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XV. a) Define predicative constructions in the sentences below; translate the sentences into Russian.

1. She had a very thin face like the dial of a small clock… when you waken to see the time and see the clock telling you the hour. 2. Montag heard the voices talking. 3. But instead he stood there, very cold, his face a mask of ice. 4. Montag lay down with the moonlight on his cheek-bones. 5. Once he saw her shaking a walnut tree. 6. …and the day after that calm day was a day like a furnace of summer and Clarisse with her face all sun-burnt by late afternoon.

b) Following the pattern translate the sentences into English:

1. Она любила наблюдать, как он работает в саду. 2. Я чувствовал, как у меня дрожали руки. 3. Мы нашли ее на платформе в ожидании поезда. 4. Он слышал, что в соседней комнате разговаривали двое, но не мог разобрать слов. 5. Было так тихо, что я слышал, как тикают часы. 6. Я полагаю, что он подслушал, как мы спорили. 6. Он стоял у окна, заложив руки за спину. 7. Держа шляпу в руке, он раскланивался направо и налево. 8. Она шла быстро, опустив голову. 9. Я лежал на диване, закрыв глаза. 10. Он долго стоял у ее дома, спрятав подбородок в шарф. 11. Стараясь не обращать внимания на боль, он сделал шаг вперед; его лоб был мокрым от испарины, зубы сжаты.

XVI. Match each term (a-o) with one of the definitions (1-14). Give the Russian equivalents to the terms:

a) alienation

b) altruism

c) bigotry

d) class

e) conformity

f) generation gap

g) human rights

h) kinship

i) pariah

j) personality

k) prejudice

l) refugee

m) scapegoat

n) stereotype

o) supremacist


1. Someone who believes their own race is much better than others, and believes they should have power and control.

2. Freedom from arbitrary interference or restriction by governments.

3. A relation between two or more persons that is based on common ancestry (descent) or marriage (affinity).

4. Person who flees a nation, often to escape invasion, persecution, oppression, or punishment for their political beliefs and actions.

5. The pattern of feelings, thoughts, and activities that distinguishes one person from another.

6. A group of people sharing the same social, economic, or occupational status.

7. A person or group that is made to bear blame for others.

8. The practice of having very strong and unreasonable opinions, especially about politics, race or religion, and refusing to consider other people’s opinions.

9. An outcast; a member of a low caste or class.

10. A hostile opinion about some person or class of persons.

11. Agreement between an individual's behaviour and a group’s standards or expectations.

12. A selfless concern for others.

13. The differences in customs, attitudes, and beliefs between any two generations, but especially between youths and adults.

14. A generalization, usually exaggerated or oversimplified, and often offensive, that is used to describe or distinguish a group.

XVII. Choose the most suitable word in each sentence:

  1. As I am officially a/an alien /outsider/stranger I have to register with the police.
  2. Local people are campaigning for better facilities for the aged / ancient / elder.
  3. Our ancestors / descendants / predecessors are all buried in the local churchyard.
  4. We call her “Auntie Flo”, though she is not really any family / relation / relative to us.
  5. All of my family live in close nearness / proximity / neighbourhood.
  6. None of my co-workers / colleagues / partners was happy about the prospect of moving to another building.
  7. All the members of the community were filled with pity / sympathy / compassion for the refugees.
  8. He often said that he owed a lot to his first teacher / mentor / tutor.
  9. Now when you failed you are looking for a pariah / scapegoat / culprit.
  10. There had been a clash of personalities / individualities / temperaments between the two leaders.

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