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EXERCISES. I. Study the translation of the text in bold


I. Study the translation of the text in bold

Chapter 1

1. He’s quite a gentleman. Он вполне хорошо воспитан.

2. He’s a young man of tact. Тактичный юноша.

3. … a long car in black and chromium, upholstered in silver leather, and with Michael’s crest discreetly emblazoned on the doors.

… длинный чёрный автомобиль с хромированными деталями, сиденья обтянуты посеребренной кожей, эмблема Майкла скромно украшает дверцы.

4. Michael thought we were getting a bit ragged, so he called a rehearsal.

Майкл решил, что мы немного разболтались, и назначил репетицию.

5. “If you’d like to come to and see our play, ” Julia said graciously, “I’m sure Michael will be delighted to give you some seats. ”

- Если вы хотите посмотреть эту пьесу, - любезно сказала Джулия, - я уверена, Майкл даст вам билеты.

Chapter 2

1. … Of course I never have photographed well.

... Конечно, я никогда не была особенно фотогенична.

2. If he could act at all, with those looks that young man ought to go far.

Если ли он хоть как-то может играть, с такой внешностью этот молодой человек далеко пойдёт.

3. That’s not going to lead you anywhere, you know.

На этом, знаете, далеко не уедешь.

4. I think I can be word-perfect in any part in forty-eight hours.

Думаю, могу слово в слово запомнить любую роль за двое суток.


Chapter 3

1. The London paragraphers mentioned her now and then, and a number of enthusiastic patrons of the drama made the journey Middlepool to see her.

О Джулии стали упоминать в столичных газетах, и многие восторженные ценители драмы специально приезжали в Миддлпул на неё посмотреть.

2. That’s the only way to make a packet. - Это единственный способ сколотить состояние.

3. It cost a good deal more than she could afford and he smilingly reproached her for her extravagance. Он стоил куда дороже, чем она могла себе позволить, Майкл с улыбкой попенял ей за мотовство.

4. His most engaging trait was his good humour. Самой приятной чертой в характере Майкла было его добродушие.

5. Well then, you shall be my leading man. Тогда ты будешь моим партнёром.


II. Find in chapters 1-3 sentences with the following phrases or word combinations and translate them into Russian:


to turn your hair grey; to tour the country; to listen with have an ear; in extremely good taste; to put someone at ease; to give a significant glance; to gulp down; to let someone down; not to sleep a wink; to be a great hit; to have had bitter experiences; to throw the money about; to be rolling in money; to know the ropes.



III. Give full answers to the questions:


1. Why did Michael consider it almost impossible to find a part to suit him?

2. What was Julia’s first part in the theatre?

3. What play helped Julia and Michael to become closer?

4. How did Julia’s knowledge of French affect her theatrical career?

5. Who gave Julia the first lessons on acting?

6. What was special about Julia’s voice?

7. Who explained to the actors of Middlepool the difference between being or seeming natural on the stage?

8. Why did Julia refuse take part in costume plays?


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