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I. The plan of rendering newspaper article. Learn to read, think and argue about politicsСтр 1 из 48Следующая ⇒
LEARN TO READ, THINK AND ARGUE ABOUT POLITICS (для студентов старших курсов)
Ростов-на-Дону – 2013
ББК 74.58 УДК 378.14 М 91
Печатается по решению редакционно-издательского совета Педагогического института Южного федерального университета
Научный редактор кандидат филологических наук, доцент И.А.Черкасс Рецензент кандидат филологических наук, доцент Н.А. Ляшенко
Рябцева И.Г., Симонова К.Н.
М 91 Learn to Read, Think and Argue about Politics ( для студентов старших курсов). Ростов н/Д: ИПО ЮФУ, 2013. Цель учебного пособия – состоит в развитии навыков чтения, критического понимания и реферирования газетных статей, а также совершенствования навыков устно-речевого общения в области политики, экономики и социальных проблем. Данное пособие предназначено для студентов старших курсов факультета лингвистики и словесности. Пособие выполнено на модульной основе и содержит свыше 1400 лексических единиц из общественно-политической сферы, тексты газетных статей для реферирования, а также задания, способствующие закреплению вокабуляра.
ББК 74.58 УДК 378.14 М 91
Ó Рябцева И.Г., Симонова К.Н., 2013 CONTENTS PREFACE………………………………………………………………..
MODULE III. WAR………………………………………………………… MODULE IV. ELECTIONS……………………………………………
MODULE V. UNREST…………………………………………………….
MODULE VI. POLITICS…………………………………………………………
MODULE VII. SOCIALPROBLEMS………………………………… REFERENCES …………………………………………………………….. PREFACE The book “LEARN TO READ, THINK AND ARGUE ABOUT POLITICS” is intended at intermediate and advanced students of English. The aim of the book is to develop the student’s ability to read newspaper texts for study purposes. The book is divided into seven modules. Module I contains the plan and useful expressions that will help the student to render a newspaper article, and the sample of rendering. The rest of the modules present the following topics under study: disaster, war, elections, unrest, politics, social problems. Each module consists of the topic vocabulary, assignments on vocabulary, translation, reading comprehension, summary, and rendering. All the readings are taken from British and Russian newspapers and are intended to provide students with practical illustrations of newspaper style. By exploring newspaper texts, students can expect to develop their English and gain greater confidence in reading and analyzing newspapers, in speculating about socio-political problems.
I. The Plan of Rendering Newspaper Article 1. The headline of the article is... (The article is headlined..; The headline of the article I've read is...) 2. The author of the article is... 3. The article is taken from the newspaper... 4. The central idea of the article is about... (The main idea of the article is... the article is devoted to... the article deals with... the article touches upon... the purpose of the article is to give the reader some information on... the aim of the article is to provide a reader with some material on...) 5. Give a summary of the article (no more than 10-20 sentences). 6. State the main problem discussed in the article and mark off the passages of the article that seem important to you. 7. Look for minor peculiarities of the article. 8. Point out the facts that turned out to be new for you. 9. Look through the text for figures, which are important for general understanding. 10. State what places of the article contradict your former views. 11. State the questions, which remained unanswered in the article and if it is possible add your tail to them. 12. Speak on the conclusion the author comes to. 13. Express your own point of view on the problem discussed.