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High Quality - 5 points

If you have Coffee of different qualities, the first to be consumed will be the one of superior quality. You can have an unlimited number of Coffees each day. The energy decreases by:

Each hour

When you fight

When you work

My inventory – Clothes

In this section, you can see all the Clothes you have in your Inventory. The energy for Clothes is distributed each hour. Therefore,

for Low Quality Clothes you will receive each hour 1/24 points of energy,

for Normal Quality Clothes you will receive 3/24 points of energy each hour,

for High Quality Clothes you will receive 5/24 points of energy each hour

The Clothes last for 10 days since buying. If you have Clothes of the same type, they will be consumed consecutively, starting with the ones of superior quality. If you have Clothes of different types, they will be consumed altogether. The energy decreases by:

Each hour

When you fight

When you work

My inventory – Books

In this section, you can see all the Books you have in your Inventory. You can read only one Book in 24 hours. You will receive

Point of Knowledge for Low Quality Books,

Points of Knowledge for Normal Quality Books

Points of Knowledge for High Quality Books.

If you have more Books in your Inventory, the first to be consumed will be those of superior quality.

The Knowledge decreases each day by:

Points if your Knowledge is between 1 and 100,

Points if your Knowledge is between 100 and 500,

Points if your Knowledge is between 500 and 1000.

My inventory – Real estate

In this section, you can see all the Real estate's you have in your Inventory. The energy for Real estate's is distributed each hour. Therefore:

for Houses you will receive 7/24 points of energy each hour,

for Villa you will receive 20/24 points of energy each hour,

for Palace you will receive 35/24 points of energy each hour

The Real estate's last for 30 days since buying. After you buy a Real estate, you can either move in and receive the points of energy, or you can put them for rent. The energy decreases by:

Each hour

When you fight

When you work

My inventory – Transport

In this section you can see the total stock of Gasoline and Kerosen you have and also the number of Cars and Airplanes. In order for the Cars and Airplanes to be used, make sure that you have enough fuel on stock. The Cars and the Airplanes can be used for personal transportation, or they can be rented.

My inventory – Weapons

In this section, you can see all the Weapons you have in your Inventory.

The Low Quality Weapons last for 5 fights

The Normal Quality Weapons last for 15 fights

The High Quality Weapons last for 25 fights

The Weapons are consumed in Referral Fights, Arena Fights or Wars, no matter if you attack or if you are attacked. If you have Weapons of the same type, they will be consumed consecutively, starting with the ones of superior quality. If you have Weapons of different types, they will be consumed altogether.

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