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Table of mathematical symbols


Symbol Name Explanation Examples
Read as
= equality x = y means x and y represent the same thing or value. 1 + 1 = 2
is equal to; equals
≠ < >! = inequation xy means that x and y do not represent the same thing or value. (The symbols! = and < > are primarily from computer science. They are avoided in mathematical texts.) 1 ≠ 2
is not equal to; does not equal
< > ≪ ≫ strict inequality x < y means x is less than y. x > y means x is greater than y. xy means x is much less than y. xy means x is much greater than y. 3 < 4 5 > 4. 0.003 ≪ 1000000
is less than, is greater than, is much less than, is much greater than
order theory
≤ ≥ inequality xy means x is less than or equal to y. xy means x is greater than or equal to y. 3 ≤ 4 and 5 ≤ 5 5 ≥ 4 and 5 ≥ 5
is less than or equal to, is greater than or equal to
order theory
proportionality yx means that y = kx for some constant k. if y = 2 x, then yx
is proportional to
+ addition 4 + 6 means the sum of 4 and 6. 2 + 7 = 9
disjoint union A 1 + A 2 means the disjoint union of sets A 1 and A 2. A 1 = {1, 2, 3, 4} ∧ A 2 = {2, 4, 5, 7} ⇒ A 1 + A 2 = {(1, 1), (2, 1), (3, 1), (4, 1), (2, 2), (4, 2), (5, 2), (7, 2)}
the disjoint union of... and...
set theory
subtraction 9 − 4 means the subtraction of 4 from 9. 8 − 3 = 5
negative sign − 3 means the negative of the number 3. − (− 5) = 5
negative; minus
set-theoretic complement AB means the set that contains all the elements of A that are not in B. {1, 2, 4} − {1, 3, 4} = {2}
minus; without
set theory
× multiplication 3 × 4 means the multiplication of 3 by 4. 7 × 8 = 56
Cartesian product X × Y means the set of all ordered pairs with the first element of each pair selected from X and the second element selected from Y. {1, 2} × {3, 4} = {(1, 3), (1, 4), (2, 3), (2, 4)}
the Cartesian product of... and...; the direct product of... and...
set theory
cross product u × v means the cross product of vectors u and v (1, 2, 5) × (3, 4, − 1) = (− 22, 16, − 2)
vector algebra
· multiplication 3 · 4 means the multiplication of 3 by 4. 7 · 8 = 56
dot product u · v means the dot product of vectors u and v (1, 2, 5) · (3, 4, − 1) = 6
vector algebra
÷ ⁄ division 6 ÷ 3 or 6 ⁄ 3 means the division of 6 by 3. 2 ÷ 4 =.5 12 ⁄ 4 = 3
divided by
± plus-minus 6 ± 3 means both 6 + 3 and 6 - 3. The equation x = 5 ± √ 4, has two solutions, x = 7 and x = 3.
plus or minus
plus-minus 10 ± 2 or eqivalently 10 ± 20% means the range from 10 − 2 to 10 + 2. If a = 100 ± 1 mm, then a is ≥ 99 mm and ≤ 101 mm.
plus or minus
minus-plus 6 ± (3 ∓ 5) means both 6 + (3 - 5) and 6 - (3 + 5). cos(x ± y) = cos(x) cos(y) ∓ sin(x) sin(y).
minus or plus
square root x means the positive number whose square is x. √ 4 = 2
the principal square root of; square root
real numbers
complex square root if z = r exp(i φ) is represented in polar coordinates with - π < φ ≤ π, then √ z = √ r exp(i φ /2). √ (-1) = i
the complex square root of … square root
complex numbers
|…| absolute value | x | means the distance along the real line (or across the complex plane) between x and zero. |3| = 3 |–5| = |5| | i | = 1 | 3 + 4 i | = 5
absolute value of
Euclidean distance |x – y| means the Euclidean distance between x and y. For x = (1, 1), and y = (4, 5), |x – y| = √ ([1–4]2 + [1–5]2) = 5
Euclidean distance between; Euclidean norm of
| divides A single vertical bar is used to denote divisibility. a | b means a divides b. Since 15 = 3× 5, it is true that 3|15 and 5|15.
