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God Save the Queen


God save our gracious Queen!

Long live our noble Queen!

God save the Queen!

Send her victorious,

Happy and glorious,

Long reign over us,

God save the Queen!


Queen Elizabeth II


alternative - can be used instead of something else

colloquially - speaking informally

intention - a plan or desire to do something

acknowledgement - the act of publicly thanking someone for something they

have done

bank holiday - an official holiday when banks and most businesses are


doctrine - a set of beliefs

the Trinity - the union of Father, Son and Holy Spirit in one God

knighthood - a British rank and title which is given to a man as an

honour for doing good things and has the title “sir” before

his name

Sovereign - the highest power; a king or a queen

timely - done at exactly the right time

weary - very tired

bishop - a priest with a high rank in Christian religion


Complete the sentences with the words or word combinations in the list.

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