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II. Рассмотрим перевод некоторых грамматических конструкций, содержащих ing-формы.
Обозначения: Subject (S) - подлежащее; Predicate (P) - сказуемое; Object (O) – дополнение, Pronoun (Prn) – местоимение, Noun (N) - существительное, Verb (V)- глагол, Preposition (Prep)- предлог
A. Pattern: Ving+ (O)...+ P... Example: Recognizing a problem is the first step to its solution.- Постановка проблемы означает первый шаг на пути к ее решению.
B. Pattern: Ving + (O)...+ S + P... Examples: Recognizing a problem the scientist makes the first step to its solution. - Поставив проблему, ученый делает первый шаг к ее решению. Having been warmed to 0° C the ice began to melt. - После того как лед нагрели до нуля градусов, он начал таять.
1. Establishing relationship between the phenomena of the Universe is a major task of theory. 2. Realizing the necessity for a different approach the physicists reluctantly abandoned the project. 3 Putting the discovery to use sometimes requires more effort than making it. 4. Having reported of his discovery of rays of unknown nature Bequerel excited the curiosity of Marie Curie.
C. Pattern: S...+ P...+ (O/Prep.phr)...+ Ving... Examples: The scientist is often interested in a problem, disregarding possible consequences of its solution. - Ученый часто интересуется проблемой, не обращая внимания на... The lighter, negatively charged particles in the atom are electrons moving in orbits around the nucleus. - Более легкие, отрицательно заряженные частицы в атоме - электроны, которые вращаются... Nobody can avoid making occasional mistakes. - Никто не может избежать того, чтобы иногда не делать ошибок.
1. In 1913 Bohr proposed the solar theory of the atom, giving rise to still greater activity in both theoretical and experimental nuclear physics. 2. To find out more about the space scientists sent satellites, circling in orbits above the Earth. 3. What is worth doing is worth doing well. 4. Soon Pierre Curie joined Marie Curie in her search for the " mysterious" substance, giving up his own research.
D. Pattern: Prn. poss / N's.. + Ving Examples: Immediate recognition of a discovery depends largely on its being made at a proper moment. -... depends largely on the fact that it is made at... - Немедленное признание открытия в значительной степени зависит от того, что оно совершено в нужный момент. The story of radioactivity begins with Henry Bequel's having reported his discovery of rays of unknown nature. -...begins with the fact that H. B. reported his discovery... - История открытия радиоактивности начинается с того, что Анри Беккерель сообщил о своем открытии лучей неизвестной природы.
1. Mendeleyev having established a periodic law of nature has entered his name in the history book of the world science. 2. Success in science often results from scientist's confining his attention to one problem for many years. 3. The results of the experiment depended upon his having applied the proper technique. 4. A brain-storming session consists in everybody's proposing as many, and as wild ideas as possible, without being concerned as to whether they are workable. 5. Science is sometimes humorously defined as a practice of the scientist's satisfying his curiosity at the expense of the Government.