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Answers№ 5.

g d n k b a j i h c f l m e


          l o g          
      b r i c k s        
          k n e e s      
        y e a r s        
      c a t              
      t h u m b          
    s h a r e            
      c a k e s          
        l e a p s        
  p a r t y              
          s h y          
    s e r v e d          
        g o l d          
    b r o t h            
        b i r d          
        a n o t h e r    
          g a i n e d    
          f i d d l e    
        p o s t          
      f i r e            
          C u c u m b e r
  m o u t h              
  n e v e r              
  f a s h i o n          
          s e a          
          t h i e v e s  
          m u s t a r d  
      g o a t            
  h i l l s              


Орлова Юлия (34-38)

Unit 34.

  Idiom Russian equivalent Origin
  Do smth on the spur of the moment В минутном порыве, неожиданно, экспромтом.  
  Be on tenterhooks Сидеть как на иголках In the past, freshly woven cloth was stretched on a framework called a tenter and held tight by small hooks known as tenterhooks. If you are feeling anxious, your body is often tight or tense.
  Do smth on and off Время от времени  
  On the dot Ровно, точно вовремя.  
  On the off chance Наудачу, в надежде на авось.  
  Be on the run В бегах.  
  Be on the tip of one`s tongue Вертеться на языке.  
  Be off duty В свободное, неслужебное время.  
  Be on our toes. Быть начеку.  
  On a plate. На блюдечке с голубой каёмочкой.  
  Be off the record. Не для публики, с глазу на глаз, конфиденциально. This is an American phrase and began to be used there in the 1930s. The first citation is in a report by President Franklin Roosevelt: " He [Roosevelt] said that he was going to talk 'off the record', that it was mighty nice to be able to talk 'off the record' for a change and that he hoped to be able to talk 'off the record' often in the future. "


Exercise 1.

Fill the missing words in the sentences below. The word in brackets should help you.

1) We were kept (very tense) _______________ for hours whole the judges chose the winner.

2) The Prime Minister's remarks were strictly (unofficial)______________.

3) He always finishes work at 5 (exactly)_______________.

4) A serial killer was (in search) _________________ in last night after escaping from a maximum-security prison.

5) What is her name? It's (come to light) ________________. Joan. Joan Simpson. That's it!

6) I didn't really expect her to be at home. I just called (at random)_______________.

7) It rained (at times) _______________all week.

8) It seems that all the taxis in New York are (having a day off)_______________ whenever it rains.

9) We were all (alert)­­­______________, waiting for the game ti begin.

10) We would often decide what to play (suddenly)____________________.

11) The Internet provides huge quantities of information (easily) ______________, but you don't know if it's accurate or true.


Exercise 2. Translate sentences to english.

1. На языке Джона вертелся грубый ответ, но он вовремя вспомнил о манерах.

2. Могу я поговорить с тобой с глазу на глаз?

3. Он время от времени покуривает вот уже 10 лет.


4. Когда они позвонили мне с предложением о работе заграницей, я, поддавшись порыву, принял предложение.

5. Я жду тебя ровно в 8.

6. Я много работал для того, чего я сейчас добился. Я не получил это на блюдечке сголубой каёмочкой.

7. Она сидела как на иголках всё ночь, ожидая Джона в любой момент.

8. Когда офицер полиции увидел ограбление банка, он был не на службе.

9. Он встретил свою будущую жену, пока был в бегах в Грмании.

10. Я пошёл к театру наудачу, вдруг там остались билеты на шоу.


Answers Unit 34.

Ex 1..

1) on tenterhooks

2) off the record

3) On the dot

4) on the run

5) on the tip of one`s tongue

6) On the off chance

7) on and off

8) off duty

9) on our toes.

10) on the spur of the moment

11) On a plate


Ex 2.


