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Lesson IСтр 1 из 5Следующая ⇒
Английский язык. Тексты, упражнения и методические рекомендации» Для студентов 1 курса направления подготовки «Психология»
Составитель: старший преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков и общей лингвистики Шургинова М.А. «Английский язык. Тексты, упражнения, методические рекомендации». Для студентов 1 курса направления подготовки «Психология» факультета педагогического образования и биологии./ Калм. ун-т. Сост. Шургинова М.А., Элиста, 2012, 32 с.
Предлагаемый практикум содержит тексты, грамматический материал, лексические и грамматические упражнения. Предназначен для обучения английскому языку на начальном этапе.
Утверждено учебно-методической комиссией гуманитарного факультета Калмыцкого государственного университета.
Рецензент – доцент КалмГУ, кандидат филологических наук – Микитенко Н.Ю.
Lesson I What Is Psychology Psychology is the scientific study of mental processes and behaviour. Psychologists observe and record how people and other animals relate to one another and to the environment. They look for patterns that will help them understand and predict behaviour, and they use scientific methods to test their ideas. Through such studies, psychologists have learned much that can help people fulfill their potential as human beings and increase understanding between individuals, groups, nations, and cultures. Psychology is a broad field that explores a variety of questions about thoughts, feelings, and actions. Psychologists ask such questions as: " How do we see, hear, smell, taste, and feel? What enables us to learn, think, and remember, and why do we forget? What activities distinguish human beings from other animals? What abilities are we born with, and which must we learn? How much does the mind affect the body, and how does the body affect the mind? For example, can we change our heart rate or temperature just by thinking about doing so? What can our dreams tell us about our needs, wishes, and desires? Why do we like the people we like? What is mental illness? " The research findings of psychologists have greatly increased our understanding of why people behave as they do. For example, psychologists have discovered much about how personality develops and how to promote healthy development. They have some knowledge of how to help people change bad habits and how to help students learn. They understand some of the conditions that can make workers more productive. A great deal remains to be discovered. Nevertheless, insights provided by psychology can help people function better as individuals, friends, family members, and workers.
Глагол “to be” (быть, являться, находиться) Exercise 1. Study the following:
Exercise 2. Learn the words by heart: happy - счастливый busy - занятой hungry - голодный sad - печальный clever - умный brave – храбрый, смелый strong - сильный weak – слабый pupil – ученик student – студент teacher - учитель doctor – врач engineer – инженер family – семья friend – друг worker – рабочий, работник boy – мальчик girl – девочка teenager – подросток pensioner – пенсионер
+ I am a student. (Я – студент) - I am not a student. (Я не студент) ? общий Am I a student? (Я – студент?) ? спец Why am I a student? (Почему я студент?) + He is a student. (Он – студент) - He is not a student. (Он не студент) ? общий Is he a student? – Yes, he is/No, he isn’t. (Он – студент? – Да/ Нет) ? спец Why is he a student? (Почему он студент?) + They are students. (Они студенты) - They are not students. (Они не студенты) ? общий Are they students? – Yes, they are/No, they aren’t. (Они студенты? – Да/ Нет) ? спец Why are they students? (Почему они студенты?)
Exercise 3. Read and translate the sentences: 1. I am happy. I am not happy. Am I happy? Why am I happy? 2. You are busy. You are not busy. Are you busy? When are you busy? 3. He is hungry. He is not hungry. Is he hungry? Why is he hungry? 4. She is sad. She is not sad. Is she sad? Why is she sad? 5. It is clever. It is not clever. Is it clever? Why is it clever? 6. We are students. We are not students. Are we students? Why are we students? 7. You are teachers. You are not teachers. Are you teachers? Why are you teachers? 8. They are teenagers. They are not teenagers. Are they teenagers? Why are they teenagers?
Exercise 4. Read and translate the sentences. Make them negative and interrogative. Put special questions: 1. I am a student. 2. You are a boy. 3. You are boys. 4. She is a good pupil. 5. Mary is a teacher. 6. He is a doctor. 7. My brothers are workers. 8. The dog is hungry. 9. We are strong. 10. They are weak. 11. Our students are clever. 12. He is sad. 13. They are good students.
Exercise 5. Fill in the blanks and translate: 1. I ___ a clever student. 2. You ___ happy. 3. She __ a good engineer. 4. My girl-friend __ beautiful. 5. He __ brave. 6. My brother __ a teenager. 7. The worker __ busy. 8. The students ___ busy. 9. You ___ a student. 10. You __ teachers. 11. They __ sad. 12. We __ friends. 13. I __ hungry. 14. It __ weak. 15. They __ pupils.
Exercise 6. Translate the following into English: 1. Я занят. 2. Я – студент. 3. Я голоден. 4. Он – врач. 5. Наран – рабочий. 6. Она – подросток. 7. Марина – студентка. 8. Собака умная. 9. Мы сильные студенты. 10. Они – ученики. 11. Мои братья – инженеры. 12. Мои друзья – студенты. 13. Мы – умные студенты. 14. Я не слаб. 15. Ты голоден? 16. Вы заняты? 17. Вы хорошие студенты. 18. Он – пенсионер. 19. Почему Анна печальная? 20. Мы не учителя. 21. Мы – студенты. 22. Они – учителя. 23. Мы счастливы. 24. Анна не рабочая, она – студентка. Exercise 7. Learn the words by heart: here – здесь; there - там ready – готов; at school – в школе at home – дома; at work – на работе at the university – в университете; at the institute – в институте in the hostel – в общежитии; in the library- в библиотеке in the laboratory (in the lab) – в лаборатории; in the gym – в спортзале; in the swimming pool – в бассейне at the stadium - на стадионе; at the sports ground - на спортплощадке
Exercise 8. Read the sentences: 1. I was here yesterday. I was not here. Was I here yesterday? Where was I yesterday? 2. She was there yesterday. She was not there. Was she there? When was she there? 3. He was ready for the lesson. He was not ready. Was he ready? Why was he ready? 4. It was here yesterday. It was not here. Was it here? Where was it yesterday? 5. We were at school yesterday. We were not at school. Were we at school? When were we at school? 6. You were at home two days ago. You were not at home. Were you at school? Where were you two days ago? 7. They were at work five minutes ago. They were not at work five minutes ago. Were they at work five minutes ago? Where were they five minutes ago?
