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The Infinitive

The Forms of the Infinitive

    Active Passive  
  Indefinite to write to be written  
  Continuous to be writing ----------------------  
  Perfect to have written to have been written  
  Perfect Continuous to have been writing -----------------------  
The Functions of the Infinitive Немає потреби говорити правду. Було б помилкою так думати. Необхідно вивчати це. Було приємно знову розмовляти англійською. Головне, щоб тебе вірно зрозуміли. Ваша робота – доглядати за тваринами. Вона не хотіла, щоб її бачили там. Ми вирішили залишитись вдома. Не забудьте вимкнути світло. Ми були раді, що запросили його на обід. Дівчинка боялась, що її поведуть до стоматолога.
To tell the truth is not necessary. To think so would be a mistake. It’s necessary to study it. It was nice to be speaking English again. The main thing is to be understood. Your job is to look after the animals. She didn’t want to be seen there. We decided to stay at home. Don’t forget to switch off the light. We were glad to have invited him to dinner.   The girl was afraid to be taken to a dentist.  
is necessary to do smth should be important means a mistake to do smth necessary to do smth it is easy to be done important to be doing strange The main thing is to do smth The idea was to be done His job to promise offer remember to do forget to be done decide to be glad to do smth pleased to be doing smth angry to have done smth afraid to have been doing smth delighted to be done to have been done
Subject Predica- tive Object

The Infinitive

The Functions of the Infinitive Він перший, хто це говорить. Ні з ким порадитись. Ця новина стане сенсацією. Я прийшла сюди, щоб працювати. Вона вдавала хвору, щоб залишитись вдома. Ви надто молоді, щоб носити чорне. Вона досить доросла, щоб її можна було прийняти за її матір. Він зупинився, неначе хотів підібрати слова, щоб висловити свою думку.
He is the first to tell it. There is nobody to consult with. It’s the story to hit the headlines. I’ve come here to work.   She pretended to be ill to stay at home. You are too young to wear black   She is old enough to be taken for her mother.   He paused as if to find a way to phrase his thought.  
first the last to do smth second somebody nobody anything to do smth someone man time place to do smth thing to give to do sth to be given in order to give so as to be given young to do (too) old (enough) to be done easy to have difficult been done to do smth as if to do smth as though
Attribute Adverbial Modifier of Purpose Adverbial Modifier of Result Adverbial Modif. of Compari- son

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