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Chapter twenty-one. Taylor took a deep, shaky breath as she stood on the front stoop of the carriage house
TAYLOR TOOK a deep, shaky breath as she stood on the front stoop of the carriage house. She lifted her hand to knock, then withdrew it before doing so. She looked down and surveyed herself one last time. She'd tried not to get too dressed up, finally settling on a soft pair of khaki colored shorts and a deep green scoop-neck T-shirt. She'd pulled some of her dark waves back and fastened them behind her head in a gold clip that matched her earrings, leaving the rest of the locks to flow freely around her shoulders. A spritz of musk and a touch of clear lip gloss, and she'd headed across the yard, glad that Ben was working late so she didn't have to explain where she was going. She brushed her wispy bangs off her forehead, taking one more deep breath, and forced herself to actually make contact with the door. She finally steadied her breath, then felt it leave her completely as the door was opened. Never had a woman dressed so simply looked so stunning to Taylor. Melanie was dressed in a pair of cargo shorts the color of charcoal and a pale blue tank top that almost exactly matched the color of her eyes. Unable to keep her own eyes under control, Taylor's gaze followed the curve of Melanie's body down past the swell of hips, over the sexy, now-tanned legs, and settled on her bare feet. Melanie was fully aware of the scrutiny and let it happen, watching Taylor with amusement, equally taken with what she saw standing outside her door. " Hey." Taylor forced her eyes back up to meet Melanie's. " Hey yourself, " she replied, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. " Can I come in? " Melanie grinned sheepishly and stepped aside. " Sure. Sorry." " No problem." Taylor moved through the doorway, stopping to kiss Melanie softly on the cheek, quietly inhaling the sweet, citrus scent of her. She stepped further into the room as Melanie closed the door, noting with pleasure how she thought of the carriage house as Melanie's, like she was just supposed to be there. Taylor plopped herself down on the couch and smirked at the older woman. " How was your day, dear? " Melanie smiled, liking the easy banter, and sat down next to her. " Great. I really got a lot done at the shop, but I wish I had my computer. The inventory's pouring in, and I'm trying really hard to keep track of it." " Jeff wasn't real keen on modern electronics, that's for sure." " I'm going to have to make a trip back to Chicago fairly soon, I think. I can't use paper much longer before I lose something important." " Is it a long drive? " " Brutal. Ten hours on a good day." She studied her hands for a long moment. " Um...maybe, if you...if you don't have anything else going on...maybe you could, you know, keep me company? " Taylor's smile lit up her entire face. " I'd love that. When do we leave? " " I don't know. Sometime this weekend, I think." " Count me in. I'm a great co-pilot." " I bet you are." Melanie stood. " Want something to drink? " " Sure. What's for dinner? " Melanie stopped in her tracks. " Oh my God." She turned a stricken face to her houseguest. " I invited you for dinner, didn't I? " Taylor tried to stifle a giggle. " Oh my God. What an idiot I am." Melanie covered her mouth with her hand in disbelief. Unable to maintain control any longer, Taylor laughed out loud, which only succeeded in making Melanie feel worse. Seeing her sinking face, Taylor abruptly stopped laughing, guilt settling over her like a cloud. She went to her hostess and quickly turned the redhead to face her. " Melanie." She forced Melanie's head up to look her in the eye and smiled warmly at her. " Hey. Relax. It's me. It's just me." " I know." The two words spoke volumes, and Taylor felt a flood of warmth at the prospect that maybe...just maybe...Melanie had been dealing with some of the same turmoil Taylor herself had been going through. Taylor put a comforting arm around Melanie and led her to the kitchen. " Okay. Apparently, you don't know who you're dealing with here, " she said, grinning. " I can make dinner out of anything. Let's see what we've got." Melanie was amazed at how quickly Taylor could make everything all right, just by putting an arm around her. She felt so safe and protected, like nothing in the world mattered beyond her little circle within Taylor's arms. Her anxiety faded away like a dying ember, and she watched with amusement as Taylor bent to stick her head in the refrigerator. She shocked herself when she realized she was actually enjoying the very pleasant view of the brunette's backside, and tore her gaze away with embarrassment, deciding to study the ceiling instead. " Hmm, " Taylor mused. " I see this will be a challenge. Jesus, don't you