Exercise 9. Complete the sentences and translate them: 1. I __ at the University yesterday. 2. He __ at the Institute two seconds ago. 3. She __ in the hostel four hours ago. 4. It __ ready last year. 5. We __ in the laboratory five minutes ago. 6. They __ in the library yesterday. 7. I __ in the gym a week ago. 8. My sister __ in the swimming pool yesterday. 9. My brother __ at the stadium the day before yesterday. 10. My cousins ___ at the University yesterday. 11. My friend __ at the sports ground last week. 12. My friends __ at home the day before yesterday. 13. The teenagers __ in the swimming pool last month. 14. We __ ready 2 seconds ago. 15. I __ at home yesterday. 16. You __ a pupil last year. 17. You __ a schoolboy two years ago.
Exercise 10. Make the following sentences negative and interrogative. Put special questions: 1. I was busy yesterday. 2. You were good students last year. 3. He was at home yesterday. 4. She was at work yesterday. 5. You were ready last week. 6. They were in the library last month. 7. The teacher was sad yesterday. 8. The students were happy. 9. The worker was strong. 10. The pensioners were in the gym. 11. He was here. 12. She was there. 13. They were at the university. 14. The girls were hungry yesterday.
Exercise 11. Translate the following into English: 1. Я был здесь вчера. 2.Ты был там 2 дня назад. 3. Он был в школе в прошлом месяце. 4. Она была дома 5 минут назад. 5. Они были в плавательном бассейне на прошлой неделе. 6. Мы были голодны вчера. 7. Я не был в библиотеке вчера. 8. Вы не были в университете 4 дня назад. 9. Вы были в институте вчера? 10. Где вы были вчера? 11. Мой друг был на стадионе вчера? 12. Мои друзья были в лаборатории в прошлом месяце. 13. Где были студенты в прошлом месяце? 14. Ученики были на стадионе. 15. Мой брат был в спортзале. 16. Я был там.
Exercise 12. Read the following words and word combinations: psychologist - психолог a gardener – садовник an accountant – бухгалтер a farmer – фермер a photographer – фотограф a painter – художник a lawyer – юрист a driver – водитель, шофер a politician – политик a dancer – танцор, танцовщица a musician – музыкант a librarian – библиотекарь a dentist – стоматолог, дантист a scientist – ученый a policeman – полицейский a businessman – бизнесмен a mechanic – механик an economist – экономист a plumber – сантехник, водопроводчик a builder – строитель a first-year student - первокурсник a second-year student - второкурсник a sportsman - спортсмен a teacher of elementary school – учитель начальной школы a physical education teacher - учитель физкультуры a daughter – дочь a son – сын a wife – жена a husband – муж to be married – быть замужем. быть женатым to be fond of – нравиться, увлекаться to be busy with – быть занятым чем-либо to be free – быть свободным to have a lot of work to do – иметь много работы
Exercise 13. Read the sentences: 1. I shall be a second-year student next year. I shall not be a second-year student next year. I shan’t be a second-year student next year. Shall I be a second-year student next year? When shall I be a second-year student? 2. We shall be at the University tomorrow. We shall not be at the University tomorrow. We shan’t be at the University tomorrow. Shall we be at the University tomorrow? When shall we be at the University? 3. He will be a teacher next week. He will not be a teacher next week. He won’t be a teacher next week. Will he be a teacher next week? When will he be a teacher? 4. They will be happy in 2 months. They will not be happy in 2 months. They won’t be happy in 2 months. Will they be happy in 2 months? When will they be happy? – Когда они будут счастливы?
Exercise 14. Read and translate the sentences: 1. I shall be here tomorrow. 2. You will be there tomorrow. 3. He will be a lawyer next year. 4. She will be sad tomorrow. 5. The dog will be hungry in two hours. 6. They will be students next year. 7. We shall be happy next term. 8. I shan’t be a mechanic. 9. We shan’t be first-year students. 10. Our physical education teacher will be in Moscow next month. 11. They won’t be economists. 12. The farmers won’t be in the library. 13. The doctors won’t be in the pool. 14. Will you be at the sports-ground tomorrow? 15. Shall we be here tomorrow?
Exercise 15. Read and translate the text: About myself Hello! I am Anna Belova. I am from Russia. I live in Elista. It is a town in the South of Russia. I am 17 (seventeen) years old. I am not married. My family is small. I have a mother, a father and a sister. My sister is a schoolgirl. She is 10 years old. She likes to read books and watch cartoons. As for me, I’m a first-year student of Kalmyk State University. My hobby is volleyball but this year I have very little time for it because I study at the University. I study Psychology. I want to become a psuchologist in future. I am fond of working with people.