
Polysyllabic Words

Ex.4. University, artillery, responsibility, family, article, America, illuminate, personage, academy, possible, ornament, mineral, miracle, political, thunderous, activity, murderous, unity, articulate, interval, republican, Saturday, holiday, absolute, telephone.

Ex.5. Capable - capability, centralize - centralization, convertible convertibility, cordial cordiality, dominate domination, execute execution, electrify electrification, generous generosity, improbable improbability, justify justification, vaporize vaporization, particular particularity, opposite opposition, opportunity, mutable mutability.


[qV]: boast, coach, coat, foam, groan, loaf loaves, oak, oath, oat, road, roast, soap, toad.

But! broad [brO: d], abroad [q'brO: d].

Ex.8. Im fed up hearing Jan b oa st about her new job. Wash thoroughly with s oa p and water. They spend all day l oa fing around on street corners. Her first play got r oa sted by the critics. We live just down the r oa d. The knights swore an oa th of loyalty to their king. Put on your c oa t. T oa d is a large frog. The kids all gr oa ned when I switched off the TV. Buy two l oa ves of bread, please. The track was 3 metres broad. Val woke up with a sore thr oa t.


[O: ]: boar, oar, roar, soar, board, coarse, hoard, hoarse.

Ex.9. Jims skin was c oar se from years of working outdoors. The rocket s oar ed into orbit. Can I put this notice on the b oar d? We heard a lion r oar. Take the oar and row the boat. His voice was h oar se from laughing. He kept a little h oar d of chocolates in his top drawer.

Ex.10. r oa d r oa r s oa k s oa r oa k oa r br oa d - l oa th

c oa st c oa rse b oa t b oa r b oa st b oa rd g oa l h oa rd


[ə ʊ ]: tow, mow, stow, bowl, snow, own;

[aʊ ]: clown, how, owl, howl, cow, town, tower, towel, power, vow, crown, crowd, gown.

NB! Row: [rə ʊ ] , - [raʊ ] , ;

bow: [bə ʊ ] , [baʊ ] .

Ex.11. Frankie was a bit a cl ow n always joking. It sn ow ed all night. Where is my dressing g ow n? Mix all the ingredients thoroughly in a b ow l. The motor is p ow ered by a solar battery. How much do you ow e? He left the company to start the business of his ow n. Why would the ow l h ow l? You can st ow your gear under the bed. The Empress was cr ow ned ten years ago. Its time to m ow the lawn again. He v ow ed to kill his wifes lover. Can you give us a t ow? He b ow ed before the king. - Robin Hoods men used b ow s and arrows to shoot. The children were asked to stay in a r ow. The news caused a terrible family r ow.


[i: ]: sea, meal, meat, pea, bean; a lot of

[e] + d, t, th, lth: brea d, threa t, wea th er, stea lth; exceptions!!!

[eɪ ] + k: break, steak + great.

Ex.12. Dont thr eat en me! Birds of a f eath er flock together. Early to bed and early to rise, makes the man h ealth y, w ealth y and wise. Hes d ead. Hes deaf. My h ead aches. Weve had some dr ead ful w eath er lately. The d eath of his mother was a great shock. H eath er grows in Scotland.

They filled him full of lead. - You lead and well follow.

Ive read it twice. - Read the text.

Beads of sw eat stood out on his brow. The stove takes a while to heat up. Brazil were beaten in the final 2 1.

To deal dealt dealt; to mean meant meant.


[ɪ ə ]: ear, dear, gear, fear, hear, tear (), rear, year, clear, beard; before

[eə ]: bear, pear, tear (), wear; final r

[ɜ: ]: heard, hearse, learn, earn, earl, early, earnest, earth, pearl, search; before r +

[ɑ ː: ]: heart, hearth. cons. letter

Ex.13. John whispered something to Nans ear. Her ear ly life was miserably unhappy. He ear ns n ear ly $20, 000 a y ear. He is such an ear nest young man! The space shuttle is returning to ear th. Oh, I cant b ear that man he has a b ear d! Tears just rolled down his face. Be careful you dont tear your sleeve. Im s ear ching for a cl ear room. My h ear t beats each time I h ear of p ear ls.


