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END FOOTNOTE. On the day of the Samävartana, the äcärya should perform Viñëu Püjä and Sättvika Våddhi Çräddha.

On the day of the Samä vartana, the ä cä rya should perform Viñ ë u Pü jä and Sä ttvika Vå ddhi Ç rä ddha.

He should perform Kuç andikä rites, calling the fire named “Tejaù ”, and finishing with Virupä kñ a Japa.

The brahmacä ré should sit on his right hand side.

The ä cä rya should throw ghee-soaked wood of prä deç a length into the fire without mantra and perform Vyasta Samasta Mahä vyä hå ti Homa.

Then he should offer ghee into the fire five times saying each of the followng mantras:

oà prajä patiù viñ ë u å ñ iù

gä yatré chandaù

ç ré ananto devatä

samä vartana home viniyogaù

oà ananta vratapate vrataà acä riñ aà

tat te prabravé mi

tat aç akaà tena arä tsaà

idam ahaà anå tä t satyaà upä gä à svä hä -

idam anantä ya idam na mama

“Oh Ananta, Lord of vratas, I have undertaken this vrata. I announce to you that I have accomplished the vow and have satisfied You. Overcoming illusion I have arrived at truth.”

oà parameç vara å ñ iù

gä yatré chandaù

ç ré vä sudevo devatä

samä vartana home viniyogaù

oà vä sudeva vratapate vrataà acä riñ aà

tat te prabravé mi

tat aç akaà tena arä tsaà

idam ahaà anå tä t satyaà upä gä à svä hä -

idam vä sudevä ya idam na mama

“Oh Vä sudeva, Lord of vratas, I have undertaken this vrata. I announce to you that I have accomplished the vow and have satisfied You. Overcoming illusion I have arrived at truth.”

oà sanaka å ñ iù

gä yatré chandaù

ç ré catur-bhü jo devatä

samä vartana home viniyogaù

oà catur-bhü ja vratapate vrataà acä riñ aà

tat te prabravé mi

tat aç akaà tena arä tsaà

idam ahaà anå tä t satyaà upä gä à svä hä -

idam catur-bhü jä ya idam na mama

“Oh Catur-bhü ja, Lord of vratas, I have undertaken this vrata. I announce to you that I have accomplished the vow and have satisfied You. Overcoming illusion I have arrived at truth.”

oà sanat kumä ra å ñ iù

gä yatré chandaù

ç ré sarveç varo devatä

samä vartana home viniyogaù

oà sarveç vara vratapate vrataà acä riñ aà

tat te prabravé mi

tat aç akaà tena arä tsaà

idam ahaà anå tä t satyaà upä gä à svä hä -

idam sarveç varä ya idam na mama

“Oh Sarveç vara, Lord of vratas, I have undertaken this vrata. I announce to you that I have accomplished the vow and have satisfied You. Overcoming illusion I have arrived at truth.”

oà ä yuñ mä n å ñ iù

gä yatré chandaù

ç ré acyuto devatä

samä vartana home viniyogaù

oà acyuta vratapate vrataà acä riñ aà

tat te prabravé mi

tat aç akaà tena arä tsaà

idam ahaà anå tä t satyaà upä gä à svä hä -

idam acyutä ya idam na mama

“Oh Acyuta, Lord of vratas, I have undertaken this vrata. I announce to you that I have accomplished the vow and have satisfied You. Overcoming illusion I have arrived at truth.”

The ä cä rya should sit facing North on kuç a with tips facing North.

The brahmacä ri should sit in the North West, facing East, on kuç a with tips facing North.

The brahmacä ri should take a pot of hot and cold water mixed together which also contains rice, barley, urad-dhal, mung-dhal, sarvauñ adhi, herbs and candana.

The student should fill his hands with this mixture and pour it on the ground saying:

oà ç aunaka å ñ iù

gä yatré chandaù

ç ré nä ryaë ä nantä dayo devatä

samä vartane brahmacä rayudakaï jali tyä ge viniyogaù

oà apsu antaù nä rä yaë ä nantä dayaù praviñ ö aù

gohya upagohya mayukho manohä ù

khalo virajaù tanü dü ñ iù indriya hä

ati tä nat agné n så jä mi

“In this water Nä rä yaë a, Ananta and others have entered. I reject the inauspicious fires which cover, which conceal, which contaminate, which cause pain, and bring destruction to the mind, body and senses.”

The student should take water again and pour on the ground saying:

oà yad apä à ghoraà yad apä à krü raà yad apä à aç ä ntaà

ati tat så jä mi

“I abandon what is terrible, cruel and violent in this water.”

Directed by the ä cä rya, the student should sprinkle some of the water on himself saying:

oà sanä tana å ñ iù

gä yatré chandaù

ç ré varä ho devatä

samä vartane brahmacä ryudakaï jali seke viniyogaù

oà varä ha tvä m iha bhava

tenä haà ä tmä naà abhiñ aï cä mi

“Be present here, Varä ha. I sprinkle myself with this water.”

Directed by the ä cä rya, the student should fill his hands with water and sprinkle himself again saying:

oà ç ré nä rada å ñ iù

bå haté chandaù

ç ré mad ananto devatä

samä vartane brahmacä ryudakaï jali seke viniyogaù

oà yaç ase tejase brahma varcasä ya balä ya

indriyä ya vé ryä ya annä dyä ya rä yas

poñ ä ya tviñ ö yai apacittai

“This is for fame, for energy, for knowledge, for strength, for the senses, for courage, for sustenance, for wealth and prosperity, for brilliance and respect.”

He should sprinkle himself with water again saying:

oà parameç vara å ñ iù

gä yatré chandaù

ç ré ananto devatä

samä vartane brahmacä ryudakaï jali seke viniyogaù

oà yena kå ñ ë a yaç ogä nam

yena ç ayyä yena ä sanaà

yena upä nat yena chatraà

vyajanaà sü traà vasanaà

yat yat sevä yaç aù te sarvaà

tena mä à abhiñ iï ca tvam

“Bathe me with those things which attain fame by serving you - songs of praise, your bed, seat, shoes, umbrella, fan, sacred thread and cloth.”

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