Number Theory
! factorial n! is the product 1 × 2×... × n. 4! = 1 × 2 × 3 × 4 = 24
T transpose Swap rows for columns Aij = (AT) ji
matrix operations  
~ probability distribution X ~ D, means the random variable X has the probability distribution D. X ~ N(0, 1), the standard normal distribution
has distribution
⇒ → ⊃ material implication AB means if A is true then B is also true; if A is false then nothing is said about B. → may mean the same as ⇒, or it may have the meaning for functions given below. ⊃ may mean the same as ⇒, or it may have the meaning for superset given below. x = 2 ⇒ x 2 = 4 is true, but x 2 = 4 ⇒ x = 2 is in general false (since x could be − 2).
implies; if … then
propositional logic
⇔ ↔ material equivalence AB means A is true if B is true and A is false if B is false. x + 5 = y +2 ⇔ x + 3 = y
if and only if; iff
propositional logic
˜ logical negation The statement A is true if and only if A is false. A slash placed through another operator is the same as " " placed in front. (The symbol ~ has many other uses, so or the slash notation is preferred.) (A) ⇔ Axy ⇔ (x = y)
propositional logic
logical conjunction or meet in a lattice The statement AB is true if A and B are both true; else it is false. For functions A (x) and B (x), A (x) ∧ B (x) is used to mean min(A(x), B(x)). n < 4 ∧ n > 2 ⇔ n = 3 when n is a natural number.
and; min
propositional logic, lattice theory
logical disjunction or join in a lattice The statement AB is true if A or B (or both) are true; if both are false, the statement is false. For functions A (x) and B (x), A (x) ∨ B (x) is used to mean max(A(x), B(x)). n ≥ 4 ∨ n ≤ 2 ⇔ n ≠ 3 when n is a natural number.
or; max
propositional logic, lattice theory
  ⊕   ⊻ exclusive or The statement AB is true when either A or B, but not both, are true. AB means the same. (A) ⊕ A is always true, AA is always false.
propositional logic, Boolean algebra
direct sum The direct sum is a special way of combining several one modules into one general module (the symbol ⊕ is used, ⊻ is only for logic). Most commonly, for vector spaces U, V, and W, the following consequence is used: U = VW ⇔ (U = V + W) ∧ (VW = ∅)
direct sum of
Abstract algebra
universal quantification x: P (x) means P (x) is true for all x. n ∈ ℕ: n 2n.
for all; for any; for each
predicate logic
existential quantification x: P (x) means there is at least one x such that P (x) is true. n ∈ ℕ: n is even.
there exists
predicate logic
∃! uniqueness quantification ∃! x: P (x) means there is exactly one x such that P (x) is true. ∃! n ∈ ℕ: n + 5 = 2 n.
there exists exactly one
predicate logic
: = ≡: ⇔ definition x: = y or xy means x is defined to be another name for y (Some writers useto mean congruence). P: ⇔ Q means P is defined to be logically equivalent to Q. cosh x: = (1/2)(exp x + exp (− x)) A xor B: ⇔ (AB) ∧ (AB)
is defined as
congruence △ ABC ≅ △ DEF means triangle ABC is congruent to (has the same measurements as) triangle DEF.  
is congruent to
congruence relation a ≡ b (mod n) means a − b is divisible by n 5 ≡ 11 (mod 3)
... is congruent to... modulo...
