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Why do women live longer than men ?

Women generally live about six years longer than men. Evidence suggests that boys are the weaker sex at birth, which means that more die in infancy. Also women do not have as much heart disease as men. In terms of lifestyle, men smoke more than women and thus more die of smoking-related diseases. They drink more and are more aggressive in behaviour, particularly when driving cars, so they are more likely to die in accidents. Also, they generally have more dangerous occupations, such as building work.

Historically, women died in childbirth and men in wars. Hence nuns and philosophers often lived to great ages. Now, childbearing is less risky and there are fewer wars. The country with the highest life expectancy is Japan, where the average age for men is 76 and for women 82.


Exercise 31. Read the words and transcribe them. Do not forget to put the stress mark if a word has two or more syllables.

Fancy, engineer, glue, decide, newspaper, fuss, sex, waste, grand, prodigy, xylophone, precisely, get, flag, desks, pass, oxen, haste, energy, swim, except, icy, gown, xerox, facial, grew, score, capacity, care, garage.

Exercise 32. Practice reading the following tongue-twister quickly and distinctly. Explain the reading of the consonants in bold.


1. Ima g ine an imaginary mena g erie mana g er
imagining managing an imaginary menagerie

2. Whatever one tou c an can do

Is sooner done by toucans two

And three toucan s (it’s very true)

Can do much more than two c an do.

A toucan – тукан (a tropical American bird)


Letter combination Pronunciation Examples Exceptions
ea   [ i: ] lead, meat great [ greit ], break [ breik ], steak [ steik ]
[ e ]   bread, ready
ei / ie / ee [ i: ] receive, field, see friend [ frend ]
ai / ay / ey [ ei ] Spain, day, grey  
au / aw [ ɔ: ] because, awful aunt [a: nt], laugh [ la: f ]
eu / ew [ ju: ] neutral, few Europe ['juə rə p]
oi / oy [ ɔ i ] point, boy  
air [ eə ] air, chair  
eer / ear [ iə ] engineer, near wear [ weə ], bear [ beə ], year [ jeə ]

Exercise 33. Write down the phonetic symbols and practice reading the words.

[ ] pleasant, health, spread, wealth, bread, breath, weapon, dreamt, great;


[ ] read, lead, weak, breathe, sea, dream, please, ease, weak, disease, steak;

ei [ ] receive, receiver, receipt, conceive, bein, ceil, ceiling, seize;

ie [ ] field, bield, wield, grief, grieve, kief, niece, mien, lief, believe, relief;

ee [ ] fee, feet, meet, beef, bee, sleeve, fleet, greed, street;

ai / ay / ey [ ] main, pain, fail, aid, vain, train, saint, bay, nay, say, grey, they, obey;

au / aw [ ] August, cause, Paul, autumn, pause, saw, awful, crawl, laugh;

eu / ew [ ] few, new, knew, stew, neutral, Europe;

oi / oy [ ] join, loin, foil, joy, coin, voice, rejoice;

air [ ] air, chair, fair, hair, pair;

eer, ear [ ] beer, cheer, queer, sheer, dear, clear;

Exercise 34. Read and transcribe the words. Do not forget to put the stress mark if a word has two or more syllables.

Meal, feed, weather, vain, bee, mean, street, pea, obtain, chair, applaud, May, awful, health, seat, fault, air, aunt, news, coin, seize, tree, great, leader, mew, grain, fee, Europe, defeat, grieve, steel, brain, fauna, strain, grey, please, green, wealth, ceiling, paw, fair, conceive, remain, reach, pause, agree, beast, oil, niece, Austria.

Exercise 35. Practice reading the following tongue-twister quickly and distinctly. Explain the reading of the vowels in bold.

Thr ee gr ey g ee se in the green grass gr a zing,

Grey were the geese and green was the grazing.

To graze – щипать траву; the grazing – пастбище


Letter combination Pronunciation Examples Exceptions
oo [ ʊ ] book, wood blood [ blʌ d ], flood [ flʌ d ]
[ u: ] moon, too
oor [ ʊ ə ] poor, moor door [dɔ: ], floor [ flɔ: ]
our [ ɔ: ] your, course  
[ aʊ ə ] our, flour
ou [ aʊ ] ground, count  
[ ʌ ] double, young
ow [ aʊ ] brown, now, how  
[ ə ʊ ] flow, window

Exercise 36. Write down the phonetic symbols and practice reading the words.

[ ] good, wood, foot, blood, book, took;


[ ] moon, stool, food, flood, soon, hoot, broom;

oor [ ] boor, moor, poor;

[ ] our, flour, sour, sour cream;


[ ] your, four, source, course, pour, tour;

[ ] out, loud, bout, account, foul, house, blouse, round, around;


[ ] touch, cousin, rough, tough;


[ ] cow, owl, row, fowl, allow, town, gown, frown;


[ ] flow, yellow, blow, grow, row, rainbow, widow, willow, window.


Exercise 37. Read and transcribe the words. Do not forget to put the stress mark if a word has two or more syllables.

Cook, poor, wool, throw, soon, double, spoon, blouse, stood, follow, blood, frown, food, allow, zoo, ground, boot, power, found, hook, fellow, mood, below, wool, swallow, taboo, cousin, floor, meadow.


Exercise 38. Read the text. Find the words with vowel combinations and transcribe them.


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