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reflection groups (Chris)

18.30 big circle report from reflection groups (Chris)

19.00 freshen up for dinner

19.30 dinner

20.30 Third intercultural evening party and presentations of Ukraine, Romania, Armenia



Day 5th deeper in the topic: realizing the differences in our lives! And going out!

9.00 energizer: Your opinion (Niels)

9.15 team building activity: The Low fence (Chris)

10.00 coffee break

10.45 excursion

19.30 original dinner in the city

20.30 Polish team: coffee corner:

23.00 travel back to the venue


Day 6th continuing about our intercultural differences and behaviour

9.00 Energizer: Switch places (Chris)

9.15 team building: Statues (Niels)

9.30 workshop: presentations of last night: Polish team: Youth worker work shop

10.45 coffee break

11.00 evaluation workshop Polish team:

11.15 activity: Hotel " Glocal" (Chris)

12.45 debriefing and evaluation in the big circle

13.00 lunch and siesta

15.00 energizer: About myself (Chris)

15.35 Ukrainian team: simulation activity part 1: What Can I Do?

16.35 coffee break

16.50 Ukrainian team: simulation activity part 2

17.30 evaluation: Picture language (Niels)

17.55 reflection groups talking about today’s program, and what comes more to table.

18.30 big circle

19.00 freshen up for dinner

19.30 dinner

20.30 last intercultural evening party and presentations of Belarus, Turkey and Georgia

Day 7th Accessibility + the Youth in Action program

9.00 Croatian team: energizer & team builder in one: Game with stereotypes

9.30 Georgian team: Creative activity in 4 parts Tree of Life

Part A: planning the activity 30 minutes

10.00 Part B: the research, 1, 5 hour, coffee in between

11.30 Part C: sharing the family trees, 60 minutes

12.30 reflection and evaluation about this game: 30 minutes

13.00 lunch and siesta

15.00 presentation of the “Erasmus” program by a short slide show (Niels)

15.45 we split up in groups and get the assignment to make a funny presentation about one of the actions of the Erasmus+ program. (Niels)

16.30 coffee break

16.45 presentation of the working groups’ output (Niels)

17.45 debriefing and evaluation of the activity, explaining about the organization fair and presentation of the cooperation market.

18.00 short evaluation by As

18.10 reflection groups

18.45 big circle

19.00 freshen up for dinner

19.30 dinner

20.30 organisation fair and cooperation market: Carousel of Organizations (Chris)

day 8th Conclusions, evaluations and Youth pass

9.00 Azerbaijan team: energizer / team builder: Force the Circle

9.40 Turkish team: Whose line is it anyway? How to use humour to establish efficient communication

11.15 coffee break

11.30 evaluation about the game in the big circle,

11.45 long lasting activity: revelation of the secret friend. (Chris)

13.00 lunch and siesta

15.00 instruction about Youth Pass (Chris)

16.00 filling in youth pass in several computers in small teams. (Chris)

17.45 persons evaluation

19.00 freshen up for dinner

19.30 dinner

20.30 see u soon party

day 9th Departure day.

9.00 breakfast

10.00 final evaluation about the training course and presenting and handing out the youth pass certificates and finalize the program

11.00 departure


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