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Summary chart of modals and similar expressions


  Uses Present/Future Past
may 1.polite request (with I or we) 2.formal permission - Вы можете, Вам разрешается 3.less than 50% certainty - возможно, не исключено, что… May I borrow your pen? -Можно…? You may leave the room.- Вы можете … Where is John? -He may be at the library..- Он, возможно, в.. It may raintoday.- Сегодня, возможно, будет дождь. -   -   He may have been at the library.- Может быть, он был в …
might 1. less than 50% certainty – возможно, не исключено, что… John might be at the library. –Он, возможно, в … He might have been at the library. –Он, возможно, был в …
should 1.advisability - следует, следовало бы, рекомендуется   You should study better.- Вам следует…You should mention the following equations. – Вам следует упомянуть следующие уравнения. You should have studied better but you didn’t. – Вам следовало бы (но вы этого не сделали)  
ought to 1.advisability - следовало бы (вежливое настояние)     You ought to study better.. - Вам следовало бы …   You ought to have studied better but you didn’t. - Вам следовало бы …(но вы этого не сделали)
had better 1. advisability with threat of bad result - Вы бы лучше… You had better be on time, or we will leave without you. – Вы бы лучше… -
be supposed to 1.expectation (предполагается, ожидается)   2.unfulfilled expectation (предполагалось, ожидалось, но…) You are supposed to check the device before the experiment. – Вы должны (от Вас ожидают) проверить устройство перед экспериментом. -     You were supposed to have checkedthe device before the experiment. – Вы должны были (от Вас ожидали) проверить устройство перед экспериментом.
must 1.strong necessity - должен, обязан 2.prohibition [ negative ] -нельзя 3.90% certainty -должно быть, наверняка I must go to class today.- Я должен (обязан) пойти… You must not open the door. – Дверь открывать нельзя. Mary must be sick. (present only)- Мэри, должно быть, больна I had to go to class yesterday.   Mary must have been sick yesterday. – Мэри, должно быть, была вчера больна.
have to 1.necessity - должен, вынужден, приходится     2.lack of necessity [ negative ] -не нужно, нет необходимости I have to go to class today.- Я должен/ вынужден. I’ll have to do it tomorrow. – Я должен буду сделать… I don’t have to go to class today. – Я не должен/ мне не надо I had to go to class yesterday.-Я должен был/ мне пришлось…     I didn’t have to go to class yesterday.- Мне не надо было (я об этом знал заранее)
be to 1.necessity - должен - по плану, договоренности, расписанию, программе и т.д. We are to meet at 7.- Мы должны встретиться (дого-воренность) The guests are to arrive tomorrow. –должны прибыть (программа). The lecture is to begin at 10. –дол-жна начаться (расписание) I was to send him a letter, but I forgot. – должен был (по дого-воренности) I was to call on him at 9 a.m., so I got up very early. We were to have finished our work yesterday. – должны были (но не закончили)
will 1.100% certainty - будет (обязательно) 2. repeated action     3.polite request He will be here at 6. (only future)- Он будет здесь в 6. Molecular solventwill not removefluorine from organic compounds. – Молекулярный растворитель обычно не удаляет фтор из… Will you please pass the salt? – Передайте мне соль, пожалуйста. -   -     -
be going to 1.100% certainty – будет, произойдет 2.definite plan (intention) – собираюсь, планирую   3.unfulfilled intention – со-бирался, планировал, но… He is going to be here at 6. - (future only)- Он будет здесь I’m going to paint my bedroom. (future only)- Я собираюсь - -   -     I was going to paint my bedroom, but I didn’t have time.- Я собирался, но…
can 1.ability/possibility – могу, умею 2.informal permission - можешь 3.informal polite request – можно? I can run fast.(могу, умею) I can’t run fast now.- Я не могу быстро бегать сейчас. You can use my car. – Ты можешь взять мою машину. Can I borrow your pen? – Можно взять твою ручку? I could run fast when I was a child.- Я мог (умел) быстро бегать в детстве.     -  
could 1.past ability – мог, умел     2.polite request – Можно…? Не могли бы Вы…?   3.less than 50% certainty – возможно, может быть   -   Could I borrow your pen? – Разрешите взять Вашу ручку? Could you help me? – Не могли бы Вы помочь мне? Where is John? – He could be at home.- Он, возможно, дома. I could run fast when I was a child.- Я мог (умел) быстро бегать в детстве. -     He could have beenat home. – Он, возможно, был дома.
be able to 1.ability – могу, в состоянии сделать что-то   I am able to help you.-Я могу… I will be able to help you.- Я смогу… The boat sank but the fisherman was able to swim to the shore.- сумел, удалось
would 1.polite request – будьте добры, …   2.preference – Я бы лучше…     3.repeated action обычно, как правило     4. polite for “want”(I’d like) – я бы хотел… Would you please pass the salt? Would you mind if I leave early I would rather (I’d rather) go to the park than stay at home.- Я бы лучше пошел в парк чем остался дома.… Under such conditions reaction would not proceed. – При таких условиях реакция обычно не протекает. I’d like some apple juice, please. - Я бы хотел… -     I would rather have gone to the park.- Я бы лучше сходил бы в парк тогда.    
used to 1.repeated action in the past – обычно, как правило   2. past situation that no longer exists - раньше, когда-то… но… -     - I used to visit my grandparents every weekend. – Я обычно навещал… I used to live in Spain, but now I live in Korea. –Когда-то я жил в Испании, но теперь живу …
needn’t/ don’t need to 1.lack of necessity or obligation – не нужно, нет необходимости   2.smb did smth that wasn’t necessary (it was a mistake) – Вам не нужно было делать что-то (а вы этого не знали и сделали) You needn’t write down your translation, you may do it orally.- Вам не нужно… You don’t need to comeearly.- Вам не нужно приходить рано.   - I didn’t need to doany homework yesterday. – Мне не нужно было…(я это знал заранее)   You needn’t have come so early, now you’ll have to wait. –Вам не нужно было приходить так рано… (вы этого не знали)
shall 1.polite question to make a suggestion     2. necessity - должен (обязательно) Shall I open a window? – Открыть окно? Shall I bringyou a cup of tea? – Вам принести чашечку чая? The following points shall be mentioned.– Следующие вопросы (обязательно) должны быть упомянуты. -   -



