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EXERCISES. I. Explain and expand on the following:

I. Explain and expand on the following:

1. The beautiful mother-vision had faded away after awhile.

2. The cook looked at the housemaid; the housemaid looked know­ingly at the footman — the awful kitchen inquisition that sits in judgement in every house, and knows everything — sat on Rebecca at the moment.

3. You see a woman in a great party in a splendid saloon, surround­ed by faithful admirers, distributing sparkling glances, dressed to perfection, curled, rouged, smiling and happy.

4. Discovery walks respectfully up to her, in the shape of a huge powdered man with large calves and a tray of ices — with Calumny (which is as fatal as truth) — behind him, in the shape of the hulking fellow carrying the Wafer-biscuits.

5. Some people ought to have mutes for servants in Vanity Fair — mutes who could not write.

6. If you are guilty, tremble... If you are not guilty, have a care of appearances; which are as ruinous as guilt.

II. Paraphrase the following sentences from the text:

1. He was a fine open-faced boy, with blue eyes and waving flaxen hair, sturdy in limb, but generous and soft in heart: fondly attaching. himself to all who were good to him.

2. Molly... crammed him with ghost stories at night, and with good things from the dinner.

3. He plagued and laughed at Briggs.

4. His mother... struck him violently a couple of boxes on the ear.

5. He gasped out at various intervals these exclamations of rage and grief.

III. Find in the text the sentences of which the following ones are periphrases:

1. Lord Steyne could not stand the sight of the boy

2. Of all the people who visited their house, this one roused the boy's most bitter hatred.

3. After that day of the boxes on the ear the mother's feelings for the boy grew more and more bitter.

4. Rawdon would meet his gaze without flinching.

5. The image of the beautiful mother had gradually disappeared.

IV. Paraphrase the following sentences using the vocabulary and phraseology of the text:

1. Molly used to tell him ghost stories at night.

2. His natural innocent ways attracted people to him.

3. Rawdon was very well built.

4. He was enraptured by Rebecca's singing.

5. He would continuously poke fun at Briggs. [15]

6. Rebecca did not spare efforts to climb up the social ladder.

7. The little boy was attached to the groom who looked after his pony.

V. Give definitions of the following words using an English-English dictionary:








Wind up



VI. Give corresponding colloquial variants for the following:

1. That officer imparted it to Lord Steyne's gentleman. 2. It was the sight of the Marquis of Steyne's carriage-lamps at her door, contem­plated by Haggles... " that kept him up".

VII. (a) Give Russian equivalents for the following:

Sturdy in limb; soft in heart; to glow all over; to have charge of somebody or something; to strike (give) somebody a box on the ear; to square one's fists; to have a care of appearances; to get credit; to keep someone up; a position in society; to lay the thread

(b) Translate the sentences containing the above expressions into Russian.

VIII. Give English equivalents for the following:

пощечина; дать пощечину; привязываться к кому-либо; пичкать; сжимать кулаки; появиться; положение в обществе; плести паутину; заботиться о соблюдении приличий

IX. Make up sentences using the following expressions:

a box on the ear; to double one's fists; to get credit for something; to have charge of something; to stare someone in the face; to lay the thread; to keep someone up; to push onward

X. Make up several short dialogues using the following words and word combinations:

To glow all over; to have a care of appearances; to crawl; to tremble; to be rapt in delight; to bore resistance

XI. Make the following sentences emphatic by placing " it is" or " it was" at the beginning. Follow the model from the text.

Model: It was the boy's heart that was bleeding.

1. The boy resented the offence, not the pain. 2. Lord Steyne was amused by Becky's behaviour. 3. He disliked the boy heartily. 4. Re­becca was craving after a position in society.

XII. Find instances in the text where a repeated action in the past is expressed. Pattern your own sentences after these. [16]

XIII. Transform the following complex sentences into simple ones by using the Subjective Infinitive Construction.

Model: It was thought that he had been generous and soft in heart. - He was thought to have been generous and soft in heart.

1. It seemed that the boy was rapt in delight. 2. It was said that his hobby had often kept him up. 3. It was not likely that she would burst into tears in the presence of strangers. 4. It was known that she had charge of the baby. 5. It was said that they had got credit for faultless service.

XIV. Make up your own sentences with the Subjective Infinitive Construction.

XV. Make up your own sentences after the model.

Model: She would not have got credit had they not believed her to be guilty.

