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Lesson 5

Exercise 44. Study the following:

Неопределенные местоимения

someупотребляется anyупотребляется
В повествовательных предложениях “I’ve got some books at home” – «У меня есть несколько книг дома» В отрицательных и вопросительных – “I haven’t got any books at home” (У меня нет никаких книг дома) “Have you got any books at home? ” (У вас есть какие-нибудь книги дома?)
В вопросительных предложениях, если “some” не относится к самому вопросу и подразумевает просьбу, предложение “Can I have some coffee? ” “Would you like to have some tea? ” В повествовательных предложениях в значении «любой» “There are a lot of books here. You may take any book you like”

Производные неопределенных местоимений

  some any no every
+thing something (что-то, что-нибудь) anything (что-то, что-нибудь, что угодно) nothing (ничего) everything (всё)
+body +one somebody someone (кто-то, кто-нибудь) anybody anyone (кто-то, кто-нибудь, кто угодно)   nobody no-one (никто) everybody everyone (каждый, все)
+where somewhere (где-то, где-нибудь) anywhere (куда угодно, где угодно) nowhere (нигде, никуда) everywhere (везде)


Exercise 45. Read and translate:

1. Somebody is knocking at the door. 2. There is nobody in the gym. 3. There is nothing on the table. 4. There isn’t anything in the bag. 5. There was somebody in the library. 6. There were some students in the laboratory. 7. I have nothing to tell you. 8. I see somebody in the swimming pool. 9. I put my book somewhere in the classroom. 10. We have nowhere to live. 11. They have nothing to eat.

12. He has nothing to drink. 13. She has nobody to love. 14. Nobody helps me.

15. I never eat anything in the evening. 16. I don’t want anything now.

Exercise 46. Read and translate the text using a dictionary:

I study at the University

I study at the University. The academic year begins, as a rule, on the 1st of September and ends in June. It lasts ten months: September, October, November, Decem­ber, January, February, March, April, May and June. The academic year has two terms: the autumn term and the spring term. The autumn term begins in September and ends in December. It lasts about four months. Each term ends with examinations which take place in January and in June. During the academic year students work hard. As a rule they are very busy and have a lot of work to do.

We have two holidays a year: winter holidays and summer holidays. The summer holidays are long. They last two months. The winter holidays are short. They last only two weeks. During the holidays we do not study, we have a rest. We go to the University every day except Sunday. Classes at our University begin at 8.30 a.m. and end at 3.50 p.m.

All students learn some foreign language - English or Ger­man. We learn English. We have two English classes a week, on Tuesdays and on Fridays. On Tuesday we have our English class in the morning, on Friday in the af­ternoon. When the teacher comes into the room we stand up and greet the teacher. We say: " Good morning" if it is morning. We say: " Good afternoon" if it is afternoon. We say: " Good evening" if it is evening.

Then we sit down and our lesson begins. We check our homework. We ask and answer questions, we read English texts and translate sentences from Russian into English, or from English into Russian. We describe pictures and speak on various topics. During the English class we do a lot of exercises, we speak, read and write English. We do not speak Russian in class. We speak Russian before and after classes.

As I want to learn to speak and to read English, I am very attentive in class and I always prepare my homework. English is not difficult for me because I work at it regularly. As I live in the hostel, I always prepare my lessons together with a friend of mine. We learn new words and do exercises. We ask each other questions and answer them. We also listen to the recorded tapes in the English language laboratory of our University. We are fond of English and we want to master it, that's why we never miss classes and work hard.

At the end of each class the teacher gives us our home­work. She says: " The homework for your next English class is to read the new text, to learn the new words and to prepare the topic “Our University”. I also want you to listen to the tape in our laboratory. This time take Laboratory Work Eight, please. Our next English class is on Friday at 10.15 a.m. Don't be late. Good-bye."


Exercise 47. Translate the following:

The academic year; as a rule; to end; to last; a term; to take place; to work hard; to have a lot of work to do; holidays; during the holidays; to have a rest; except Sunday; some foreign language; two English classes a week; to stand up; to greet the teacher; we say: " Good morning"; to check our homework; to ask and answer questions; to read English texts; to translate sentences from Russian into English; to describe pictures; to speak on various topics; to do a lot of exercises; before and after classes; as I want; attentive; to prepare homework; difficult; regularly; to live in the hostel; together with a friend of mine; to learn new words; to ask each other questions; to listen to the recorded tapes; in the English language laboratory; to be fond of English; to master; that's why; to miss classes; to work hard; at the end of each class; to give home­work; Laboratory Work Eight; to be late.

Структура be going to” (собираться, намереваться что-то делать):

He is going to win. Он победит.

We are going to participate in the competitions. Мы собираемся принять участие в соревнованиях.

I am going to swim in the pool. Я собираюсь поплавать в бассейне.