G1.Translate into Russian:


1. He should help you. 2. He should have helped you. 3. She must have taken these books. 4. You shouldn’t have done this.5. The experiment ought to be finished today. 6. You ought to have helped her yesterday.7. He needn’t have translated this article. 8. He may have come to University. 9. He may have forgotten about it. 10. This work must be done later. 11. The methods might be very complicated ones. 12. Matter may exist in any of its states: solid, liquid, gaseous. 12. All we need know is the mass of the object. 13. The method may appear rather complicated. 14. Most of these principles are to be found in more elementary texts. 15. The pressure in fluid may vary from place to place. 16. Note that all the forces have to be equal and the cube is to be in equilibrium. 17. The devices have to be mounted carefully. 18. We ought to prove the following proposition. 19. You should have installed the device in time. 20. You’d better discuss your data with your scientific adviser.

B, C

1. Although the methods by which evidence for the existence of this phenomenon may be obtained have been considered, the remaining two questions raised in Sec.1-3 have still to be answered. 2. A stream of electrons may be regarded as a large number of small bodies all moving in the same direction. 3. If there is a force between any pair of objects, we ought to be able to measure this force. 4. No further mention need be made of this elementary phenomenon.

5. It should be kept in mind that the initial force may be supplied by any of the methods discussed above. 6. In conclusion it may be stated that this experiment is in agreement with the theoretical predictions. 7. There may be times, however, when in work on some problem you have only some equations and you may not see right away what physical argument to use. 8. For our present purposes, we could have easily derived the same equations. 9. A body can do work at the expense of its internal energy which then diminishes. 10. Since these values must, by the method of observations used, represent the mean movement of large masses of the atmosphere, they do not convey any information on local wind systems. 11. It is to be emphasized that if acceleration of the particle is not a constant, but depends upon the time, then Eqs.(2-6) are no longer valid. 12. Some mistakes must have been made in assembling the parts of this machine.

13. The engineer may be determining the corresponding vibration frequency. 14. They may have discussed the problem of finding the moments of inertia of various objects. 15. That is why one must distinguish between the center of mass and the center of gravity. 16. In your report you should have made one further remark about the energy formula. 17. The velocity of a particle is to be continuously changing if this particle has nonuniform motion. 18. Since there are no frictional losses, energy ought to be conserved. 19. This equation needn’t have been applied in this case. 20. You should have verified the results before this presentation. 21. He suggested that these parts should be tested under very severe conditions. 22. It should be noted from the onset that this technique fails to give satisfactory results. 23. Which procedure should be followed depends largely on the subject of study. 24. This problem should have been solved long ago.


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