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Инфинитивные обороты


H. Pattern:....P...+ O...+ Inf...

Examples: Most scientists expect major developments in the near future to take place in biology. - Большинство ученых ожидают, что основные открытия в ближайшем будущем произойдут в биологии.

It is sometimes very difficult to make people see your point. - Иногда очень трудно добиться того, чтобы другие (люди) поняли, что вы хотите сказать.

Experience shows this strategy to have produced better results than more traditional algorithms. – Опыт показывает, что эта стратегия приводила к лучшим результатам, чем традиционные алгоритмы.

При переводе таких конструкций между сказуемым и дополнением ставятся союзы чтобы, что, как. Подлежащее со сказуемым образуют главное предложение; дополнение становится подлежащим, а инфинитив – сказуемым придаточного предложения, время которого определяется с учетом времени сказуемого английского предложения и формы инфинитива.


Примечание: Глаголы, передающие физическое восприятие, употребляются в этой конструкции без частицы to: feel, hear, see, watch, observe, notice, а также глаголы have, make в значении: сделать так, чтобы; заставить.


1. One can assume this to be self-evident. 2. One can expect the scope of research to expand steadily. 3. Nowadays we see many new areas of research come into being as a result of unexpected breakthroughs. 4. One can watch more and more people move into biology from other areas of research. 5. An efficient laboratory head always knows how to get his people to do their work properly and on time. 6. If one is really interested in science, one doesn't like any problem, however difficult, to be left unsolved. 7. Most scientists regard biology, rather than physics, as the likely central ground of scientific advance in the near future. 8. One of the major problems at present for a university is to have young people interested in long-range problems. 9. We know him to have established a school of his own. 10. We do not expect him to throw away an opportunity like this. 11. We know him to have objected to this style of research on previous occasions. 12. This allowed him to follow the rules. - This allowed the rules to be followed. 13. This information enabled the scientist to make a forecast for the next few years. - This information enabled forecasts for the next few years to be made. 14. This analysis permitted them to tackle the problem directly. - This analysis permitted the problem to be tackled directly.


I. Pattern:... for...+ O...+ Inf...

Example: There is an apparent tendency for science to become more and more mathematical. - Существует явная тенденция к тому, чтобы наука все более математизировалась.

1.This decision reflects a desire to make it as easy as possible for members of the association to attend the congress. 2. For any scientific gathering to be a success, the organizing committee must be firm on more than one point. 3. There was a prevalent feeling at that time that for the laboratory to revive its past glory no efforts were intensive enough.


J.Pattern:... N... +P...(by/with-phr)...+ Inf...

Examples: Nowadays science is known to contribute to every aspect of man's life. (It is known that nowadays science contributes to every aspect of man’s life). - Известно, что в наши дни наука вносит свой вклад во все аспекты нашей жизни.

With the advent of nuclear weapon some people seemed to be disappointed in science.(With the advent of nuclear weapon it seemed that some people were disappointed in science). - С появлением атомного оружия некоторые люди, по-видимому, разочаровались в науке.

Molecular biology is likely to dominate science in the years to come. (It is likely that molecular biology will dominate science in the years to come). - Весьма вероятно, что молекулярная биология займет в будущем доминирующее положение в науке.

При переводе предложения с таким оборотом сказуемое выносится вперед и переводится главным предложением (обычно неопределенно-личным: говорят, известно, сообщается); подлежащее английского предложения становится подлежащим, а инфинитив – сказуемым придаточного предложения, которое вводится союзами что или чтобы.

В этих конструкциях часто используются следующие глаголы:

To appear - иметь вид, казаться, оказаться

To chance; to happen - случайно оказаться

To prove - в конечном счете оказаться

To seem - создавать впечатление, казаться

To turn out - обернуться, неожиданно оказаться

To be likely - вероятно;

To be unlikely - маловероятно

To be sure - наверняка, обязательно

A., B.

1. Science is known to affect the lives of many people. 2. The results of these experiments are found to overlap. 3. The data are assumed to correlate with the present theory. 4. The work is likely to contribute to the solution of the problem. 5. He is sure to argue about it. 6. He is said to have graduated from Oxford University. 7. He is said to avoid all sorts of arguments. 8. They seem to have taken advantage of the favorable conditions.9. He seems to mention the problem in the last chapter.10. He appeared to have lost interest in physics altogether. 11. The story may appear to be oversimplified. 12. He does not appear to be concerned with the problem. 13. He was not expected to spoil the sample. 14. He is not believed to represent the majority. 15. The discussion is not claimed to cover the whole range of present-day research.

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