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Arithmetic and Logic Unit

Consider a small 1-bit arithmetic logic unit (ALU) performs the following operations:

· A + 1

· A + B + Cin

· A

· A-1

· Not A

· A and B

· A or B

· A xor B

Let us analyze and model the 1-bit ALU using VHDL. We will use the designed 1-bit ALU and the structural-type modeling, to write the VHDL model of a 16-bit ALU. Assume that the arithmetic addition generates the output carry Cout.


By analyzing the specification of the problem, we can establish the function table of a 1-bit ALU as follows:


FS2 FS1 FS0 Function Implemented
      A +1 (increment)
      A + B + Cin (addition)
      A (identity)
      A – 1 (decrement)
      Not A (complement)
      A and B (and logic)
      A or B (or logic)
      A exor B (exclusive or logic)

We have to implement two arithmetic operations (+ and -) plus other logic functions (and, not, identity, or, xor) using basic logic gates. Data involved are of type BIT. The truth Tables for a full adder and full subtractor are given as follows:

Subtraction Truth Table:

Bin A B Diff. = A - B Bout

Bin = Borrow in; Bout = Borrow out. Using K-map for minimization, we have:

Full Adder Truth Table:

Cin A B Sum = A + B Cout

Cin: carry in; Cout: carry out.

In our design we will use Cin for Borrow in and Carry in; Cout for Carry out and Borrow out depending of the type of operation requested (function selection). This is done at the level of the VHDL code.

The VHDL model of a 1-bit ALU is given as:

library IEEE; -- File alu_1.vhdl

use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;


entity alu_1 is

port (

a: in BIT;

b: in BIT;

Cin: in BIT; -- Use for Borrow in or Carry in

FS: in BIT_VECTOR(2 downto 0);

c: out BIT;

Cout: out BIT -- Use for carry out or borrow out


end alu_1;


architecture alu_1_arch of alu_1 is



-- < < enter your statements here> >

process(a, b, FS, Cin)

variable v1, v2: BIT;



case FS is


when " 000" => -- Increment a by 1 = add 1 to a (b =1, Cin = 0)

v1: = '1'; -- v1 is used for b

v2: = '0'; -- is used for Cin

c< = a xor v1 xor v2; --addition

Cout < = (a and v1) or (v2 and (a or v1));

when " 001" =>

c< = a xor b xor cin; --addition

Cout < = (a and b) or (Cin and (a or b));

when " 010" => -- Identity

c< = a;

Cout < = '0';

when " 011" => -- Decrement a by 1

v1: = '1'; -- v1 is used for b = 1

v2: = '0'; -- v2 is used for Bin = 0

c< = a xor v1 xor v2; --addition

Cout < = ((not a) and v1) or (v2 and ((not a) or v1));

when " 100" => -- Not a

c< = not a;

Cout < = '0';

when " 101" =>

c< = a and b;

Cout < ='0';

when " 110" =>


c< = a or b;

Cout < = '0';

when " 111" =>

c< = a xor b;

Cout < = '0';

when others =>

c< ='0';

Cout < ='0';


end case;



end process;

end alu_1_arch;


The library xslib that contains alu_1 is built using a package alu_1pckg defined within the file alu_1pck.vhd as follows:

library IEEE;

use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;

PACKAGE alu1_1pckg is


port (

a: in BIT;

b: in BIT;

Cin: in BIT;

FS: in BIT_VECTOR(2 downto 0);

c: out BIT;

Cout: out BIT



end alu1_1pckg;

library IEEE; -- File alu_1.vhdl

use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;



entity alu_1 is

port (

a: in BIT;

b: in BIT;

Cin: in BIT; -- Use for Borrow in or Carry in

FS: in BIT_VECTOR(2 downto 0);

c: out BIT;

Cout: out BIT -- Use for carry out or borrow out


end alu_1;


architecture alu_1_arch of alu_1 is



-- < < enter your statements here> >

process(a, b, FS, Cin)

variable v1, v2: BIT;



case FS is


when " 000" => -- Increment a by 1 = add 1 to a (b =1, Cin = 0)

v1: = '1'; -- v1 is used for b

v2: = '0'; -- is used for Cin

c< = a xor v1 xor v2; --addition

Cout < = (a and v1) or (v2 and (a or v1));

when " 001" =>

c< = a xor b xor cin; --addition

Cout < = (a and b) or (Cin and (a or b));

when " 010" => -- Identity

c< = a;

Cout < = '0';

when " 011" => -- Decrement a by 1

v1: = '1'; -- v1 is used for b = 1

v2: = '0'; -- v2 is used for Bin = 0

c< = a xor v1 xor v2; --addition

Cout < = ((not a) and v1) or (v2 and ((not a) or v1));

when " 100" => -- Not a

c< = not a;

Cout < = '0';

when " 101" =>

c< = a and b;

Cout < ='0';

when " 110" =>


c< = a or b;

Cout < = '0';

when " 111" =>

c< = a xor b;

Cout < = '0';

when others =>

c< ='0';

Cout < ='0';


end case;



end process;

end alu_1_arch;



Finally the structural model of a 16-bit ALU using 16 1-bit ALUs is given:

library IEEE, XSLIB; -- File alu_16b.vhd

use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;

use XSLIB.alu1_1pckg.all;


entity alu_16b is

port (

A: in BIT_VECTOR (15 downto 0);

B: in BIT_VECTOR (15 downto 0);

Cin: in BIT;

Sel: in BIT_VECTOR(3 downto 0);


C: out BIT_VECTOR (15 downto 0);

Cout: out BIT


end alu_16b;


architecture alu_16b_arch of alu_16b is

signal C_inout: BIT_VECTOR(14 downto 0);

component alu_1 is

port (

a: in bit;

b: in bit;

Cin: in bit;

FS: in BIT_VECTOR (3 downto 0);

c: out bit;

Cout: out bit);

end component;



-- < < enter your statements here> >

alu0: alu_1 port map(A(0), B(0), Cin, Sel, C(0), C_inout(0));

alu1: alu_1 port map(A(1), B(1), C_inout(0), Sel, C(1), C_inout(1));

alu2: alu_1 port map(A(2), B(2), C_inout(1), Sel, C(2), C_inout(2));

alu3: alu_1 port map(A(3), B(3), C_inout(2), Sel, C(3), C_inout(3));

alu4: alu_1 port map(A(4), B(4), C_inout(3), Sel, C(4), C_inout(4));

alu5: alu_1 port map(A(5), B(5), C_inout(4), Sel, C(5), C_inout(5));

alu6: alu_1 port map(A(6), B(6), C_inout(5), Sel, C(6), C_inout(6));

alu7: alu_1 port map(A(7), B(7), C_inout(6), Sel, C(7), C_inout(7));

alu8: alu_1 port map(A(8), B(8), C_inout(7), Sel, C(8), C_inout(8));

alu9: alu_1 port map(A(9), B(9), C_inout(8), Sel, C(9), C_inout(9));

alu10: alu_1 port map(A(10), B(10), C_inout(9), Sel, C(10), C_inout(10));

alu11: alu_1 port map(A(11), B(11), C_inout(10), Sel, C(11), C_inout(11));

alu12: alu_1 port map(A(12), B(12), C_inout(11), Sel, C(12), C_inout(12));

alu13: alu_1 port map(A(13), B(13), C_inout(12), Sel, C(13), C_inout(13));

alu14: alu_1 port map(A(14), B(14), C_inout(13), Sel, C(14), C_inout(14));

alu15: alu_1 port map(A(15), B(15), C_inout(14), Sel, C(15), Cout);



end alu_16b_arch;


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