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Study the labels on the clothing of the students educational institution MBOY «COSH» №51

Our study, we constructed the following way: in physical education classes, students dressed in t-shirts, hoodies, sports pants. We studied with the clothing labels in English, copied or photographed inscription [Annex 1]. Then we were interested to know whether the students label translation. We recorded and analyzed the responses of 44 respondents - students in 5th grade. The obtained data is presented in summary table

- the labels on the clothing boys, - the labels on clothes girls.


class lettering knowledge translation translation
5 I love you Baby!!! + я люблю тебя
  Love me! + Люби меня!
  One real star + Одна настоящая звезда
  Sugar Cat + сахарная кошка
  Star bear + Звёздный медведь
  Glamour girl style secrets - Стильные секреты очаровательной девушки
  Your style + Твой стиль
  Super Girl + Супер девушка
  Tom and Jerry + Том и Джерри
  Winx + Винкс
  Laugh…friends! + Смейтесь, друзья
  Everything for you my love - Всё для тебя, моя любовь
  I love that land! + Я люблю эту землю!
  I love Russia + Я люблю Россию
  Dragon fly - Стрекоза
  Driver + Водитель
  Dior + Диор
  Nike + Найк
  Adidas + Адидас
  Terrible Sound - Ужасный звук
  No loose - Не стрелять
  Selfishness - Эгоизм
  heart + сердце
  Right friend for you + Твой верный друг
  Tropical water + Тропическая вода
  Girls love to play in the garden + Девочки любят играть в саду
  Hearts 1952 Fire Passion - Сердца 1952 Огонь Страсть
  Casual wear + Небрежная одежда
  Always smile! + Всегда улыбайся!
  Smiley World + Улыбающийся мир
  Brand rew/ new - Совершенно новый, «с иголочки»
  Never again + Никогда снова
  New collection + Новая коллекция
  Нave a good time in Paris + Хорошо проведи время в Париже
  Love + любовь
  Sports wear + Спортивная одежда
  Hoty - горяченький

According to our research of 100 interviewed only 73 student knows the translation of the inscriptions, which they have on clothes. Other 27 student found it difficult to translate their labels. After these inscriptions were translated for them, they confessed that they never thought about the meaning of what is written on their clothes, but now are interested and will translate all the labels. The percentage of students who know or do not know the content label on the clothes, shown in figure 1.

The percentage of girls and boys, considering the value of the label shown in figure 2.


As you can see, girls who know the translation of labels on clothing and as a consequence more seriously related to the choice of clothing, almost 1.5 times more than boys, and this is natural.

In General, during the passage of research interest among students to label grew, and it was possible to observe how, stopping each other, the students read and try to translate what is written on the clothes.

The study revealed __ labels, contains grammatical and spelling errors. Very often there are inscriptions, consisting simply of an arbitrary set of letters. The meaning of these labels is missing.

In addition, to study the attitude towards clothes with labels with 48 pupils of the 5th and the 8th grade survey was conducted. We got the following results:

1)Do you have in your wardrobe clothes with inscriptions in English?

- no – 10 man

there 1-2 things - 30 man

many 60



2) Do you know the translation of the labels on your clothes?

- Yes - ___ man

" no, but would like to know - ___ man

- no

I don't care - ___ man


3)Why do you wear clothes with labels?

- it is fashionable - 51 man

- the inscription expresses my thoughts – 37 man

- I don't care what to wear – 12 person

4) Where appropriate clothes with labels? (please rate all statements)

in school all classes: no - 99 man, Yes 1 people

in school physical education classes, athletic events: no 83 people, Yes 17 people

at home: no 2 people, Yes - 98 man

at the disco: no – 0 man, Yes - 100man


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