grass. She clasped the photograph in her hand. He was given the task of stacking the chairs in the classroom. We’ve planted tomatoes and carrots in the garden. Are you Mrs. Grant, by any chance? The bank has branches all over the country. We’re understaffed. After a few days I felt much better. Venice enchanted me instantly. Ron is my classmate. Ex. 2. The most part of children’s toys is made of plastic. Ant is a small insect that lives in large groups. “I can’t run any farther, ” she panted. Jane studied classics at Oxford. ‘a’ + ‘lm, lf, lves’ (‘l’ is silent) [ɑ ː ]: balm, calm, palm, calf – calves, half – halves. Ex.1. Her words were a balm to my shredded nerves. Keep calm, and try not to panic. He held the pebble in the palm of his hand. Among the cows there were several calves. An hour and a half later I was still waiting for him. ‘a’ + ‘ll, ld, lt’ [ɔ ː ]: call, bald, malt. Ex.1. All of them were present. The cars tyres are completely bald. I’m only five feet tall. We decided to paint the walls blue. Waltz is my favourite dance. A lot of people filled the lecture hall. When a child, he used to play with a ball. Buy some salt, please. The rain had started falling again.
‘a’ + ‘lk’ (‘l’ is silent) [ɔ ː ]: balk, talk, chalk, walk. Ex.1. Perry seemed interested, but balked when he heard the price. Listen, Howard, you should have a talk with Marty. You can chalk the drinks up to my account. We must have walked ten miles today. Ex.2. balm – balk – bald palm - walk – alder ca lf – ca lk - ma lt ha lf – ta lk - sa lt ha lves –cha lk – ba ll ca lves – sta lk – ma ll ‘a’ = [e]: ANY, MANY, ATE, Thames ['eni]: Any plan chosen should take these factors into account. Anyhow, what difference does it make what I think? Nick doesn’t live here any more. If anyone sees Lisa, ask her to call me. Would you like anything else to eat? I can’t find it anywhere. ['meni]: Many of our staff are actually part-time workers. [et], [eɪ t]: He was a vegetarian so he ate no meat. “o” [ɒ ]: on, odd, not, soft, stock, box, clock, ox, hot, lock; [ɔ ː ]: or, born, short, port, torn, form, fork, force; [ə ʊ ]: no, note, ode, home; [ɔ ː ]: tore, score, before. But! [uː ]: do, to, who, move, lose; [P]: gone; [A]: done, son, come, love, none; [qV]: don’t, won’t; etc. Ex.1. hop – hope – horn – ore pot – woe – cord – sore Bob – foe – for – more cod – go – orb – bore pond – doe – stork – core cost – roe – Morse – store Ex.2. A l o st n o te, a sh o rt b o ne, to g o h o me, to st o p the cl o ck, cl o gged p o res, to get a j o b, to go o n tipt o e, to be cl o se to the b o ne, a s o re throat, to st o ck goods, two days ag o, to turn o ff the radi o, to eat tomat o es and potat o es, a ph o t o album, to comp o se the sh o t, al o ne but n o t l o nely. Ex.3. We’re n o t supp o sed to sm o ke here. The waves hit the r o cks with tremendous f o rce. It’s s o o dd. The play has l o st n o ne of its f o rce. He t o re o ff to the st o re to l o ck it. R o n st o le my credit card and f o rged (to forge) my signature. We st o pped d o ing it in the first f o rm. It’s n o j o ke. This is the bare b o nes of the plan. He arrived h o me bef o re me. She always p o kes her n o se into everything. I couldn’t agree m o re. He was a great comp o ser. His excuse was made up out of wh o le cloth. R o se was cl o thed (to clothe) in a simple dress. ‘w’ + ‘o’ + ‘r’ +… [ɜ: ]: word, work, world, worm, worse, worship, worst, worth, worthy. But! to wear – wore [wɔ ː ]– worn [wɔ ː n] to swear – swore [swɔ ː ]- sworn [swɔ ː n] Ex.1. core – cord – w ord tore – torque – w ork bore- born – w orm ore – horse – w orse more – north – w orth lordship – w orship It’s the w orst oven in the w orld. It’s only w orthy of being thrown away. ‘o’ + ‘st, ll, ld, lt’ [ə ʊ ]: most, toll, bold, bolt; Ex.1. most, host, ghost, post; But! to cost – cost - cost, to lose – lost - lost boll, knoll, poll, roll, toll; But! doll, loll, moll