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The last leaf. 8. Has his arrival any connection with our future talks.

8. Has his arrival any connection with our future talks? 9. His decision to leave the country had little connection with the political situation. 10. The boy's behaviour has some connection with his mother's absence. 11. What connection could we have with that unfair bargain?

Ex. 22. Translate the following sentences using the expression be (not) tired of doing something.

See the text: I'm tired of waiting. I'm tired of thinking.

1. Я не устала заниматься английским.

2. Он устал работать с утра до вечера.

3. Они устали переезжать с квартиры на квартиру.

4. Она не уставала считать листья на деревьях.

5. Он устал просить ее принять лекарство.

6. Мы устали рассказывать о нашей поездке.

7. Он не устает рисовать этот пейзаж.

8. Я устала писать книгу.

Ex. 23. Make up sentences using the expression serve as.

See the text: He earned a little by serving as a model to young artists. Model: Serve as a bed — Last summer we had quite a lot

visitors and often the chairs served as beds. Serve as a chair; as a table; as a knife; as forks; as a table-cloth.

Ex. 24. Make up sentences according to the model.

(be) worth doing smth

See the text: Has she anything on her mind worth thinking abouP. Model: go — Is it worth going there?

Bother; speak of; look at; study; wear; discuss.

Ex. 25. Translate the following sentences using the expression It's (not)

worth doing something.

1. Фильм — скучный. Его не стоит смотреть.

2. Об этом фильме не стоит говорить. Он — скучный.

3. Эту пьесу действительно стоит посмотреть.

4. Не стоит ложиться спать так поздно.

5. Не стоит беспокоиться о нем.

6. Вокзал очень далеко. Я думаю, стоит взять такси.

7. Не стоит так изматываться на работе.


8. Мы считаем, что стоит переехать в другой город.

9. Не стоит так долго смотреть на нее. Она смущается.

10. Не стоит читать газеты. Они — неинтересные.

11. Не стоит говорить об этом. Это — секрет.

Ex. 26. Join in the following sentences according to the model.

a) Model: I saw George. He went into that shop.

I saw George go into that shop. See the text: I want to see the last leaf fall.

1. I saw him. He pointed to a picture on the wall.

2. I heard him. He shut the door of the study.

3. We watched the children. They climbed to the top of the tree.

4. I noticed Harry. He went up and spoke to the stranger.

5. They saw Mary. She entered the room.

6. She heard steps. They walked up to her room.

7. We watch the aeroplanes. They circled above us.

b) Translate the following sentences using the construction

" see (hear, feel, watch, notice) somebody/something do something".

Model: I often hear him play the violin in his room.


1. Он заметил, что они рисуют каждый день.

2. Она почувствовала, что Джон вошел в комнату один.

3. Я слышал, как с шумом закрылась дверь.

4. Она видела, как Сью налила себе чашку кофе.

5. Я видел, как Терри дошел до угла.

6. Она почувствовала, что кто-то коснулся ее плеча.

7. Я слышал, что он упомянул ваше имя несколько раз.

8. Я никогда не слышала, как она поет.

9. Он наблюдал, как она вошла в зал и начала расставлять (arrange) цветы.


1. Дэвид почувствовал, что рука его матушки дрожит.

2. Дэвид проснулся, услышав, что кто-то шепотом зовет его.

3. Пеготти слышала, что мистер Мердстон собирается отдать Дэвида в школу.

4. Пеготти видела, что миссис Копперфильд часто плакала.

5. Мисс Бетси чувствовала, что Дэвид говорит правду.


Ex. 27.

a) Form past participles of the following verbs according to the model. Model: see => seen => unseen.

Answer; invite; bear; break; catch; change; correct; count; cut; decide; defend; explain; gather; hear; known; open; organize; read; return; sell; send; spend; translate; wash; write.

b) Make the following adjectives negative:

Usual; kind; afraid; clear; necessary; true; well.

Ex. 28. Fill in the correct form of lie (lay, lain, lying); lay (laid, laid), or lie (lied, lied, lying). (For reference see " English Gramar" App. 2).

1. Birds... eggs in spring and summer, not in winter or autumn. 2. Dora... in bed, for she had fallen ill. 3. She... the child on the bed. 4. I am afraid Nick... when he said he had forgotten his homework, i don't think he was done it. 5. She is... there so peacefully; it's a pity to wake her, but I suppose we must. 6. Look! What has she... there on the table with such care? 7. She... ill for three weeks before there was any sign of im­provement. 8. I am sure he again.... He wants to conceal the truth. 9. Some animals... in holes all winter and sleep. 10.... her on her back and put a cold wet cloth on her forehead. She will be all right in a minute, she has only got a fright.

Ex. 29. Change the following sentences according to the above model.

a) Model: There is only one thing that can be done.

There is only one thing (to) be done. See the text: There was only a yard to be seen.

1. There is one interesting magazine which may be read.

2. There is an article which should by typed at once.

3. There were many things that can be stored in the studio.

4. It was a chance which couldn't be missed.

5. There was nothing that could be discussed.

6. There are some instructions that can be carried out.

b) Translate the following sentences using the infinitive as an attribute. Model: It is a decision (not) to be taken.

Это решение, которое (не)надо принимать.

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