1. John had a rude answer on the tip of his tongue, but he remembered his manners just in time.  
2. May I talk to you, strictly off the record?
3. He's been smoking for 10 years now, on and off.
4. When they call me with the offer of a job abroad, I accepted it on the spur of the moment.
5. I expect to see you here at eight o'clock on the dot.
6. I worked hard for what I've got now. It wasn't handed to me on a plate.
7. She had been on tenterhooks all night, expecting Joe to return at any moment.
8. The police officer was off duty when he saw the bank robbery.
9. He met his future wife while he was on the run from the police in Germany.
10. I went to the theater on the off chance that there were tickets for the show left.


Unit 35

1. Be out of breath Задыхаться, запыхаться.  
2. Be out of place Неуместно.  
3. Get/Be out of hand Выйти из-под контроля; Oтбиться от рук; Bыйти из повиновения.  
4. Be out of print Нет в печати, в продаже.  
5. Be out of condition Быть не в форме.  
6. Be out of depht Быть не по зубам, быть не по плечу.  
7. Be out of tune Фальшивит.  
8. Be out of pocket Быть в убытке; Поистратиться, Прогадать, Быть в проигрыше.  
9. Be out of question Об этом не может быть и речи; не обсуждается.    
10. Be out of blue Как гром среди ясного неба; Как снег на голову; C бухты-барахты. It refers to lighting appearing suddenly and unexpectedly in a blue sky
11. Be out of sorts Не в духе, Не по себе. Since at least the 17th century 'sorts' has been the name of the letters used by typographers. For sets of type blocks to be 'out of sorts' would clearly be unwelcome to a typesetter. That terminology could be the source of the phrase and the notion is certainly a tempting one.
12. Be out of practice Давно не упражнялся; быть не в форме  
13. Be out of running не рассматривать (ся), выбыть из соревнования.  
14. Be out of bounds Вход воспрещён.  
15. Be out of the woods Быть вне опасности, оставив трудности позади; выкарабкаться. The proverb originated in the United States and has been traced back to 'Papers of Benjamin Franklin'.
16. Be out of reach вне досягаемости  


Exercise 1. Match the right and the left parts of sentence. Put your answers in the table.

1. Ann's business stopped losing money

2. Тhe path by the railway line is officially

3. At such an important meeting

4. If he loses the deal,

5. Right out of the blue Rachel decided

6. His latest book was out of the running

7. Becouse of the fact that I haven`t prepared

8. Greg's bass guitar was out of tune

9. The top of the bookshelf was out of reach

10. After running for the bus

11. I was out of sorts for a couple of weeks

12. I haven`t played the piano for a while

13. The class was getting completely out of hand

14. The boys had no money,

15. After a serious injury


A. I`m out of breath now.

B. your silly remarks were completely out of place.

C. so the teacher asked for a help.

D. the athlete was out of condition.

E. I felt completely out of my depth at the meeting.

F. as he has a tin ear.

G. he'll be badly out of pocket.

H. so it was out of the question for them to go to the movies.

I. to quit her job and move to Germany.

J. after I came out of hospital.

K. so I`m a bit of out of practice.

L. for any major awards.

M. out of bounds to both cyclists and walkers.

N. but she's not yet out of the woods. She still has a large debt to pay.

O. and I could not get the dictionary easily.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.




Exercise 2. Translate sentences to english.

1. Его первого романа сейчас нет в печати.

2. Люис вернуась с работы не в духе.

3. Эти картины выглядят здесь неуместно.

4. Я запыхался после пробежки от вокзала.

5. Мышь забежала за пианино, так что она была вне досягаемости для коты.

6. Однажды, совершенно как гром среди ясного неба, я получил от неё письмо.

7. Сейчас я верну тебе долг, тогда ты не будешь в убытке.

8. Вечеринка начала выходить из-под контроля, так что мы попросили всех уйти.
Извини, но твоя поездка в Зимбабве не обсуждается.

9. Операция прошла хорошо, но Кейт пока не выкарабкалась.

10. Они выбыли из соревнований на кубок.

11. Когда Рут начала рассказывать о разнице между частицами, я понял, что это мне не по зубам.






1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.



