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Complete the sentences

Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian

1) Dear Sirs, let me introduce Mrs. Vane, the Managing Direc­tor of our firm.

2) I'm glad to meet you in person at last.

3) I studied the advertising material and the draft contract prepared by your specialists.

4) Do you have any objections as regards the contract?

5) Have you adapted the equipment to our uses?

6) We haven't discussed the delivery date.

7) Where is the complete set of documents concerning this business transaction?

8) I studied thoroughly the requirements of the market.

9) I think we'll come to terms about the prices and advance payment.


Compound the sentences with the words and word combinations

to admit, admittance, admitting;

maintenance, to maintain relations;

to charge, a charge, charging;

to order, an order;

to open an account in the bank, to transfer money to the account;

to purchase, a purchase, purchaser;

to supply, supplement, supplier;

equal validity, valid.


Complete the sentences

1) First of all we should discuss...............

2) We can start with...............

3) I suggest that we should begin with...............

4) We've carefully studied your inquiry (offer, draft con­tract) and would like...........

5) I've been authorized to discuss.............

6) I'm responsible for...............

7) We are planning to buy(purchase, order)..................

8) We can deliver the goods within................ of the date of........

9) We undertake to deliver................

10) Let's turn to the question of..........

What would you say if you took part in these dialogues? Dramatize them

A: Good morning, colleagues. We are pleased to meet you in Kyiv. Let me introduce myself: I'm Mykola Karpenko, the Sales Manager of our company.

B: Nice to meet you, Mr. Karpenko......................................

A: Did you have a good flight?


A: Are you satisfied with your accommodation?


A: I've heard a lot about your company as a reliable part­ner in business.


A: I see we are ready to start talks. Have you got the com­plete set of documents concerning our order?


A: We have seen your advertising material, but still we have some questions. Can you describe in details the goods you are ready to deliver for us?


A: Let's discuss all the items in the draft contract, your com­ments and objections, if any.

B: I propose that we discuss..............................................

A: What about the payment terms?


A: I was sure you wouldn't disappoint us.



You are a) the Buyer, so choose the most favorable terms of payment when purchasing the goods; b) the Seller; discuss the terms of payment with the Buyer. Use the phrases

Let's discuss the terms of payment.

We would ask you to increase the advance payment to.........

A ten per cent advance payment is our usual practice. You are to open a confirmed irrevocable indivisible letter of Credit in Ukreximbank.

We shall open a letter of credit as soon as we get a notifica­tion that the goods are ready for shipment. The letter of credit is to be valid for... days.

I would be glad to know your views on..........

What's your opinion of..........?

As far as I'm concerned..........


Fill in the gaps in the outline draft contract choosing from the words given below

terms – умови, строки

arbitration – арбітраж

payment – плата

reclaim – рекламація

freight / loading – фрахт

late – пізно

specification – специфікація

charges – витрати, видатки

penalty – штраф

delivery – поставка

substandard – нижчий від стандартної якості

letter of credit – акредитив

invoke – викликати до суду, звертатися

parties – сторони

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