Exercise 48. Study the following

sad + ly = sadly (печальный, печально)

weak + ly = weakly (слабый, слабо)

beautiful + ly = beautifully (красивый, красиво).


Следующие слова являются как прилагательными, так и наречиями:

hard – трудный (усердный), трудно (усердно);

early – ранний, рано;

late – поздний, поздно;

fast – быстрый, быстро;

near – близкий, близко.

Exercise 49. Study the following

Степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий

  Положительная Сравнительная Превосходная
Односложные и некоторые двусложные Strong (сильный) Big Warm Easy Fast Stronger (сильнее) Bigger Warmer Easier Faster The strongest (самый сильный) The biggest The warmest The easiest The fastest
Многосложные Beautiful (красивый) Interesting Dangerous Carefully More beautiful (красивее) More interesting More dangerous More carefully The most beautiful (самый красивый) The most interesting The most dangerous Most carefully


Good, well – better – best (хороший, хорошо – лучше – самый лучший/ лучше всего)

Bad, badly – worse – worst (плохой, плохо – хуже, самый худший, хуже всего)

Many (much) – more – most (много – больше – больше всего)

Little – less – the least (мало – меньше, меньше всего)

Far – farther/ further – the farthest/ the furthest (далеко, далекий - дальше – дальше всего)

Old – older/ elder – the oldest/ the eldest (старый – старше – самый старший)



1. Tom is strong er than Alice. – Том сильнее, чем Алиса.

Tom is more courageous than Alice. – Том храбрее, чем Алиса.

2. Tom is as strong as Gordon. – Том такой же сильный, как и Гордон.

3. Tom is not as strong as Nick / Tom is not so strong as Nick. – Том не такой сильный, как Ник.

4. Tom is the strong est in our group. (Том – самый сильный в нашей группе).

5. The strong er you are the better you feel.


Exercise 50. Read and translate:

1. This boy is stronger than that one. 2. My idea is better than yours. 3. The Volga is longer than the Elistinka. 4. This book is more interesting than that one. 5. Andrew is a faster runner than Tom. 6. The sports center is more modern than the club. 7. The students of our group play football better than the students of the other group. 8. We are the best students. 9. This is the most interesting book I have ever read! 10. This is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen! 11. She is the worst swimmer in the world. 12. Bair is the tallest student in our group. 13. This sportsman is as strong as a lion. 14. You are not as lucky as I am.

Exercise 51. Study the following:

The Continuous Tenses

TO BE + Ving

The verb “to be” (быть, являться, находиться):

Present: [I - am ] [He, she, it - is ] [you, we, they - are ]

Past: [I, he, she, it - was ] [you, we, they - were ]

Future: [I, we - shall be ] [He, she, it, you, they - will be ]


Present Continuous Past Continuous Future Continuous
Am/is/are + Ving (now, at the moment) Was/were + Ving (this time yesterday, the whole day yesterday, at 5 p.m. yesterday) Shall be/will be + Ving (this time tomorrow, all day tomorrow, from 5 till 7 p.m. tomorrow)
I am playing. I am not playing Am I playing? What am I playing?   She is working. She isn’t working. Is she working? Where is she working?   You are reading. You aren’t reading. Are you reading? What are you reading? He was translating. He wasn’t translating. Was he translating? What was he translating?     They were speaking English. They weren’t speaking English. Were they speaking English? What language were they speaking?   We shall be retelling the text. We shan’t be retelling the text. Shall we be retelling the text? What shall we be retelling?   You will be fighting. You won’t be fighting. Will you be fighting? How will you be fighting?  

1. Peter is painting a picture.

2. Julia is drinking milk.

3. The old man is smoking.

4. My friend is learning new words.

5. The students are playing volleyball.

6. We are going to the Dean’s office.

7. I am having an English lesson now.

8. She was taking an exam from 9 till 11 a.m. yesterday.

9. The students were listening to the lecturer this time yesterday.

10. Some final-year students were working at their graduation projects the whole day yesterday.

11. The children were watching TV at 10 a.m. yesterday.

12. She was boiling Kalmyk tea this time yesterday.

13. They will be reading books this time tomorrow.

14. We shall be drinking tea at 5 o’clock tomorrow.

15. The Dean will be giving a lecture on Pedagogics from 8 to 11 a.m. tomorrow.

16. He will be writing a test at 3p.m. tomorrow.

17. They were building many castles.

18. They will be speaking a foreign language the whole day tomorrow.

19. You were making bortsogs the whole day yesterday.

20. The nomads were celebrating Zul in winter.


Exercise 52. Make up sentences:

1. I, to make bortsogs, now.

2. She, to boil Kalmyk tea, at present moment.

3. My friends, to taste bortsogs, now.

4. We, to speak, English, at the moment.

5. He, to celebrate, a very important moment, this time yesterday.

6. My brother, to go to the Buddhist temple, at 9 a.m. yesterday.

7. You, to light up an icon lamp, this time yesterday.

8. The monks, to read a prayer, the whole day tomorrow.

9. The students, to translate an English text, this time tomorrow.

10. We, to dance, from 5 till 7 p.m. yesterday.


Exercise 53. Translate into English:

1. Я читаю книгу сейчас.