or Sam ever shop? " " I did when I first got here, but I was afraid if I went back to Wegmans, I’d never be able to get out. The place is huge and just sucks you in, " Taylor's shoulders moved as a low chuckle erupted from the refrigerator. " That's true. There are several documented cases of tourists who have disappeared and were never heard from again. It's a dangerous place." " Ha ha." Taylor stood, arms full of various items. " Cheese omelet? I'd put mushrooms in it, too, but I'm not sure how good these are." She held up a soggy carton. " Omelet sounds great, " Melanie replied, taking the eggs from Taylor's grasp. They deposited the ingredients on the counter to the right of the sink, Taylor removing the necessary dishes from the cupboard. Melanie watched her work, admiring the grace of movement, the flexing of thigh muscles as she squatted to retrieve the frying pan from a lower cupboard, the casual toss of hair over her shoulder. She felt the now-familiar warmth seeping into her blood and welcomed it. " I'm glad you're here, " she said softly. Taylor stopped what she was doing, an egg held in one hand, and turned loving eyes to her companion. " So am I." Their gaze held for a deliciously long moment. " Here, " Taylor finally said, handing a Ziploc bag containing a brick of white cheese to Melanie. " Cut this? " " Yes, ma'am." Melanie set it on the cutting board. " What kind is it? " she asked, retrieving a knife from a drawer and setting to work. " It looks like some kind of cheddar. Didn't you buy it? " " Well, yeah, but there were nine hundred twenty seven kinds of cheese at Wegmans. I just grabbed what was closest." She cut herself a small piece, popping it into her mouth and chewing thoughtfully. " Hmm. I'm not sure." " Let me taste." Melanie cut another tidbit and held it up to Taylor's lips. The younger woman took it from her, her tongue lightly brushing the redhead's fingertips. Melanie tried to ignore the jolt that shot through her body like lightning. She swallowed hard as she watched Taylor chew. " I don't know...I don't think it's cheddar after all...hmm...give me another bite." Melanie complied, again holding the morsel up for Taylor to accept with her lips. She did so, but this time closed them around Melanie's forefinger as well. Melanie caught her breath as a pang hit low in her body, her heart skipping a beat. She watched, transfixed, as her entire finger disappeared into Taylor's mouth, being thoroughly and gently bathed by her tongue. Taylor reached up to grasp Melanie's wrist as she slowly withdrew the finger. " You, um, had some cheese on it, " she said softly, chewing and swallowing what was left in her mouth. " Uh huh." Melanie nodded, the formation of actual words proving to be a nearly impossible task. A gentle tug on her wrist and Melanie found herself in Taylor's arms. She wrapped her own arms around the taller woman's waist, felt Taylor's hands slide up her back, nestling in her hair. Slowly, so slowly, Taylor lowered her lips until they were a fraction of an inch from Melanie's. Shallow breathing was the only sound to be heard. Only when Melanie thought she'd scream from the torture of anticipation, did Taylor close the distance and softly brush Melanie's lips with her own. The touch was feather-light, teasing. She pulled back slightly, flicking the tip of her tongue across Melanie's upper lip. Melanie was startled to hear herself whimper. The corner of Taylor's mouth crooked up in a tiny half-grin, and she repeated the same maneuver, even slower this time, with the same result. She felt Melanie's fingers digging into her back; she was torn between frustration and arousal. The third time, Melanie surprised them both by growling, grabbing the back of Taylor's head, and pulling her down into a searing kiss. Both women moaned at the contact, as their mouths crashed together, lips bruising, tongues warring for space. Melanie's head was spinning, and she was sure if she let go of Taylor, she'd be cast off into oblivion. Using her hands to feel behind Melanie, Taylor took two steps to maneuver Melanie against the counter, never breaking the contact of their mouths. Slipping her hands down Melanie's back, she cradled her rear for several minutes, simply enjoying the feel of it under her fingers, before she gripped it and lifted, depositing Melanie in a sitting position on the counter. She stood between the redhead's knees, her hands caressing creamy smooth thighs, her mind awash in the disbelief of what was actually happening. The sensation of Taylor's hands on her backside was positively delicious, and Melanie felt a wave course through her body. When Taylor actually picked her up to set her gently on the counter, Melanie had to consciously fight to keep herself under control. Something about the quiet physical strength Taylor possessed was