1. His first nowel is out of print now.
2. Louise went back from work feeling rather out of sorts.
3. The paintings looked strangely out of place here.
4. I was out of breath after running from the station.
5. The mouse ran behind the piano, so it was out of reach fort he cat.
6. One day, completely out of the blue, I had a letter from her.
7. I'll give my debt back now, so you won't be out of pocket.
8. The party was beginning to get out of hand so we asked everyone to leave.
9. I'm sorry, but yourgoing to Zimbabwe is out of the question.
10. The operation went fine, but Kate is not out of the woods yet.
11. They `re out of the running for the Cup.
12. When Ruth started talking about the differences between the particle, I understoodI was out of my depth.


Unit 36.

1. Be above board В открытую, честно, без обмана 'Board' here is the old word for 'table', as in 'sideboard' or bed and board (=комната и еда) The whole expression was originally a gambling termand alludes to the fact that card players who do not keep their hands on the table (board) may be suspected of of cheating when playing a game (changing their cards under the table.)
2. Be round the bend Свихнулся, крыша поехала, с ума сходить It is related to the metaphor contained in " having funny/queer turns"; i.e. that a person who just has queer turns may still be more or less OK but if you go beyond having queer turns and go " right round the bend" you're completely mad.
3. Tell smb to smb face Сказать в лицо, высказать всю правду.  
4. Do things behind smb back За спиной.  
5. At this rate В таком темпе, так медленно.  
6. Off the cuff без подготовки, экспромтом; на ходу Back in the days of separate collars and cuffs, it is alleged that notes for extemporaneous speaking were jotted onto the cuff of the speaker's shirt.
7. On edge На нервах, на взводе  
8. Be in smb shoes Быть на чьём-то месте  
9. Be up to my ears Быть по уши в чём –либо (в работе, в долгах)  
10. Let off steam выпускать пар; снять напряжение This idiom probably comes from the fact that boiling water produces steam which creates high pressure that will cause an explosion if it isn't released somehow.
11. From scratch С нуля The scratch used to be a starting line which was scratched on ground to show where a race should star from, so From scratch means from the beginning.
12. With baited breath Затаив дыхание.  
13. At all hours Круглосуточно.  
14. Down the drain Коту под хвост. A drain is a pipe for carring water. So if you dropped anything down it, You`ll lose it.
15. Between you, me and the gatepost Между нами говоря   Posts have long been used to epitomise deadness and unresponsiveness, so, if it is dead, it will be silent.


Exercise 1.

Choose the word (A, B or C) which best completes each sentence.

1. Between you, me and the ­­­__________, I'm thinking of asking her to marry me.

a) Postman

b) Gatepost

c) Ghost

2. Paul felt on __________about meeting Lisa.

a) Edge

b) Blade

c) Ledge

3. I feel guilty about going behind his ________ and complaining to the boss.

a) Peck

b) Table

c) Back

4. She hadn't prepared a speech and just said a few things off the ______.

a) Cuff

b) Collar

c) Huff

5. Anyone in her ­­________ would have done the same thing.

a) Jeans

b) Place

c) Shoes

6. Meetings give people the chance to let off ­­­­­______ if something has been bothering them for a long time.

a) Fog

b) Steam

c) Beam

7. Well that's it. 18 months' work down the _______.

a) Drain

b) Pipe

c) Grain

8. He comes here at all ­­­­________, sometimes in the middle of the night.

a) Clocks

b) Hours

c) Watches

9. I want everything to be above ­­­_______. No secret deals, no discussions behind the scenes.

a) Hoard

b) Mystery

c) Board

10. I told him to his ________ just what I thought of him.

a) Face

b) Phone

c) Lace

11. I sometimes feel I'm going round the _____ looking after young children all day.

a) Playground

b) Bend

c) End

12. He waited for a reply to his offer with baited ______.

a) Offence

b) Breath

c) Heath

13. At this _____ we won't ever be able to afford a holiday.

a) Rate

b) Case

c) Gate

14. He had built the business up from ______

a) Inheritance

b) Scratch

c) Match

15. I`m afraid I`m up to my _____ in work at the moment. Can we talk later in the week?

a) Ears

b) Crown

c) Fears

Exercise 2. Fill the missing words in the sentences.

