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Choose from the following list what these IMO signs mean.

Boat Drill Signals

Just before departure from an Italian port, I had made the usual Announcement to Passengers and Crew prior to pre-sailing Passenger Boat Muster as per company SMS system. The Agent came running to the Bridge to inform me that the Harbour Master had issued a decree banning ships from sounding alarm signal s whilst in Port, even for Drill purposes and warned that another Passenger ship had been heavily fined for sounding its whistle a few days before.

We did carry out a Passenger Boat Muster, without sounding any alarms, just by giving verbal instructions over the PA system. Once clear of the Port, the General Alarm Signal was sounded with a special announcement for passenger familiarisation purposes. In 26 years at sea, this is the most ridiculous local regulation I have ever encountered. It is interfering with our ability to familiarise passengers with safety procedures before sailing. I hate to think what would happen if a passenger ship had an accident on departure from the port, not having been able to hold an effective muster before sailing.

Explain the expressions in bold, using English equivalents. Answer the questions.

  1. How do you understand the expression “ pre-sailing Passenger Boat Muster”? Why is it made for? Give full explanation.

2.What kind of a decree had the Harbour Master issued?

3.Why was the passenger ship fined?

4.What kind of sounds are given as the General Alarm Signal?

5.Decipher the abbreviation SMS and PA system. What is it used for?

6.If you can’t sound alarm signal by whistle whilst in Port, what can you do instead of this?


Give synonyms to the given words. You may use more than one.

1. a decree___________________________________________________________

2. to carry out________________________________________________________

3. a fine_________________________________________________________

4. to encounter________________________________________________________

5. to interfere with_____________________________________________________

Choose from the following list what these IMO signs mean.


1. lifebuoy with light 2. lifejacket 3. lifebuoy 4. child’s lifejacket 5. immersion suit 6. lifebuoy with light & smoke (M.O.B. buoy) 7. muster station 8. lifebuoy with line 9. evacuation slide 10. rescue boat 11. liferaft 12. embarkation ladder 13. lifeboat 14. davit launched liferaft


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