old, bold, cold, gold, hold, sold, told; bolt, dolt, jolt, molt, volt, colt. Ex.2. The m o st part, the O ld World, a r o lling ball, to c o st a pretty penny, a h o st of possibilities, a g o ld chain, t o ld a story, a C o lt 45, to h o ld a position, a gh o st writer, to feel every j o lt of a bus, in b o ld type, a little d o ll, to go to the p o lls, c o ld and windy. ‘o’ + ‘lk’ (l is silent) [ə ʊ ]: folk, folklore, yolk. Ex.1. Is it OK if I call my f o lks? This is an o ld Spanish f o lk s o ng. Acc o rding to the l o cal f o lkl o re, the cave was o nce o ccupied by a witch. Mix two y o lks with flour. “a” – “o” Ex.1. a – “o” mare – more add – odd farm – form lazy – rose share – shore lack – lock barn – born game – gnome snare – snore sad – soft lard – lord tape – hope beware – before ax – ox park – pork jape – joke hare – ore sad – cod start – torch
Ex.2. qua sh – g o sh Ex.3. war d – wor d wha t – w o t war – wor k wa tch – sc o tch d war f – wor th qua d – qu o d war m – wor m wa d – w o g war t – wor st wa nder – w o nder war p – wor ld
Ex.4. p a st – p o st Ex.5. b a ll – b o ll Ex.6. b a ld – b o ld – b o lt Ex.7. ch a lk - f o lk l a st – lost – m o st p a ll – p o ll h a lt – h o ld – j o lt t a lk - y o lk c a st – cost – h o st t a ll – t o ll s a lt – s o ld – v o lt w a lk - f o lklore bl a st – gh o st c a ll – r o ll m a lt – m o lt – c o ld “a” F a t, w a nt, w a de, underst a ffed, A ndy, ench a nted, c a ll, a ny, squ a sh, b a ld, w a rn, d a nger, w a tt, c a n’t, ch a nce, y a rd, b a lm, a, w a res, f a lling, qu a d, a fter, ch a nged, t a lked, w a nd, sw a mp, or a nge, M a rch, g a ll, a ce, gr a nted, w a rd, h a ll, r a nge, c a re, br a nches, d a rk, m a ny, wh a le, c a lm, w a n, p a lm, t a sk, sh a n’t, cl a ssmate, m a re, ch a lk, a sk, w a r, j a r, qu a ke, p a ll, qu a rt, w a ne, qu a rtz, M a ry, w a d, wh a rf, h a lt, c a lf, a te, cl a sped, a ll, dw a rf, S a rah, w a lked, A rthur, b a ll, wh a t, arr a nge, w a sted, qu a rter, j a m, c a st, m a lt, b a th, J a mes, s a lt, c a lves, a ngel, w a lls, pl a nted, c a sh, v a ry, s a c, l a rd, h a lf, c a lk, h a ste, pl a ster, squ a re, str a nge, t a ll, p a th, p a ste, h a lves, sw a n. “ea” Br ea d, ea r, l ea d (ñâèíåö), s ea s, p ea, thr ea ten, ea rly, s ea l, d ea r, w ea ther, w ea lthy, p ea rls, g ea r, ea sy, b ea r, br ea th – to br ea the, ea rnest, d ea d, f ea red, m ea l, h ea r, m ea t, n ea rly, to r ea d – r ea d – r ea d, l ea rned, spr ea d, s ea rch, h ea d, b ea n, r ea r, sw ea ter, to m ea n – m ea nt – m ea nt, y ea r, ea ch, st ea lth, to l ea d, sp ea k, h ea rd, b ea rd, d ea th, br ea k, dr ea dful, cl ea r, h ea ther, h ea rth, pl ea se, st ea k, h ea t, t ea ch, ea rth, sw ea r, str ea m, b ea t, h ea rse, l ea ve, h ea rt, to d ea l – d ea lt – d ea lt, app ea r. “e”: her, he, bet, qwerty, cedar, hero, hen, 'permit, fern, cede, gene, here, birth, be; “i”: wire, quit, sire, hippy, shirt, pirate, write, quirk, tired, hide, mire, bird, quire, whinny, whirl, quite, quiet, wrist, fire, hist, skirt, hire, fir, quizzical, dire, iron; “y”: cyst, hype, lyre, mystic, Byrd, hymn, Tyler, Byron, pyre, type, gym, Tyne, myth, Kyle, system, tyre, Myron, hyssop, Krypton, cycle, sylph, during, nymph, scythe, Kyd, byre, lymph, nylon; “u”: murrh, cure, surge, cut, jury, suffer, jute, rude, jut, lurch, burn, lure, cute, burr, curd, rule, splurge, sure, endure, pure. “ c, g, sc” before e, i, y in other positions c [s] [k] sc [s] [sk] g [G] [g] Ex.1. Colour, c ivil, g uide, c all, sc ythe, g entle, c ellar, c are, sc andal, c reep, g ap, ba g, c lear, c inema, g esture, c ost, sc issors, g uess, c ertain, c y c le, c ut, c urtain, sc ene, c y c lone, g lad, G eor g e, c yme, g em, sc an, c osy, pen c il, c olonel, g or g eous, g ym, peda g o g ical, sc ale, g uard, micro sc ope, en g ine, c ir c us. But! geese, get, gift, girl, give, etc.