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Discussion of the text. 1. Characterize the text under study

1. Characterize the text under study. Say whether it presents a piece of narration, a description, character-drawing, etc. If it contains different elements, name all of them.

2. Ito what parts does it fall? Characterize each of them.

3. What is the general slant of the text? Is it satirical, humorous, pathetic, unemotional? How you can prove it?

4. What kind of boy was little Rawdon?

5. What is the author’s method of describing him? Does Thackeray use direct characterization amply or sparingly? Point out the instances of direct characterization. How does Thackeray describe the boy otherwise (through his actions, feelings, attitude towards other people)?

6. Could you trace where the author’s sympathy lies? Comment on the words chosen by the novelist to describe little Rawdon.

7. What role did the ear-boxing incident play in the formation of Rawdon’s character and in his relations with the mother? What sides of his character are revealed through his intense dislike of Lord Steyne?

8. How is Rebecca presented in the extract under discussion? What artistic means does the author employ to make the reader understand what kind of woman she was? What were her feelings towards her son?

9. Comment on the words “free and artless” used by the author in description of Becky’s temper? Do you feel a ring of irony here? [13]

10. Do you find any instances of the author's digression in this extract? What role does it play? How is the effect it produces on the reader heightened?

11. Comment on the syntax of this part. Find sentences with par­allel constructions and speak of their use.

12. In what way does Thackeray attain a high degree of general­ization? How does the use of pronouns contribute to it?

13. What sentences in particular show how scandal and gossip could undo a man in Vanity Fair? Does Thackeray want to impress upon the reader that all layers of society are infected by scandal? If so, prove it by references to the text.

14. What is the symbolic significance of the last lines? Aren't there any meeting points in the fate of a man " pushing-onward" and a spider laboriously laying its thread? Don't they come to the same end? What is the role of this image of the spider?

15. Comment on the use of the expressive means of the language— particularly such as epithet and metonymy. Say how they tie in with the main line of thought.

16. Study the sentence " Bon Dieu! it is awful, that servants' in­quisition! " Don't you think it sounds more like the words of a fretting lady than the utterance of the novelist himself? If so, what is the pur­pose of this device? Why does Thackeray catch the intonation of a lady of society?

17. How does Thackeray cloak his ridicule?

18. Give a summary of your comments on the text.

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