1. When they say that someone become crazy, they mean ___________________.

2. When they say that someone begin it without using anything that existed or was prepared before, they mean ___________________.

3. When they say that someone is going to tell you his opinion, but want it to be a secret, they mean ___________________.

4. When they say that someone do something at any time of the day or night, they mean ___________________.

5. When they say that something is wasted or produces no results, they mean ___________________.

6. When they say that something made without preparation or rehearsal, they mean ___________________.

7. When they say that someone gets rid of your anger, excitement, or energy in a way that does not harm anyone, they mean ___________________.

8. When they say that someone tell something to someone directly, they mean ___________________.

9. When they say that someone is nervous, especially because he is expecting something unpleasant to happen, they mean ___________________.

10. When they say that someone wait for something feeling very anxious or excited, they mean ___________________.


Answers Unit 36.

Ex 1.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
b a c a c b a b c a b b a b a



Ex 2.

1. Round the bend
2. From scratch
3. Between you, me and the gatepost
4. At all hours
5. Down the drain
6. Off the cuff
7. Let off steam
8. Tell me to my face
9. Tell smb to smb face
10. With baited breath



Unit 37

  Play it by ear импровизировать, решать по ходу дела; решать на месте; Initially, this referred to the playing of music without reference to printed notation. The figurative sense came into being in the mid 20th century in the USA, generally denoting improvisation and improvisation.
  At random Наобум, на авось, на счастье, наудачу.  
  Behind bars За решёткой. Prison windows traditionally have iron bars to stop a prisoner escaping. So if you are behind them you are in prison cell.
  Behind the times Отстал от времени. Это прошлый век.  
  In a rut Идти по проторенной дорожке, погрязнуть в рутине.  
  In full swing B самом разгаре, бить ключом  
  In the limelight Быть на виду, в центре внимания. Limelight is an intense white light which is produced by heating a piece of lime in a flame of burning oxygen and hydrogen. Clearly, actors who were the centre of attention on stage being said to be in the limelight.
  Keep in touch Поддерживать связь.  
  Stand out in a crowd Выделяться из толпы.  
  Out of order Испортиться, сломаться.  
  Out of this world Неземной, не из этого мира, райское наслаждение.  


Exercise 1.

Translate sentences to english.

1. Преступная банда выбирала своих жертв наобум.

2. Я не видел Джима уже 3 года, но мы поддерживам связь по почте.

3. Нил совершенно отстал от жизни. Он даже не представляет, что такое рэп!

4. Не знаю, что им понадобится, когда они приедут, — будем решать на месте.

5. Это лучшее суфле из тех, что я когда-либо пробовал – Это просто райское наслаждение!

6. Копировальная машина сломалась, и её не починят до завтра.

7. К полуночи вечеринка в честь окончания курсы была в самом разгаре.

8. Её убийцу, в конце концов, упекли за решётку.

9. Когда я понял, что погряз в рутине, я решил найти новую работу.

10. Он высокий мужчина и выделяется в любой толпе.

11. Если ты жена премер министра, ты всегда в центре внимания.


Exercise 2.

Fill the missing words in the sentences below. The word in brackets should help you.

  1. How can we be a successful company if our executives are so (old-fashioned) _____________________that they don't know what people want these days?

2. The lottery numbers are chosen (without any definite plan or pattern)_____________________.

3. When we got to Vicki's place the party was (reached its highest level of activity) ____________________.

4. We try to (to be very obvious or unusual) _____________________________by producing movies and TV programs that no one else would produce.

5. He's been (at the centre of attention)__________________recently, following the publication of a controversial novel.

6. If we go into the meeting unprepared, we'll have to (improvise)___________________.

7. At forty my life was (the same things all the time so that you become bored) _______________, so I gave up work and travelled to India.