-igh: [aɪ ] high, thigh, sigh, nigh;

-ight: [aɪ t] fight, might, right, night, knight, fright, light, slight, plight, bight;

-eigh: [eɪ ] sleigh, neigh, neighbour;

-eight: [aɪ t] height, sleight;

[eɪ t] - weight, eight;

-ough: [ʌ f] tough, enough, rough, slough;

[ɑ ː f] laugh, laughter;

[ u: ] through;

[ə ʊ ] though, although, dough;

[aʊ ] plough, sough;

[ə ] thorough, thoroughly, borough.

-ought: [ɔ ː: t] ought, fought, bought, nought;

[aʊ t] drought;

-aught: [ɔ ː: t] caught, slaughter, daughter, fraught, naughty;


[ə ]: lustre, centre, theatre, sombre, ogre, sabre, timbre, cadre, massacre, nacre, spectre;

But! genre['ʒ ʌ nrə ].


[s]: sc e ne, sc i ssors, Sc y lla;

[sk]: scan, scale;

Ex.14. Sc ald, sc ene, sc ale, sc alp, sc andal, sc anner, sc ar, sc ience, sc arcely, sc are, sc arf, sc arlet, sc ientist, sc old, sc ooter, sc ope, sc issors, sc ore, Sc ot, sc otch, sc oundrel, sc enery, sc out, sc orpion, sc ent, sc rabble, sc rap, sc rape, sc enic, sc ratch, sc rawl, sc ream, sc ythe, sc reen, sc rew, sc ribble, sc eptre, sc ribe, sc ript, sc roll, sc rutinize, sc ull, sc ulpture.


[tʃ ]: ea ch, ch ildren, tea ch er;

[k]: e ch o, ch aracter = russian .

Ex.15. Ch aracter, te ch nique, ch oir, ch orus, ch aos, ch emistry, ch olera, Ch rist, Ch ristian, ch ronicle, ch arisma, ch rome, te ch nology, me ch anical, s ch eme, e ch o.

kn-, gn-

[n]: kn it, gn ome.

Ex.16. Stop gn ashing your teeth. My kn ave beats your ten. Kn ead the dough for three minutes. We kn elt on the floor to have a good look at the map. A rat gn awed a hole in the box. They had various kn ick- kn acks on the top of the bookcase. Success or failure is balanced on a kn ife-edge. A gn ome is a little old man who lives under the ground and guards gold and jewels. She s kn itting me a sweater. We spent the week-end in the country among gn ats. Why dont you kn ock before you come in? Can you help me undo this kn ot? Do you kn ow where to go? His kn owledge of ancient civilizations is unrivalled.

-ng, -nk, -nc, -nx

Ex.17. Wro ng, fu nc tion, sphi nx, le ng th, hu ng ry, ju nc tion, pi ng -po ng, lu ng s, co ng ress, fi ng er, insti nc t, tha nk, bri ng, a nk le, a nx ious, si ng le, pu nc tual, ki ng, ba ng, E ng land, dra nk, a nx iety, a ng ry, ra nk, u nc le, ju ng le.

Ex.18. to sing singing singer young younger the youngest His voice was full of anger.

to hang hanging hanger long longer the longest The taste lingers in your mouth.

to ring ringing ringer strong stronger the strongest The sand run through her fingers.

Babies often cry from hunger. The languor of a hot afternoon.


[h]: who, whole, whom, whose, whore;

[w]: white, whale, where, whoop, why, etc.

Ex.19. Who did you stay with? On the whole, life was much quieter after John left. She brought with her three friends, none of whom Id ever met before. Whose house is this?

There was a sudden wh o osh of flame and then a big bang. Wh o ops! I nearly dropped it. The criminal was identified by the wh o rls of his finger-prints.Ive wh ittled down the list of people from 30 to 16. The snowflakes wh irled around as they fell to the ground. Wh at are you two wh ispering about over there? For goodness sake stop wh ining! She wh eeled her bike into the garage. Wh ere does he come from?


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