modular arithmetic
{, } set brackets { a, b, c } means the set consisting of a, b, and c. ℕ = { 1, 2, 3, …}
the set of …
set theory
{: } { | } set builder notation { x: P (x)} means the set of all x for which P (x) is true. { x | P (x)} is the same as { x: P (x)}. { n ∈ ℕ: n 2 < 20} = { 1, 2, 3, 4}
the set of … such that
set theory
∅ { } empty set ∅ means the set with no elements. { } means the same. { n ∈ ℕ: 1 < n 2 < 4} = ∅
the empty set
set theory
∈ ∉ set membership aS means a is an element of the set S; aS means a is not an element of S. (1/2)− 1 ∈ ℕ 2− 1 ∉ ℕ
is an element of; is not an element of
everywhere, set theory
⊆ ⊂ subset (subset) AB means every element of A is also element of B. (proper subset) AB means AB but AB. (Some writers use the symbol ⊂ as if it were the same as ⊆.) (AB) ⊆ A ℕ ⊂ ℚ ℚ ⊂ ℝ
is a subset of
set theory
⊇ ⊃ superset AB means every element of B is also element of A. AB means AB but AB. (Some writers use the symbol ⊃ as if it were the same as ⊇.) (AB) ⊇ B ℝ ⊃ ℚ
is a superset of
set theory
set-theoretic union (exclusive) AB means the set that contains all the elements from A, or all the elements from B, but not both. " A or B, but not both." (inclusive) AB means the set that contains all the elements from A, or all the elements from B, or all the elements from both A and B. " A or B or both". AB ⇔ (AB) = B (inclusive)
the union of … and union
set theory
set-theoretic intersection AB means the set that contains all those elements that A and B have in common. { x ∈ ℝ: x 2 = 1} ∩ ℕ = {1}
intersected with; intersect
set theory
Δ symmetric difference A Δ B means the set of elements in exactly one of A or B. {1, 5, 6, 8} Δ {2, 5, 8} = {1, 2, 6}
symmetric difference
set theory
set-theoretic complement AB means the set that contains all those elements of A that are not in B. {1, 2, 3, 4} ∖ {3, 4, 5, 6} = {1, 2}
minus; without
set theory
() function application f (x) means the value of the function f at the element x. If f (x): = x 2, then f (3) = 32 = 9.
set theory
precedence grouping Perform the operations inside the parentheses first. (8/4)/2 = 2/2 = 1, but 8/(4/2) = 8/2 = 4.
f: XY function arrow f: XY means the function f maps the set X into the set Y. Let f: ℤ → ℕ be defined by f (x): = x 2.
from … to
set theory
o function composition f o g is the function, such that (f o g)(x) = f (g (x)). if f (x): = 2 x, and g (x): = x + 3, then (f o g)(x) = 2(x + 3).
composed with
set theory
ℕ N natural numbers N means { 1, 2, 3,...}, but see the article on natural numbers for a different convention. ℕ = {| a |: a ∈ ℤ, a ≠ 0}
ℤ Z integers ℤ means {..., − 3, − 2, − 1, 0, 1, 2, 3,...} and ℤ + means {1, 2, 3,...} = ℕ. ℤ = { p, - p: p ∈ ℕ } ∪ {0}
ℚ Q rational numbers ℚ means { p / q: p ∈ ℤ, q ∈ ℕ }. 3.14000... ∈ ℚ π ∉ ℚ
ℝ R real numbers ℝ means the set of real numbers. π ∈ ℝ √ (− 1) ∉ ℝ
ℂ C complex numbers ℂ means { a + bi: a, b ∈ ℝ }. i = √ (− 1) ∈ ℂ
arbitrary constant C can be any number, most likely unknown; usually occurs when calculating antiderivatives. if f(x) = 6 x ² + 4 x, then F(x) = 2 x ³ + 2 x ² + C, where F'(x) = f(x)
integral calculus
𝕂 K real or complex numbers K means the statement holds substituting K for R and also for C. because and .
linear algebra
infinity ∞ is an element of the extended number line that is greater than all real numbers; it often occurs in limits. limx→ 0 1/| x | = ∞
||…|| norm || x || is the norm of the element x of a normed vector space. || x + y || ≤ || x || + || y ||
norm of length of
linear algebra
summation means a 1 + a 2 + … + an. = 12 + 22 + 32 + 42 = 1 + 4 + 9 + 16 = 30
sum over … from … to … of
product means a 1 a 2··· an. = (1+2)(2+2)(3+2)(4+2) = 3 × 4 × 5 × 6 = 360
product over … from … to … of
Cartesian product means the set of all (n+1)-tuples (y 0, …, yn).