proving to be a hell of a turn-on for her, and she kneaded the back muscles that were subtly rippling under her fingers in pure ecstasy. She wrapped her own legs around Taylor's waist, pulling herself as close to the brunette as she could get, stifling a gasp as the hard button on Taylor's shorts hit directly at her center. She wondered if a person could die of sensory overload. Unintentionally, her hips ground against the woman assaulting her mouth. Taylor sighed with pleasure as she felt Melanie's legs wrap around her, pushing against her in a primal rhythm, heels digging into her back. She grasped Melanie's shirt and tugged it out of the waistband of her shorts. Both women moaned when Taylor's hands rested on Melanie's bare sides, skin on skin. Slow down, Taylor’s inner voice screamed at her. Slow down. She couldn't manage to pry her own lips from Melanie's, and she was unable to obey the orders from her brain, as her hands seemed to have minds of their own. In a matter of seconds, they had slipped around behind Melanie and unclasped her bra, then quickly slid around to the front, reveling in the heat radiating from her skin. Her thumbs brushed lightly over the sensitive nipples simultaneously. Melanie inhaled sharply, arching into the touch. Crack! Taylor opened her eyes in surprise at the sound, realizing with amusement as well as empathy, that Melanie had whacked her head into the cupboard behind her. There was a beat of silence as Melanie turned several shades of red. She was still breathing heavily, turning her shaded blue gaze up to meet Taylor's eyes. " Ow." Taylor burst out laughing, trying to look somewhat sympathetic, as she cupped the back of Melanie's head, pulling it forward so the redhead could rest her forehead on the brunette's shoulder. She stroked it softly, kissing her temple. " You okay? " she asked in Melanie's ear. The breath sent tingles down her spine. " Yeah. I'm fine." Taylor's left hand was still under Melanie's tank top, and she slowly caressed the small but firm breast beneath it. " Oh, I think you're more than fine, " she whispered. She inhaled through her teeth, the sound resembling a hiss, as she felt the nipple harden in her palm and Melanie's hips resume their undulation. Melanie had never felt so much at once. " God, Taylor, " she whispered, her forehead still on Taylor's shoulder, her fingertips digging into Taylor's back. " What are you doing to me? " Another whimper escaped her as Taylor caught, then gently rolled the nipple between her thumb and finger. Melanie tightened her legs around Taylor's waist, another rush hitting her as Taylor's hand left her head and slid down to the small of her back, helping her push herself against the front of Taylor's shorts. They moved together, rocking on the kitchen counter, Taylor very precisely fondling the nipple in her grip, paying close attention to the incredibly sexy sounds emanating from the lips near her chin. In a very short few minutes, she felt Melanie's fingers grasping handfuls of the back of her shirt and felt the thighs tense around her waist. Melanie managed to stutter a barely audible, " Oh, God, " before her breathing stopped altogether and she clenched her teeth, every muscle in her body stiffening. Taylor held on tightly, wearing a big grin and enjoying the ride immensely. She pulled Melanie's hips against her and stopped all movement, allowing Melanie's orgasm to take its course. There was plenty of time to learn what would prolong the redhead's pleasure later. For now, she let her have the release she'd sought when she'd wrapped her gorgeous legs around Taylor in the first place. Not until her breathing had almost returned to normal did Melanie lift her head, finding it difficult to meet Taylor's gaze. Taylor smiled, ducking her head to catch the eyes trying so valiantly to avoid hers. " Wow, " she stated simply, her dark eyes sparkling. " Understatement of the year, " Melanie commented, her beautiful face flushed both from arousal and embarrassment. " I'm sorry...I don't know what...I don't usually..." She stumbled over her own words in an attempt to make her point. Taylor silenced her with a kiss, soft, gentle, probing. " Hey, " she reassured, after finally managing to regain possession of her own lips. " Don't apologize. You were amazing." She gently tucked a strand of Melanie's hair behind her ear. " I think that title belongs to you." It was Taylor's turn to blush. She shrugged. " I was inspired." " I guess so. That's never happened to me...that fast...before." " I'll take that as a compliment." She wrapped the redhead in a loving hug. They sank into one another, and Melanie wrapped her legs around Taylor's waist again, allowing her to hug the taller woman with her entire body. Taylor's lips were at Melanie's ear. " You were beautiful, you know. All passionate, with