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Draft Contract

between Valeo Ltd, hereinafter referred to as " the Seller", and Mercury, hereinafter referred to as " the Buyer"


The Seller undertakes to supply the Buyer with 12 000 comput­ers to..........765 and to pay all...................and insurance................

The terms of...................and immediate payment of.....................charges by confirmed and irrevocable...........................are to be standard.

A.....................clause will be included in the contract. It will be against the Buyer for................payment.

In the event of non-payment, the Seller shall be entitled to................. the goods.

In case of a dispute between the.................to the contract the matter will be taken to independent............All the.............of the contract must be complied with by both parties.



Комплексна контрольна робота

Ділова англійська мова IV курс, 8 семестр

Варіант 4

Read and translate the draft contract (the introduction and Subject of the contract in a written form)

hereinafter referred to as – що далі називається

represented by sb – представлений кимось

with residence – що знаходиться

agree in concluding and signing the contract – домовитись про укладання та підписання контракту

plenipotentionary representative – повноважний представ­ник

involve provision – містити положення

be obliged to deliver – бути зобов'язаним поставити

ship – відвантажити

supplement – додаток

FOB conditions – ФОБ умови

undertake taxes and duties – брати на себе сплату податків та зборів

insure – страхувати

damage – збиток

refund losses – відшкодувати збитки

indemnifу losses – відшкодувати збитки

delay of payment – затримка платежу

disputable questions – спірні питання

Arbitrage Court – арбітражний суд

force majeure – форс мажор

earthquake – землетрус

flood – повінь

overcome – перебороти

fulfil obligations – виконувати зобов'язання

duplicate – у двох примірниках

equal juridical validity – однакова юридична сила

on behalf of – від імені




Manchester 25 February, 2008


GreenGlass Ltd, hereinafter referred as: " Seller", with residence in Manchester, U.K., represented by Managing Director Mr.Goldsmith,


Food plant " Ukrhlib", hereinafter referred to as: " Buyer" with resi­dence in Kyiv, Ukraine, represented by General Director Mr. Vodas.


Both parties recognizing plenipotentionary representatives of the firms agreed in concluding and signing the contract which in­volves the following provisions:


Subject of the contract

The Seller shall sell and the Buyer shall purchase the new tech­nological line for food processing industry, Model ZX245.

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