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Unit four. I. Study the translation of the text in bold:
Chapters 11-13
I. Study the translation of the text in bold: Chapter 11 1. She had a great gift of mimicry, which ordinarily she kept in check thinking it was bad for her acting, but in these circles she turned it to good account and by means of it acquired the reputation of a wit. - У Джулии был большой подражательный дар, который она обычно сдерживала, считая, что это может повредить игре на сцене, но в этих кругах она обратила его в свою пользу и приобрела репутацию остроумной женщины. 2. He was then a man of nearly forty, with a small head on an elegant body, not very good-looking but of distinguished appearance. - Ему тогда было около сорока. Изящное тело венчала маленькая головка, с не очень красивыми, но весьма аристократичными чертами лица. Chapter 12 1. But as time passed Julia’s indignation was mitigated, and she had often thought of the adventure since with a good deal of pleasure. - Однако с течением времени негодование Джулии поостыло, и она даже с удовольствием думала об этом приключении. 2. If he’d been dressed like Francis I he would really look very distinguished. – Если бы eго одеть как Франциска I, он выглядел бы весьма аристократично. Chapter 13 1. Her dressing –room was like the cabin of a ship. The world seemed a long way off, and she relished her seclusion.- Уборная казалась Джулии каютой корабля. Весь остальной мир оставался где-то далеко-далеко, и Джулия наслаждалась своим уединением. 2. Though he was of no more than average height his slimness made him look tall. - Среднего роста, он выглядел высоким из-за своей худобы. 3. People recognized her, and she was conscious that he enjoyed the reflected glory of their glances.- Джулию узнавали, и она чувствовала, что он купается в отражённых лучах её славы.
II. Find in chapters 11-13 sentences with the following phrases or word combinations and translate them into Russian: at the bottom of one’s heart; pass for (someone); offer advice on something; to attend to someone’s wants; not to look a day more (than); put out(e.g. the light, the fire…) be about to do something; turn up at the last moment; in for a penny, in for a pound; if the worst comes to the worst; have no sequel; be out of breath; fling oneself on the knees; shine like a new pin; take someone out (to supper…)
III. Give full answers to the questions:
1. When and how did Julia meet Charles Tamerley? 2. Did Julia feel awkward among the nobilities when talking about her father being a vet doctor? 3. Can you give any comments on Charles‘s wish to see Julia as a child of nature? 4. What were in Charles Tamerley’s opinion the most important things for an actress? 5. Did Lady Charles leave her husband wanting to bring proceedings for divorce? 6. When and how did Julia meet Tom Fennel? 7. How did Tom Fennel react when seeing grand people? 8. Where did Tom get the money to pay in the restaurant? 9. What was Julia’s reaction to Tom’s sacrifices?