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EXERCISES. I. Study the translation of the text in bold:


I. Study the translation of the text in bold:

Chapter 4

1. His features had a worn distinction. - В его чертах сквозило несколько подержанное благородство.

2. I am so glad he brought you down here. I was a little nervous about it. I thought you’d be made-up and … perhaps a little loud. No one would dream you were on stage. - Я так рада, что он привёз вас к нам. Я немного волновалась. Я думала, вы будете накрашены и…возможно, несколько вульгарны.

3. With her awkward, lumbering gait she came up to Julia, flung her arms round her, and sobbing kissed her. - Своей неловкой тяжёлой поступью она подошла к Джулии, обняла её и поцеловала сквозь слёзы.

Chapter 5

1. They decided to keep their engagement to themselves, … - Они решили сохранить помолвку в тайне…

2. When they had been engaged for rather more than a year an American manager, looking for talent and having heard of Jimmie Langton’s repertory company, came to Middlepool and was greatly taken by Michael. – На второй год их помолвки в Миддлпул приехал американский антрепренёр, выискивавший новые таланты и прослышавший про труппу Джимми Лэнгтона. Он был очарован Майклом.

3. Oh, I should come back next summer of course. They pay my fare back and I’d go and live home so as not to spend any money. – Ну, летом я, понятно, вернусь. Они оплачивают мне обратный проезд, и я поеду домой, чтобы поменьше тратиться.

4. Julia did not see the look in Jimmie’s eyes when he told her this, but if she had shewould have wondered why he was looking as pleased as if he had pulled off a very clever little trick. – Джулия не видела выражения его глаз при этих словах, иначе она спросила бы себя, почему у него такой довольный вид, словно ему удалось сыграть с кем-то очень хорошую шутку.

Chapter 6

1. After another wait he was given a part in a costume play where his good looks shone to such advantage that his indifferent acting was little noticed, and in this he finished the season. – После очередного перерыва Майклу предложили роль в исторической пьесе, где его красота предстала в таком выгодном свете, что никто не заметил, какой он посредственный актёр; в этой роли он и закончил сезон.

2. Your contract’s up at the end of this season, and if you want to get anywhere you’ve got to make a stab at London soon. - Твой контракт кончается в конце этого сезона, и, если ты намерена чего-то достичь, пора уже завоёвывать Лондон.

Chapter 7

1. Julia had one good acting scene in which she had brought down the house, and Michael’s astonishing beauty had made a sensation. – У Джулии была одна сильная сцена, всегда вызывавшая бурные аплодисменты; удивительная красота Майкла произвела своего рода сенсацию.

2. Meanwhile Julia had been playing a succession of important parts and was recognized as best of the younger actresses. - Тем временем Джулия сыграла ряд крупных ролей и была признана лучшей актрисой младшего поколения.

3. Though Julia had been for some time earning a good income it had not seemed worth while to move while Michael was on active service… - Хотя последнее

время Джулия очень неплохо зарабатывала, казалось, нет смысла переезжать, пока Майкл находится в действующей армии.



II. Find in chapters 4-7 sentences with the following phrases or word combinations and translate them into Russian:

to be at a loose end; to bring someone down; to take liberties with; a put up job;

to take for granted; pull oneself together; cry in earnest; be a millstone round one’s neck; get even with somebody; have something to fall back on; be out of a job; not to care two straws for somebody; make effective use (of); talk late into the night; deal with somebody on equal terms


III. Give full answers to the questions:

1. What did Michael’s parents think of him becoming an actor?

2. Why did Michael prefer acting in modern plays to Shakespeare?

3. What was Michael’s opinion about marrying an actress? Did he ever plan to marry young?

4. When did Julia realize that the invitation to spend Easter holidays at Gosselyn’s was a put up job?

5. What sort of a conversation took place between Jimmy and Julia after Michael had told her about the American manager’s offer?

6. Did Michael have any success in America?

7. What did Michael think of American theatrical directors?

8. What was Michael’s war experience?

9. How old were Julia and Michael when Roger was born?



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