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Presentation of a news release

A release is a manuscript. Releases are manuscripts for printing, not business letters. Well-presented releases show that the PR practitioner is a professional who understands what is wanted. This is elementary press re­lations, a part of servicing the press. The following simple rules for press style should be observed. (Note that the house style of book publishers may differ on some points from that of the press.)

6. Printed heading paper. The release should be produced on a spe­cially designed and printed heading which distinguishes it from a busi­ness letter-heading. At the top there can be words such as 'News front' or 'Information from' followed by the name and perhaps the logo (symbol) of the organisation. The address and telephone number is best printed at the foot of the sheet. One colour is enough — flamboyant news release headings look like sales letters or advertisements, and so creates a false impression. It is the story that matters and the release heading should be as simple and unobtrusive as possible. It must identify the sender but it should not try to advertise.

7. Headings. Your heading should state what the story is about. Clever headings are not wanted; editors write their own headlines to suit the style of their publication, or to fit the space.

8. Subheadings. These are unnecessary as the editor will decide wheth- er they are wanted and where to put them. However, for the sake of clar­ity, subheadings may be introduced in a long technical story or if there is more than one -item, such as Model A and Model B. Generally, subhead­ings are typographical devices used as part of the design of the page.

9. Indented paragraphs. The first paragraph of the release should not
be indented, although a few newspapers indent all paragraphs. Succeeding
paragraphs should be indented.

Never use block paragraphs (that is unindented ones) with space be­tween paragraphs. The whole piece should be double spaced, and there should be a good margin on either side.

(e) Capital letters. Do not write company or product names entire­ly in capitals, e.g. Cadbury, not CADBURY. Initial capitals should be used for proper nouns only, e.g Smith, and geographical names, London, Lagos, Lusaka. Never use capitals for job titles; they should be managing director, chairperson, sales director, and so on. The titles of certain dig­nitaries are permitted in capitals, e.g. Prime Minister, Secretary of State,



President, Professor, Archbishop, Chief Rabbi, Emir or Sheikh, i.e. busi­ness titles are not given initial capitals, but most political, religious, mili­tary and academic titles are.

10) Underlining. Nothing should be underlined in the text as this is a
printing instruction to set in italics, and that is the editor's decision, not
the writer's.

11) Full points or full stops in abbreviations. Sets of initials of ab­
breviations should not be punctuated. Write IPR, USA, IBM, or ITT, not
I.P.R., U.S.A., I.B.M. or I.T.T. As you can see, these full points are ugly
and waste space. However, the abbreviations 'i.e.' and 'e.g.' are given full

(h) Figures. Conventionally, one to nine should be in words, 10 on­wards in figures (except in dates, prices, measurements, or addresses when all figures are used). Larger numbers should be spelt out if it is clearer, e.g. one million.

(i) Dates. The press style is to give the month first, and no suffix after the number, e.g. December 23. However, a few newspapers have adopted the style 23 December. Dates are not given 'rd', 'sf, 'th' or 'nd' endings. If the release reports an event, never write 'recently', 'today', 'next Monday or something equally vague. This can be confusing for editors of journals published daily, weekly or monthly. Avoid using 'recently as this usually implies stale news! If something is announced 'today', write 'to­day followed by the date in brackets as appropriate.

(j) Continuations. If there is more than one page, write 'more', or 'con­tinued' in the bottom right-hand corner. At the top of the following page identify the story with a note, such as 'New coffee mixer— 2', number­ing each page after the first.

(k) Quotation marks. Inverted commas should be confined to reported speech or actual quotations. It is wrong to place quotation marks round product or other names. Publishers have their own house styles and while some may give quotation marks to the title of a book, play or piece of music, most will use italics. In a news release neither should be used, that is neither quotation marks nor underlining. It is now usual to use single rather than double quotation marks.

(1) Embargoes. An embargo is a request not to print a story before a stipulated date and time. An editor is not obliged to obey an embar­go. Consequently, an embargo should be one which can be respected — because of Stock Exchange rules, or a time difference between countries or because the editor is being given the privilege of an advance copy of a speech or report, e.g. like the government White Papers, which Lobby correspondents receive the day before publication. Editors are entitled to

ignore frivolous embargoes. Conversely, there is no point in stating that a release is 'For immediate release' when there is no embargo. If it is not for immediate release, why send it?

(m) Authorship. At the end of the release the author should give his or her name and telephone number. Quite obviously, this proclaims the con-clusipn of the story. There is no need to write 'Ends', which is a hangover from press rooms and the sending down of copy to the foundry on several small pieces of paper, one of which had to be identified as the last.

In Europe, North America and other industrialised parts of the world, it is normal merely to print the writer's name at the end of a release. However, in many African countries, the press expect the writer to sign his or her name at the end of a release. This is to avoid publication of unauthorised releases which may contain false information as has hap­pened in Nigeria.


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