8. My boyfriend is just(wonderful and exciting)_________________.

9. After my neighbor moved, we still (maintain communications) ____________________.

10. Very soon, you will be (in jail) _________________ for your crimes.

11. The phone is (not working) __________ again.



Answers Unit 37.

Ex 1.

1. The crimnal gang picked their victims at random.
2. I haven't seen Jim for three years but we keep in touch by mail.
3. Neil is really behind the times. He doesn't even know what rap music sounds like!
4. I don't know what they'll want when they arrive — we'll have to play it by ear.
5. This is the best souffle I’ve ever tasted – it’s out of this world.
6. The copy machine is out of order and won't be repaired until tomorrow.
7. By midnight the end-of-course party was in full swing.
8. Her killer was finally put behind bars.
9. When I understood tha I was stuck in a rut, I decided to look for a new job.
10. He is a tall man who stands out in any crowd.
11. If you are married to a Prime Minister? You are always in the limelight.


Ex. 2

1) Behind the times

2) At random

3) In full swing

4) Stand out in a crowd

5) At a limelight

6) Play by ear

7) In a rut

8) Out of this world

9) Keep in touch

10) Behind bars

11) Out of order


Unit 38.

1. By the skin of one`s teeth еле-еле; с огромной натяжкой  
2. Over the moon Быть на седьмом небе от счастья.  
3. Under the weather Неважно себя чувствовать.  
4. By word of mouth Со слов других людей  
5. In one`s birthday suit в чем мать родила; голый    
6. Up to scratch На должной высоте  
7. Up in arms В полной боевой готовности; воинственно настроенный It is clear that 'arms' was chosen as the name for weaponry. It may be as simple as a sword being seen as an extention of the arm. It is assumed that the author is Sir Thomas More, who used the term in a work in the 1590s.
8. Down in the dumps Сам не свой. The dumps' wasn't a place but a commonplace mediaeval expression meaning dejection; melancholy; depression. Dumps was used frequently in plays and manuscripts from the 16th century onward. Shakespeare used the term several times, for example, in The Taming of the Shrew, 1596.
9. Off one`s head Чокнутый, придурковатый, бзиканутый  
10. Up with the lark Вставать с петухами.  


Ex 1. Choose the word (A, B or C) which best completes each sentence.

1. She's down in the ________ because all her friends are out of town.

1) Ground

2) Dumps

3) Mumps

2. I’m feeling a little under the ­­­________ – I think I may have caught a cold.

1) Press

2) Leather

3) Weather

3. He never advertises. He gets all his clients by ______ of mouth.

1) Word

2) Song

3) Lord

4. World's poor are up in _______over food prices.

1) Hands

2) Farms

3) Arms

5. They scraped through the course by the skin of their ________ to move up to a higher form.

1) Neck

2) Teeth

3) Leg

6. We had no doubt that the old man was off his ________ when we saw him jumping into the lake with his winter coat on.

1) Head

2) Mind

3) Lead

7. Sam was over the ________ about becoming a father.

1) Head

2) Loon

3) Moon

8. The farmer isup with the ________ every day.

1) Shark

2) Cock

3) Lark

9. We're giving him a week to bring the team up to ________.

1) Top

2) Scratch

3) Match

10. Jane showed up at the party wearing nothing but her ________ suit.

1) Holiday

2) Doomsday

3) Birthday


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


Exercise 2. Match the right and the left parts of sentence. Put your answers in the table.

1. Why aren't we up in arms about children

2. Her friends thought she was off her head

3. After I had spent the whole afternoon stranded out in the rain without a jacket,

4. When they say Down in the dumps

5. If something doesn't come up to scratch,

6. We thought we`d miss the plane,

7. I was over the moon,

8. After all these years, Teresa still hasn't seen

9. If you get up very early,

10. I don't trust things



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


A. I was feeling a bit under the weather.

B. you're up with the lark.

C. it doesn't meet the standard required or expected.

D. but in the end we caught it by the skin of our teeth.

E. I hear about by word of mouth.

F. to marry that man.

G. when he sent me flowers and a note.

H. her husband in his birthday suit.

I. They mean «very sad and without much interest in life»

J. who are not being educated?

K. Answers Unit 38.


Ex 1.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.



