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A double Dutch

a) chance in a million, ghost of a chance, when hell freezes over, impossible, slim chance, snowball's chance in hell, very little chance.

b) tall tale, cock and bull story, fairy story, fairy tale, a trivial lie

c) black look, evil eye, grimace

d) no choice

e) draw, standoff, tie («the game ended in a draw»)

f) to call in

g) cushy job

h) vicious cycle

i) nonsense, double talk,, high Dutch


5. Look at the drawings below. Which idioms do they remind you?
















Unit 8

(to get up) bright and early (вставать) ни свет ни заря The bright here presumably alludes to the brilliance of the dawning sun.
(to see/to be/to get sth) in black and white (увидеть)написанное черным по белому It based on the idea of black printing or writing on white paper
(to be)cut and dried Предсказуемо, предопределено  
(to drive) slowly but surely(to be slow but sure) (ехать) медленно, но верно; тише едешь − дальше будешь  
(to be) alive and kicking Жив, здоров; как огурчик It originally was used by fishmongers hawking their wares to convince customers of their freshness. The variant originated in the 1960s as a denial of someone's reported death.
(to be/to get) safe and sound Быть здоровым и невредимым, остаться в целости и сохранности  
(to stand by sb) through thick and thin (оставаться с кем− то) несмотря на все препятствия, горечи и трудности; пройти огонь, воду и медные трубы This term alludes to penetrating a forest with both thick and sparse undergrowth. Today it is nearly always used with the idea of supporting something or someone in all circumstances.
(to be) more or less(ready) Быть почти (готовым)  
(to be) spick and span Идеальная чистота; комар носу не подточит, с иголочки This term combines two nouns that are now obsolete, spick, " a nail" or " spike, " and span, " a wooden chip." In the 1500s a sailing ship was considered spick and span when every spike and chip was brand-new.
(to be) short and sweet Лаконичная, нескучная, без лишних слов (лекция, речь) It was appeared in James Kelly's Scottish Proverbs (1721): " Better short and sweet than long and lax."


  1. Each of the calls was ……………………. 10 minutes long. (in substance; approximately)

2. You'll have to be at the airport …………………………………………. to make that flight. (very early in the morning, at dawn)

3. The terms of our agreement were spelled out ……………………, so there should be no question about it .(written down or in print)

  1. ….............................., the old landowning class was losing its power and influence. (slow but unstoppable.)
  2. You're quite mistaken; our lawyer is ……………………………. (alive and well)

6. It was a rough trip, but we got there ……………………………………. (whole or healthy)

  1. We've been together ………………………………., and we won't desert each other now. Over the years, we went …………………………………… and enjoyed every minute of it. (in all situations, especially the most difficult ones)twice
  2. I spent …………………………………………….. a half hour waiting for my flight to depart. (in substance; approximately)
  3. Time is limited, so please keep your remarks …………………………………………………. (not too long or complicated)
  4. The procedure is not quite ……………………. -there's definitely room for improvisation. (prepared and arranged in advance)

11. After three days of searching for them, the hikers were found ………………………. (whole or healthy)

  1. She remained loyal to the party ………………………………….. (in all situations, especially the most difficult ones)
  2. I wouldn't have believed him capable of fraud, but there it was, …………………………... (written down or in print)
  3. Roger’s ideas had been …………………………… ignored. (in substance; approximately)
  4. Jane: How is Bill since his illness last month? Mary: Oh; he's ………...... (alive and well)


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