the Cartesian product of; the direct product of
set theory
coproduct over … from … to … of
category theory
derivative f ′ (x) is the derivative of the function f at the point x, i.e., the slope of the tangent to f at x. The dot notation indicates a time derivative. That is . If f (x): = x 2, then f ′ (x) = 2 x
… prime derivative of
indefinite integral or antiderivative f (x) d x means a function whose derivative is f. x 2 d x = x 3/3 + C
indefinite integral of the antiderivative of
definite integral ab f (x) d x means the signed area between the x -axis and the graph of the function f between x = a and x = b. 0 b x2 d x = b 3/3;
integral from … to … of … with respect to
gradient f (x1, …, x n) is the vector of partial derivatives (∂ f / ∂ x 1, …, ∂ f / ∂ xn). If f (x, y, z): = 3 xy + z ², then ∇ f = (3 y, 3 x, 2 z)
del, nabla, gradient of
partial differential With f (x1, …, x n), ∂ f/∂ xi is the derivative of f with respect to xi, with all other variables kept constant. If f (x, y): = x2y, then ∂ f /∂ x = 2xy
partial, d
boundary M means the boundary of M ∂ {x: ||x|| ≤ 2} = {x: ||x|| = 2}
boundary of
perpendicular xy means x is perpendicular to y; or more generally x is orthogonal to y. If lm and mn then l || n.
is perpendicular to
bottom element x = ⊥ means x is the smallest element. x: x ∧ ⊥ = ⊥
the bottom element
lattice theory
|| parallel x || y means x is parallel to y. If l || m and mn then ln.
is parallel to
entailment AB means the sentence A entails the sentence B, that is every model in which A is true, B is also true. AAA
model theory
inference xy means y is derived from x. ABBA
infers or is derived from
propositional logic, predicate logic
normal subgroup NG means that N is a normal subgroup of group G. Z (G) ◅ G
is a normal subgroup of
group theory
/ quotient group G / H means the quotient of group G modulo its subgroup H. {0, a, 2 a, b, b + a, b +2 a } / {0, b } = {{0, b }, { a, b + a }, {2 a, b +2 a }}
group theory
quotient set A /~ means the set of all ~ equivalence classes in A. If we define ~ by x~y ⇔ x-y∈ Z, then R/~ = {{ x + n: n ∈ Z}: x ∈ (0, 1]}
set theory
isomorphism GH means that group G is isomorphic to group H Q / {1, − 1} ≈ V, where Q is the quaternion group and V is the Klein four-group.
is isomorphic to
group theory
approximately equal xy means x is approximately equal to y π ≈ 3.14159
is approximately equal to
~ same order of magnitude m ~ n, means the quantities m and n have the general size. (Note that ~ is used for an approximation that is poor, otherwise use ≈.) 2 ~ 5 8 × 9 ~ 100 but π 2 ≈ 10
roughly similar poorly approximates
Approximation theory  
〈, 〉 (|) ·: inner product x, y 〉 means the inner product of x and y as defined in an inner product space. For spatial vectors, the dot product notation, x · y is common. For matricies, the colon notation may be used. The standard inner product between two vectors x = (2, 3) and y = (− 1, 5) is: 〈 x, y〉 = 2× − 1 + 3× 5 = 13
A: B = AijBij
  i, j  


inner product of
vector algebra
tensor product VU means the tensor product of V and U. {1, 2, 3, 4} ⊗ {1, 1, 2} = {{1, 2, 3, 4}, {1, 2, 3, 4}, {2, 4, 6, 8}}
tensor product of
linear algebra
* convolution f * g means the convolution of f and g.
mean is the mean (average value of xi). .



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