Ex 2.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


Revision Exercises



1. All my dealings with company have been completely above _____.

2. If you speak to me off the ­­­­_____, I won`t quote you by name.

3. He never seemed to feel out of _____ at social functions.

4. Eric came running into the room, out of _____.

5. You can't go in that old shirt - it's out of the ______.

6. John had`t planned to take the trip; he just left on the ____ of the moment.

7. The synonym for unfit is out of _____.

8. His nerves, his senses, were on ­­­____.

9. The men appeared on the beach in their _____ suits.

10. At first I felt completely out of my ­­­_____ in the new job.

11. She hadn't prepared a speech and just said a few things off the ­­­­____.

12. She's feeling a bit down in the ­­____.

13. To haven`t done something for a long time, so that you are not able to do it well is be out of ­____.

14. We had to start it again from _____.

15. Between you, me, and the _____ is used to say that you are going to tell someone your opinion, but you want it to be a secret.

16. The Valentine party was in full ­­­­_____.


4. If a place is out of _____, you are not allowed to go there.

10. I shall be off ____ on Thursday.

17. If time, effort, or money goes down the ­­____, it is wasted or produces no results.

18. I guess Mike is ____ the bend because he does nothing but speak about flying saucers.

19. I went to the theater on the off _____ that there were tickets for the show left.

20. Why does he is out the ____ of contenders for victory this year?

21. I learned that there would be a holiday next week by word of _____.

22. The baby cried so much that we were up at all ____ trying to
calm her down.

23. Would you really call her a liar to her ____?

24. If you are out of ____, you have less money than you should have.

25. I met him when I worked in Madrid, and I've kept in ____ with him ever since.

26. John's father said that if John kept going at that ____ he would never finish cutting the grass.

27. Bobby's birthdayparty got out of ____ the children were naughty.

28. He's not out of the _____ yet by a long shot.

        2.R   3.P     4.B O U N D 6.S            
        E   L     R   E     P   7.C       8.E
        19.C H A N C E   S     U   O       D
        O   C     A   T     20.R U N N I N G
  1.B     R   E     T   I         D       E
18.R O U N D         H   O         I   9.B    
  A                   N         T   I    
  R   15.G                         I   R    
  17.D R A I N                   21.M O U T H  
      T         13.P               N   H    
      E         26.R A T E             D    
  16.S   P         A                   A    
  28.W O O D 14.S     C   12.D         10.D U T Y    
  I   S   C     25.T O U C H     E          
  N   T   R     I   M         P          
  G       A     C   24.P O 11.C K E T          
          T     E   S   U     22.H O U R S  
          C             F                
          27.H A N D       23.F A C E          




Look at drawings. Complete the sentences.

1) You were _________________ this morning!



2) I feel myself ___________________ when I`m in the «Seventh sky» restaurant. (In Ostankinskaya Tower)


3) My brother Charlie tried to rob a bank, but the cops caught him and now he's _____________.



4) John will do almost anything to get himself ___________________.


5) She was ________________ until her son called and said he was not hurt.


6) It was _____________________ to say, 'I'd rather have dinner with a frog.'



7) He was handed a job and wealth __________.


8) From ___________________ I asked my girlfriend if she wanted to get married.



9) Sometimes you should do something eccentric to _______________.



10) I hate when Mark try to sing and do it _____________.



11) I guess I needed to _____________.



12) He is ______________ with trouble around here.



13) Cat couldn’t get in touch with fish; he was ­­­____________.




1. Up with the lark

2. Over the moon

3. Behind bars

4. In the limelight

5. Be on tenterhooks

6. Be on the tip of one`s tongue

7. On a plate.

8. Be out of blue

9. Stand out in a crowd

10. Be

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