2. Он переводит текст сейчас.

3. Они сейчас говорят на английском языке.

4. Ты пила калмыцкий чай в это время вчера.

5. Они работали в библиотеке весь день вчера.

6. Студент сдавал экзамен в 10 часов вчера.

7. Я буду работать весь день завтра.

8. Наши друзья будут строить замок в это время на следующей неделе.

9. Анна смотрела телевизор с 7 до 9 часов вечера вчера.

10. Я сижу на стуле сейчас.


Exercise 54. Read and translate the text:

My working day

My working day begins early. I always get up at 7 a.m. First of all I go to the bathroom where I wash, clean my teeth and dress. Then I have my breakfast. I usually have a sandwich and a cup of coffee for breakfast. While having breakfast, I watch the latest news on TV. At 8 a.m. I am ready to leave home for the university. As I live far from the university, I go there by bus. It usually takes me 20 minutes to get there. I seldom walk to the University in the morning because I have no time and I am afraid to be late for classes.

I am never late (seldom, often). I always come to the University on time. Between classes we have short breaks. At 11.50 a.m. we have a long break for lunch. I usually have lunch in the canteen of our University which is always full of people at this time.

As a rule, we have two lectures and two seminars a day. Sometimes we have laboratory work in special computer classrooms which are well-equipped. Classes are over at 3.50 p.m. If we have no meeting, we go home. Sometimes I stay at the University if I have some social work to do. There is a Students’ Scientific Society at our University. I am a member of this Society. Once a month I attend its meetings. Sometimes I stay at the University because I need a book or an article which I can only get in the reading room. In the library there are always a lot of students who read, work at their reports or just prepare their homework. Our students often make Power Point Presentations on different subjects in the reading room as there are many computers in the room.

After classes I come home at 5 p.m. I have dinner and rest a little. Then I prepare my lessons. It usually takes me three hours. In the evening I have supper and watch TV. Sometimes if I have time, I go to the cinema with my friends. I usually go to bed at 11 p.m.

Every day I work at my English. I spend half an hour a day on it. Every evening I read a page of some English book or do my English homework. When preparing my homework I often listen to the podcasts which help me to learn to read and speak English. I like English very much and I do my best to master it. I never miss English classes and I work at it regularly, that’s why English is not difficult for me. I can already read easy English books and even speak English a little.

I study hard because I want to master it. I want to understand it without difficulty, to speak it well and fluently. I’d like to read books in the original without a dictionary, to write correctly and to speak English with native speakers. I am fond of English classes.


Exercise 55. Study the following:

1. get up – вставать

2. first of all – прежде всего

3. clean one’s teeth – чистить зубы

4. have breakfast – завтракать

5. the latest news – последние новости

6. I am ready to leave home – я готова выйти из дома

7. live far from – жить далеко от

8. It usually takes me 20 minutes to get there – Мне обычно требуется 20 минут, чтобы добраться туда

9. I have no time – у меня нет времени

10. I am afraid to be late for classes – я боюсь опоздать на занятия

11. on time - вовремя

12. between classes – между занятиями

13. short breaks – короткие перемены, перерывы

14. a long break for lunch – длинный перерыв на обед

15. I usually have lunch – я обычно обедаю

16. a canteen - столовая

17. full of – полон чего-либо

18. as a rule – как правило

19. special computer classrooms – специальные компьютерные классы (кабинеты)

20. be well-equipped – хорошо оборудованный

21. be over – заканчиваться

22. social work – общественная работа, социальная работа

23. Students’ Scientific Society – студенческое научное общество

24. a member of this Society – член (участник) этого общества

25. I do my best to master English – я прилагаю все усилия, чтобы усовершенствовать свой английский язык

26. miss classes – пропускать занятия

27. that’s why – вот почему

28. English is not difficult for me – Английский не труден для меня

29. I am fond of English classes – Мне нравятся занятия по английскому языку

30. a native speaker – носитель языка


Exercise 56. Open the brackets:

1.My working day (to begin) early tomorrow. 2. I usually (to get) up at 7 a.m.

3. Yesterday we (to translate) a very difficult text. 4. We (to boil) Kalmyk tea now. 5. The students (to take) an exam this time yesterday. 6. The teacher (to ask) questions from 9 till 10 a.m. tomorrow. 7. I (to clean) my teeth every day.

8. I (not have) breakfast yesterday. 9. We (to be) busy tomorrow. 10. We (to have) laboratory work at present moment. 11. The whole day yesterday she (to make) a report. 12. This time tomorrow he (to prepare) his homework.



1. З.И.Бурова «Английский язык для гуманитарных вузов», г. Москва, 1987г.


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