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Vocabulary. Learn to deduce the meaning of English words:
LEARN TO DEDUCE THE MEANING OF ENGLISH WORDS: Background - общий смысл - предшествование в пространстве или времени: фон, задний план; образование, квалификация, биографические данные.
1. This vacancy can be filled only by a scientist with outstanding record and background. 2. This text deals with the methods of geological science, their historical background and development. 3. People of all background and all ages all over the world need peace. 4. What is the background of this problem? 5. Much depend on the personal interest of the student, and on his linguistic and cultural background.
Case - общий смысл: совокупность конкретных условий или обстоятельств, характеризующих ситуацию: случай, положение дел; доводы, доказательства, аргументы.
1. In any case the results of the experiment will be of great value. 2. If this is really the case, a true scientific breakthrough of major importance can be anticipated in the next decade. 3. He presented a strong case against a proposed solution. 4. Research workers in need of funds could apply for grants if they could make out a convincing case. 5. He stated his case so well that the committee supported the project.
Challenge, challenging – общий смысл: испытание, вызов, сложность (требующая преодоления): вызов (на соревнование, поединок, дуэль); сложная задача, проблема; проба сил; серьезное испытание; запрос (пароля, пропуска или опознавательного сигнала); возражение в ходе судебного процесса; оспаривание; требовать (усилий, стараний), стать испытанием (чьих-л. способностей, возможностей); вызывать, бросать вызов, оспаривать, ставить под сомнение; трудный, но интересный.
1. It was a challenge just to survive. 2. He challenged his brother to a round of golf. 3. In December, she saw off the first challenge to her leadership. 4. The project was immediately challenged by the opposition. 5. The men opened fire after they were challenged by the guard. 6. We are challenged to create a new technique. 7. I'm really at my best when I'm challenged. 8. The job doesn’t really challenge her. 9. The company is ready to meet the challenges of the next few years. 10. Teaching young children is a challenging and rewarding job. 11. Viewpoints such as these are strongly challenged by environmentalists. 12. I was bored with my job and felt that I needed a new challenge. 13. Recent discoveries pose a serious challenge to accepted views on the age of the universe. 14. We challenged the company to prove that its system was safe. 15.We have solved the problem that has intrigued and challenged us for many years.
Develop, development(s) - общий элемент смысла: развитие во времени, зарождение и развитие: развивать(ся), разрабатывать, излагать, раскрывать, проявлять(ся); развитие, разработка, изложение, результат развития.
1. Plants develop from seeds. 2. The hypothesis gradually developed in the scientist's mind. 3. No possible evidence has been developed to support the theory. 4. The solution of the energy problem depends on development of alternative sources of energy. 5. Independent study is one of the best habits a scientist can develop. 6. The development of photographic films requires a dark room 7. This paper deals with the recent developments in the theoretical physics. Facilitate, facility - общий смысл: наилучшие условия, возможности для осуществления чего-либо: облегчать, способствовать; возможность; удобства, средства, оборудование, устройства.
1.The new equipment will facilitate the experiment. 2. We are planning the directions and the scope of research and the provision of experimental facilities. 3. To carry out this task we need large engineering facilities. 4. To complete the project we need adequate facilities for research. 5. The software has the facility to produce high-quality graphics displays. 6. Computers can be used to facilitate language learning. 7. Natural gas is used as a facilitator of coal combustion. 8. She has an amazing facility for languages.
Imply, implication, implicit - общий смысл: не высказанный словами, но логически вытекающий из чего-то: подразумевать, означать, иметь в виду; скрытый смысл, значение; что-то вытекает из чего -л.; implicit - подразумеваемый, не выраженный прямо.
1.Recent observations of various astronomical objects together with their theoretical implications were discussed at the conference. 2. Dirac’s theory implied that there should be the same number of anti-particles as particles in the universe. 3. People always talk about fundamental research, implying the existence of a nameless opposite. 4. What are the implications of this statement? 5. The cutting of sentences into the subject and predicate groups was implicit in traditional grammar analysis. 6. An off-road vehicle, as its name implies, is designed for use where there are no roads. 7. His suggestions may be seen as an implicit criticism of the work of research laboratories. 8. The high level of radiation in the rocks implies that they are volcanic in origin.
Involve - общий смысл: включение в деятельность, движение или объем: включать в себя; влечь за собой, вызывать; запутывать, осложнять. To be involved - быть включенным, вовлеченным, участвующим.
1.The first industrial revolution involved the replacement of human and animal muscle power by the power of machines. 2. A technical project often starts as a simple practical activity involving only a few scientists and engineers. 3. This institute is involved in a research project on laser techniques. 4. Running your own business usually involves working long hours. 5. Most people don’t realize the amount of effort involved in writing an article to a scientific journal. 6. The plot was so involved that very few people knew what was going on. 7. Most research and development projects involve some element of risk. 8. The job involved working with software development team. 9. Our involvement with this project started way back in 1989. 10. The problem requires the active involvement of the local government.