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Read and translate the dialog (Part 3 in a written form)

introduce sb — представити когось

meet sb in person — познайомитись особисто

outcome — результат

draft contract — проект контракту

business transaction — ділова угода

advertising material — рекламний матеріал

admit — визнавати

incorporate — поєднувати

be confident — бути впевненим

cheap — дешевий

item — пункт, положення контракту

objection — заперечення

as regards — стосовно

maintenance — утримання

delivery date — дата поставки

adapt equipment to sb's uses — пристосувати устаткування до потреб когось

adjustment — регулювання

sufficient — достатній

break down — поломка

complete set of documents — повний комплект документів

concerning — стосовно, що стосується

study the requirements — вивчати потреби

pay the expenses involved — сплатити пов'язані з цим ви­трати

charge — брати платню

account (а/с) — рахунок

order — замовлення

supplement — додаток

mutual agreement — спільна угода

quantity — кількість

purchase — купувати

begin with — спочатку

come to terms about the price — дійти згоди щодо ціни

advance payment — попередня оплата

suit — наближатися, підходити (у переносному значенні)

sign — підписувати

FOB (free on board) price — ФОБ ціна

GIF (cost, insurance, freight) price — СІФ ціна

be not in favor of sth — не бути схильним

cover the expenses – покривати витрати

stipulate — домовитися

date of shipment — дата відвантаженння

provision — положення контракту

goods — товари

delay — відкласти, затримати

penalty — штраф

total value of the contract — загальна вартість контракту

refund — відшкодовувати

fail to do sth — не змогти зробити щось

irrevocable — безвідзивний

confirmed — підтверджений

indivisible — неподільний

Letter of Credit (L/C) — акредитив

reliable — надійний

in duplicate — у двох примірниках

equal validity — однакова юридична сила


1. Mr.Melnikov: Good afternoon, gentlemen. We are pleased to see you again.

Mr.Stone: Good afternoon! We are happy to see you, too.

Mr.Melnikov: Did you have a good trip?

Mr.Stone: Yes, it was pretty comfortable, thanks.

Mr.Melnikov: Gentlemen, let me introduce Mr.Sabirov to you, he is the Head of the Marketing and Price Department, and please meet Mr.Kovalenko, the Head of the Computer Sales Department.

Mr.Stone: I'm very pleased to meet you in person. I've heard a lot about your company. Mr.Sabirov: It's a pleasure for us, too.

Mr.Kovalenko: We are sure our business will have a suc­cessful outcome.

Mr.Melnikov: Well, before we get down to business, let me offer you something refreshing. Mineral or soda water? Tea or coffee?

Mr.Dwight: Thank you, coffee, please.

Mr.Stone: I prefer mineral water.

Mr.Melnikov: Now I see we are ready to start talks.

Mr.Stone: That's right. We've carefully studied your draft contract and would like to complete the final stage of our business transaction.

Mr.Kovalenko: I look after the technical side of the transac­tion. 4

Mr.Sabirov: And I'm responsible for the commercial side.

Mr.Melnikov: We have studied your advertising material with interest.

Mr.Kovalenko: I must admit your model impressed me very much.

Mr.Stone: Thank you. It's a powerful computer.You'll be pleased to find out that it incorporates one or two unique features although it costs slightly more. We are confident that it will be cheaper to run. We've put it through a number of very extensive tests. I don't think you'll be disappointed.

2. Mr.Melnikov: Now, gentlemen, let's discuss all the items in the draft contract, your comments and objections, if any.

Mr.Dwight: Have you any questions as regards the contract?

Mr.Sabirov: We are very interested in maintenance, yes, and there's the question of delivery dates, and finally, we'd like to know whether it's possible to adapt your equipment to our uses.

Mr.Stone: As for the delivery dates, I'm happy to say, we're now able to realize it within three weeks. We can guarantee six months of good work, may be more. And there's very little routine maintenance for you to worry about. As part of the contract one of our men will call every month to make any necessary adjustments. That should be sufficient. In the unlikely event of a break down, we've always got a duty specialist who would be there as soon as you call. Mr.Kovalenko: We will get a complete set of documents con­cerning the adjustment so that you could study the require­ments.

Mr.Melnikov: Who will pay the expenses involved?

Mr.Dwight: I think, the expenses will be charged to our ac­count, because we highly appreciate your choice to give us this interesting order.

Mr.Sabirov: Principal points can be included in a supple­ment to the contract upon mutual agreement.

Mr.Melnikov: So, the first item is the quantity of the com­puters, model 486 DX.

Mr.Dwigh't: How many computers do you intend to purchase?

Mr.Kovalenko: To begin with, 300 computers. That is, if we come to terms about the price. Mr.Stone: It's negotiable.No problems.

Mr.Sabirov: When can you deliver the computers?

Mr.Melnikov: What delivery dates can you offer?

3. Mr.Dwight: The earliest possible date is September this year. Mr.Stone: We can start the delivery within three weeks af­ter we receive an advance payment from you. Does it suit you?

Mr.Melnikov: That will be so, if we sign the contract one of these days.

Mr.Dwight: Do you prefer FOB or GIF prices?

Mr.Sabirov: Frankly speaking, we are not in favor of FOB terms.

Mr.Kovalenko: Could you give us a price covering the ex­penses for delivery of the computers to our port? I mean a GIF price.

Mr.Stone: Wecan stipulate the terms of payment and the date of the shipment in the contract. Mr.Sabirov: I believe, we have to include one more provi­sion in the contract.If the goods are delayed for more than three weeks you will have to pay a penalty.

Mr.Dwight: That goes without saying.

Mr.Melnikov: Now, I propose to discuss payment terms.

Mr.Stone: I would suggest to make an advance payment for one hundred computers

Mr.Sabirov: As far as I understand, it will make up 30 per cent of the total value of the contract. Mr.Dwight: We'll stipulate in the contract that the advance payment will be refunded to you if we fail to deliver the computers.

Mr.Sabirov: The remaining sum will be paid by an irrevo­cable, confirmed and indivisible letter of credit to the ac­count that you will indicate through our bank.

Mr.Stone: Which bank do you work with?

Mr.Melnikov: It's a big and reliable bank with branches abroad.

Mr.Dwight: I want to add that all the expenses connected with the opening and confirmation of the letter of credit will be charged to your account.

Mr.Stone: Fine, in that case we can prepare the contract for signing.

Mr.Kovalenko: I suggest that it should be done in duplicate: one copy in English, the other in Ukrainian, both having equal validity.

Mr.Dwight: I agree with you.

Mr.Melnikov: I'm glad that our work was so fruitful.

Mr.Stone: It was a pleasure to deal with your company.

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