your muscles tensing and your breath coming in gasps." She felt the familiar warmth returning. " You were gorgeous." Melanie lightly slapped her shoulder. " Stop it. You're embarrassing me." Taylor pulled up to look at Melanie's smiling face. " It's true, " she said, pouring as much sincerity as she could into the statement. " I have never, ever, been so attracted to somebody in my life. You are beautiful inside and out. I can't believe you're here with me...that you're letting me touch you...that you just came on your cousin's kitchen counter." Melanie gasped in horror, slapping at Taylor again as the brunette laughed at her own joke. In a short few seconds, she was laughing, too. Taylor leaned into Melanie's shoulder as their laughter subsided, Melanie's gentle fingers working through the long dark hair, deftly unclasping the clip that held some of it back. Taylor sighed in total contentment, wondering if it would be possible to just stay that way forever. It was when Melanie began absently massaging the scalp beneath her fingers that Taylor decided there were better options than staying in the kitchen. She raised her head, her lips unerringly finding Melanie's. Melanie noticed with amusement that their kisses always seemed to start softly and gently and within a matter of minutes, ended up deep and searching and breathless. Taylor managed to extricate her own lips from Melanie's long enough to mutter, " Bedroom." Melanie nodded, sliding off the counter to the floor. Her face was immediately captured by strong hands, her mouth covered by Taylor's once again. They stumbled together from the kitchen down the short hallway to the small bedroom, their lips never parting. Melanie's knees buckled as they made contact with the side of the bed, and she fell back onto the soft down comforter. " No, " Taylor protested, her voice thick with passion as she grasped Melanie's hand and pulled her back to her feet. " I want to see you first." She gently tugged the tank over Melanie's head, taking the unclasped bra with it, and tossed it onto the floor. Melanie expected a wave of discomfort, but was surprised to find herself enjoying the hungry look Taylor raked over her bare torso. Taylor kissed each shoulder softly and nibbled up the side of Melanie's neck, her long fingers unfastening the button on the cargo shorts. They slid down her legs to land quietly around her ankles. The only thing obstructing Taylor's view was the pink pair of panties. Feeling emboldened by the simple, carnal desire in Taylor's eyes, Melanie slipped the panties off and stood before the taller woman, completely naked, silently offering herself. " My God, " the brunette whispered in awe. " You're beautiful." Taylor reached for the smaller woman, only to have her hand stopped halfway to its destination. " Ah, ah, ah." Melanie waggled a finger at her. " Your turn." Her voice was husky, her blue eyes hooded, and Taylor nodded with a grin. " Yes, ma'am." She held her arms to the sides as Melanie took a step forward. She'd never undressed a woman before, and her mind fought to stay clear in the midst of the myriad of emotions with which she was being bombarded. Nervousness, desire, fear, passion, want, need, self-consciousness, and raw hunger all warred for space in her head. With trembling fingers, she grasped Taylor's shirt and pulled it up and off, tossing it into the pile with her own clothing. Taylor stood quietly before her, watching her face, wearing only a white sports bra and her shorts. She unfastened the shorts, dropping them down Taylor's legs, stepping back to take in the body in front of her. Melanie's mouth went dry at the sight. Taylor was strong and athletic, things that were obvious whether or not she had clothes on. What shocked Melanie was the sheer femininity of her body. Her shoulders were incredibly sexy— round and tan. Her breasts were larger than Melanie expected, held in check by the strong fabric of the sports bra. Her hips curved sensuously and Melanie swallowed hard. She lightly ran her fingertips over Taylor's taut abdomen, causing the taller woman to flinch involuntarily, but when Melanie looked up, the brunette's eyes were smiling, inviting. Melanie laid her palm flat against Taylor's stomach, the combination of heat and softness making her dizzy. She slipped a finger beneath the lower band of the sports bra and looked questioningly at Taylor. The taller woman obliged by removing the offending garment. Melanie caught her breath as the bra hit the floor. Taylor's breasts were beautiful...full and round, with dark nipples standing at attention. She reached out a tentative hand, almost imperceptibly caressing the side of one, causing goose bumps to erupt across Taylor's flesh. " You're so soft, " Melanie said, almost to herself. " Everything is so soft. Do I feel like this to you? " " No, " Taylor