XVI. Pick out sentences with compound adjectives from the text under study.

XVII. Recast the following sentences so as to use compound adjec­tives instead of the italicized words.

Model: He was a boy with blue eyes and fair hair. He was a blue-eyed and fair-haired boy.

1. Her brother was short, strong and had broad shoulders. 2. The girl was short for her age and had bowlegs. 3. She had a beautiful face of oval shape. 4. Dobbin had a very kind heart. 5. He was known as a man of a broad mind.

XVIII. Pick out the sentence from the text in which the word " anger" is used. State what part of speech it is. Make your own sentences with the same word used as another part of speech.

XIX. Recast the following sentences substituting the parts of speech indicated in brackets for the italicized words. Make necessary changes.

Mode 1: She disliked him. (noun).

She felt a strong dislike for him.

1. He heard a laugh from the marquis. (Verb). 2. When he was eight years old his attachments may be said to have ended, (noun). 3. His sobs stifled the words, (verb) 4. The cook looked at the house­maid, (noun). 5. The mother's dislike increased to hatred, (verb). 6. The consciousness that the child was in the house was a pain to her. (Verb). 7. Lord Steyne was amused by the exhibition of Becky's temper, (noun). 8. He bored her. (Noun) 9. He attached himself to all who were good to him. (Noun). 10. His very sight annoyed her. (Noun). 11. He made sarcastic bows to the child. (Verb). [17]

XX. Translate the following sentences into English:

(A) 1. Мальчик был крепкого сложения. 2. Ребекка очень оскорбила ребенка, надавав ему пощечин. 3.Мальчик сжал кулаки и молча уставился на своего врага. 4. Домашние дела часто заставляли ее засиживаться допоздна. 5.Заботы о ребенке лежали на мисс Бриггс. 6. Мальчик перенес корь и коклюш. 7. Родон подкрался к двери, где мать пела лорду Стейну. 8. Он съежился не от боли, а от стыда.

(B) 1. Он всегда появлялся неожиданно. 2. Она, как правило, подходила, когда ее меньше всего ждали. 3. Говорят, она очень любит музыку. 4. Говорят, она очень любила музыку. 5. Казалось, ребенок сразу же привязался к нему.

XXI. Fill in the blanks prepositions or adverbs if necessary:

(a) 1. The child’s grief was so tense, that he burst __ passionate tears. 2. He easily attached himself __ people. 3. The woman that had charge the baby was anything, but softhearted. 4. The way the boy stared him__ the face was most disconcerting. 5. This proposition will be talked __ tonight. 6. They discussed the news__ their coffee. 7. She slept the thread laid__ the spider.

(b) 2. A day or two __ Christmas, Becky, her husband and her son, made ready and went to pass the holydays __ the seat __ their ancestors __ Queen’s Crawley. Becky would have liked to have a little brat __ and would have done so but for Lady Jane’s urgent invitations __ the youngster: and the symptoms __ revolt and discontent which Rawdon manifested __ her neglect her son. “He’s the finest boy __ England, ” the father said __ a tone __ reproach __ her, “and you don’t seem to care __ him, Becky, as much as you do __ your spaniel. He shan’t bother you much __ the home he will be away __ you __ the nursery, and he shall go outside __ the coach __ me”.

(From “Vanity Fair” by W. M. Thackeray).

XXII. Fill in the blanks with the definite or indefinite article where required:

While — present century was in its teens, and on one sunshiny morning in June, there drove up to — great iron gate of Miss Pinker-ton's academy for — young ladies, on — Chiswick Mall, — large family coach with two fat horses in — blazing harness, driven by — fat coach­man in — three-cornered hat and wig, at — rate of four miles — hour. — Black servant, who reposed on — box beside — fat coachman, uncurled his bandy legs as soon as — equipage drew up opposite Miss Pinker-ton's shining brass plate, and as he pulled — bell at least — score of — young heads were seen peering out of — narrow windows of — state­ly old brick house. Nay, — acute observer might have recognized — little red nose of — good-natured Miss Jemima Pinkerton herself [18] rising over some geranium-pots in — window of that lady's own drawing-room.

(From " Vanity Fair" by W. M. Thackeray)

XXIII. Retell the ear-boxing incident as if you were (a) little Rawdon; (b) one of Rebecca's servants; (c) Lord Steyne.

XXIV. Write a brief summary of the extract.

XXV. Write an essay on mother and child relations as described by Thackeray. [19]

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