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АвтомобилиАстрономияБиологияГеографияДом и садДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеталлургияМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРелигияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияТуризмФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Phrasal verbs

95. drag sb down – cause sb to fail/be destroyed

96. drag in – inappropriately mention

97. drag on – continue unnecessarily

98. drag out of – manage to elicit

99. keep back – reserve

100. keep sb on – continue to employ

101. keep to – adhere

102. keep up with – stay on the same level as

P. 174-175


103. to coax sb into/out of (doing) sth – persuade (someone) gradually or gently to do something / obtain something from (someone) by gradual or gentle persuasion

104. oxymoron

105. to blazon (on) – report (news), especially in a sensational manner

106. international survey

107. to conduct a survey

108. singlemindedness

109. to be bribed – to be dishonestly persuaded to act in one's favour by a gift of money or other inducement

110. to secret – to hide

111. to prise sth/sb off/from

112. to coerce sb – persuade (an unwilling person) to do something by using force or threats

113. remedial class/course – provided or intended for children with learning difficulties

114. plainly unwilling(to do sth)

115. paramount – more important than anything else; supreme

116. voracious reader – engaging in reading with great eagerness or enthusiasm

117. (by) sheer coincidence

118. growing anxiety

119. exuberant crowd/child

120. to bully sb – use superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typically to force them to do something

121. to cope with life

122. to exert pressure on

123. affect interest in sth

124. affecting

125. to lug

126. completely perverse

127. obsession with sth

128. heresy

P. 178

129. a safe passage out of

130. impassable roads

131. beautician

132. to beautify

133. for one's liking

134. a strong likeness

135. to fall headlong – with the head foremost

136. child prodigy

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Unit 8



1. Short loan

2. Be on loan

3. Archives

4. Brush up one's knowledge

5. Skimming refers to looking through material quickly to gather a general sense of the ideas, information, or topic itself. When you skim, you read through an article three to four times faster than when you read each word.

6. Scanning refers to reading through material to find specific information. When you scan, you run your eyes over text or information to pull out specific words, phrases, or data

7. Leaf through – turn over the pages of a book or the papers in a pile, reading them quickly or casually

8. Catch up (with the group) – to reach the same standard, stage, or level that they have reached.

9. Quote

10. Lift - use (a person's work or ideas) without permission or acknowledgement

11. Acknowledgement

12. Workshop

13. Certificate

14. Certificate of birth

15. Certificate of marriage

16. Critique

17. Discourse

18. Apprentice

19. Undergraduate

20. Mentor

21. Concierge

22. Doorkeeper

23. Janitor

24. Alliance 

25. Hallway

26. Adviser

27. Authority

28. Bright student

29. Accelerated learning/course

30. Reference books

31. Underlying principle

32. Wording

33. Manuscript

34. Tutor

35. Scholar

36. Trainee


37. Signify

38. Sluggish person/economy

39. Substantial breakfast

40. Cereal

41. Affirmation

42. Uncoming (forthcoming)

43. Stallholder

44. Raffle

45. Raffle tickets

P. 78

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