responded. " Softer." Melanie slid her hand down Taylor's side and turned clouded eyes to her partner. Her voice almost inaudible, she said, " You know I'm new at this, right? " Taylor silenced her with a finger. " Shh. I know. I don't want you to worry." She bent to Melanie's neck, running the tip of her tongue up to an inviting ear. " There's no pressure here, and I would never expect you to do anything you're not comfortable with." She flicked the ear with her tongue, delighting in the shiver she felt run through Melanie. " All I want is to be with you." She caught Melanie's lips with her own and soon tongues were dueling, blood was rushing, skin was burning, lungs were heaving. Taylor pulled the covers back, guiding Melanie down onto the bed and pulling off her own panties. She slid into the bed next to the redhead who opened her arms, allowing Taylor to roll half-onto her. Both women groaned at the delicious full-body contact. If Taylor didn't have an entire body to explore, she was sure she could have kissed Melanie all night long. Their lips just seemed to fit together. She'd never enjoyed simply kissing somebody so much. Her lips left a blazing trail down Melanie's neck to dance across her collarbone. Melanie gasped as Taylor circled her nipple with her tongue, purposely avoiding it until Melanie thought she'd burst. After what seemed like forever, Taylor raked her tongue across the swollen pebble of flesh, causing Melanie to arch into her. " Oh my God, Taylor, " she exclaimed through clenched teeth. Taylor continued to assault the nipple, claiming the other with her free hand after separating Melanie's legs enough to allow her to slip her own thigh between them. She caught her breath when she felt the slick liquid silk immediately coating her leg. God, she was wet. Taylor set a rhythm, her mouth, fingers and thigh all working together to drive Melanie higher. An unexpected bonus came when Melanie pressed her own thigh into Taylor's center, causing the brunette's hips to spasm. Taylor continued rocking against the gorgeous woman beneath her, feeling the smaller hands in her hair, listening to the change in her breathing. It was only another minute before she felt the fingers in her hair clutch a desperate handful, and heard the soft, pleading voice—a pitch higher than usual, as predicted in her fantasy. " Taylor...Taylor...Taylor..." Jesus Christ, how does she do this to me? Melanie held onto Taylor with a death grip, the weight of Taylor's body serving only to excite her further. She heard herself chanting Taylor's name...never had she called out somebody's name in bed...and she felt Taylor smile against the breast still held possessively in her mouth. She's enjoying herself, Melanie realized, and found that she was pleasantly surprised by the thought. And then it was upon her. Her second orgasm crashed down around her before Melanie had time to prepare...again. She arched into the body above hers as colors exploded behind her eyelids. A small cry tore itself from her throat, much to her surprise, as she was traditionally rather quiet during lovemaking. She was sure she heard some sort of humming coming from Taylor...she could feel it in her chest where Taylor was still suckling gently, sending tiny aftershocks through Melanie's body as her hips slowly returned to the bed. She threw an arm over her eyes and concentrated on steadying her breathing. After several minutes, Melanie's heart finally beat at a somewhat normal rate. When she removed her arm, she saw smiling, dark eyes looking up at her. Taylor was still lying half on her, her chin propped on the arm that was resting across Melanie's chest. Melanie managed a shaky smile. " Again, wow, " Taylor commented. Melanie took a deep, shuddering breath. " Wow is right." " Wonder what will happen when I actually touch you." The thought sent an erotic chill through Melanie's entire body and her hips twitched involuntarily. Taylor cocked an eyebrow at her and smiled wickedly. " Oh, you like that idea, do you? " She inched up so their lips were even and kissed Melanie slowly, softly. Melanie felt herself drowning in Taylor's touch. Her lips seemed to drive all thought from the redhead's mind, and she lost herself in the silken mouth that was softly, yet insistently devouring hers. Despite her recent exertion, she was astounded to feel the passion quickly building within her yet again. Taylor moved her lips from Melanie's, down her throat to fasten onto the nipple she'd neglected earlier. She smiled as she heard Melanie inhale sharply, her fingers re-twining in Taylor's dark hair. Melanie's body was subtly undulating beneath her, and she couldn't believe the response she evoked from her. Taylor liked to think of herself as a good lover...she always made the effort to be very attentive and sensitive to her