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Auction Referrals

From this menu, you can put your referrals for auction. You can put for auction any referral from your blocked referrals list, who has logged in the last 3 days, who is blocked by the master for at least 7 days and who is not currently put for auction. When you register a referral for auction, you will pay a registration tax of 25% out of the starting price, to the Partners' Fund. When the auction ends, a tax on the transaction income of 25% out of the difference between the final price and the starting price is paid to the Partners' Fund. The initial term of an auction can be set between 1 and 7 days, when the referral is put for auction, regardless of the starting price and the registration tax. During the auction, if a user bids in the last 3 minutes before the auction ends, the term of the auction will be prolonged with another 3 minutes.

On-Auction Referrals

From this menu, you can put your referrals you have put for auction. You can put for auction any referral from your blocked referrals list, who has logged in the last 3 days, who is blocked by he master for at least 7 days and who is not currently put for auction. When you register a referral for auction, you will pay a registration tax of 25% out of the starting price, to the Partners' Fund. When the auction ends, a tax on the transaction income of 25% out of the difference between the final price and the starting price is paid to the Partners' Fund. The initial term of an auction can be set between 1 and 7 days, when the referral is put for auction, regardless of the starting price and the registration tax. During the auction, if a user bids in the last 3 minutes before the auction ends, the term of the auction will be prolonged with another 3 minutes.

My inventory – Food

In this section, you can see all the Food you have in your Inventory. The Food is consumed every 6 hours, at 03.15, 09.15, 15.15, 21.15 server time. When the Food is consumed, you receive the points of energy corresponding to each quality:

Low Quality - 1 point,

Normal Quality - 3 points

High Quality - 5 points

If you have Food of different qualities, the first to be consumed will be the one of superior quality. You also have a timer, which shows the time left until the next meal is taken. The energy decreases by:

Each hour

When you fight

When you work

My inventory – Coffee

In this section, you can see all the Coffee you have in your Inventory. The Coffee is consumed whenever you decide. When the Coffee is consumed, you receive the points of energy corresponding to each quality:

Low Quality - 1 point,

Normal Quality - 3 points,

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mylektsii.su - Мои Лекции - 2015-2025 год. (0.007 сек.)Все материалы представленные на сайте исключительно с целью ознакомления читателями и не преследуют коммерческих целей или нарушение авторских прав Пожаловаться на материал