partner, but this was different. It was like she had some sort of inside information on where to touch Melanie and how, like they had a kind of psychological connection to one another, allowing Taylor to take Melanie as high as possible. The thought served to heighten her own excitement with the gorgeous woman under her, and she shifted her position, gently spreading Melanie's thighs to accommodate her hips between them. Letting go of the nipple she'd thoroughly bathed, she raised herself up on her hands, firmly pushing herself against Melanie's soaked center. The action caused the redhead to moan erotically, arching her own pelvis up into Taylor's and grabbing the brunette's forearms, hoping they would keep her anchored and prevent her from drifting away on the waves rolling through her. Taylor lowered herself down again, capturing Melanie's lips in a fierce kiss before moving slowly down her body. She stopped to pay homage to each beautifully firm breast, before continuing down and running her tongue from one side of the redhead's stomach to the other and back again. As she did so, and without warning of any kind, she swiped one finger slowly through the glistening folds of skin between Melanie's thighs...just once. Melanie's hips jerked as she gasped. " Oh my God, " she whispered. Taylor smiled at the exclamation and pushed Melanie's thighs farther apart, settling her shoulders between them, kissing and licking each creamy smooth leg, taking her time and enjoying the squirming and tremoring of their owner. Melanie was nearly delirious. She was overwhelmed by the sensations coursing through her from so many different directions. Nobody had ever made her feel this way, and part of her was frightened by that fact. At the same time, she'd never felt so safe or so loved in her entire life. Her heart was hammering in her chest when she felt Taylor's tongue leave her legs. She could feel the brunette's breath on her center, which, by this point, was absolutely aching for attention. Part of her wanted to grab Taylor's head and push her into the wetness with savage authority. Another part was so terrified, it wanted to cry. " Taylor...? " Taylor's voice came back to her husky and sweet. " Are you scared? " " A little." " Trust me. Okay? " There really was no question. Somehow, some way, for some inexplicable reason, she trusted Taylor implicitly, no doubts, no second thoughts. It only took her a heartbeat to answer. " Okay." The word was barely out of Melanie's mouth before Taylor's tongue descended upon her, slicking across her once, from bottom to top. Another cry was ripped from her throat, regardless of the effort she'd put forth to keep it inside. A second stroke of Taylor's tongue got the same response, and the good little girl Melanie had always been was mortified to find herself clutching at Taylor's head and making every attempt to open her legs as wide as possible...anything to keep this incredible feeling from leaving her. She felt Taylor's hands on her thighs, stroking them, sliding under to cup her rear and pull Melanie further into her mouth. Melanie heard the gentle humming again, something she now knew was a sign of Taylor's own pleasure. The sound sent another surge through her. Melanie felt herself cresting, the orgasm so close she could almost see it behind her closed eyes. One of Taylor's hands left her, and Melanie arched dramatically when she felt a finger, then a second, slip deliciously into her. Taylor moved in a gentle rhythm, fingers and tongue working together, and that was all it took. Melanie went plummeting over the edge, shouting Taylor's name loudly all the way down. Taylor held tightly to Melanie's hips with one hand, feeling the muscles contracting around the fingers of the other, and pressed the flat of her tongue against Melanie, holding it there while she watched her climax. It was the most beautiful thing she'd ever seen. When Melanie's shudders had subsided, Taylor gathered her up in her arms and hugged her tightly. " Oh my God, Taylor, " Melanie whispered over and over. " Oh my God." Taylor smiled against Melanie's hair, then rolled them over so Melanie rested against Taylor's side. Melanie's entire body felt as though it was made of Jello. Her arms were weak, and she couldn't feel her legs at all. She allowed Taylor to shift them around, pleased with the result when she found her head tucked snugly under Taylor's chin, her own leg thrown possessively over Taylor's. " I can't even get my eyes to open, " she complained. She felt Taylor's body move as she chuckled beneath her. " Shh." Melanie felt warm lips pressed softly against her forehead. " Go to sleep." She needed no more coaxing and she drifted off in a scant few seconds, her last thought being amazement at how incredibly well their two bodies fit together, like two pieces of a puzzle.