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Match the mountain peaks to the heights


Cross Fell 1.347m

Ben Nevis 983m

Snowdon 816m

Cheviot 1.085m


Sort out the geographical features according to their location

A) England; b) Scotland; c) Wales; d) Northern Ireland

The Cambrians, the Cumbrians, the Lake District, Ben Nevis, the Pennine Range, the Highlands, The Great Glen, The Cheviot Hills, Cross Fell, the Lowlands, Snowdonia, the Emerald Isle.

Fill in the gaps with the missing words.

1. The Irish love their homeland for its … and because of this poets call it “…


2. The … of Wales is the national park ….

3. The … which separate the mountains contain some beautiful lakes.

4. The Pennine Range is known as the … of England.

5. The …of Britain lies in the variety of ….

6. Geologically, Britain is a … model.

7. … …., the highest peak in Britain, is located in the Grampians.

8. The Scottish Highlands are … into two parts by the Great Glen.

9. The Cheviot Hills serve as a natural … between England and Scotland.

10.The oldest rocks appear in the … regions and the youngest in the … regions.

11…. the north end of the Pennines there are the grassy … ….

12.The … … with the highest point Snowdon stretch in Wales.

Draw a physical map of Great Britain labeling all the geographical features you know on the blank map in the appendix 1.

Speaking project

Pretend that you are a travel agent. Advertise some tourist routes around Great Britain

Speaking project

Pretend that you are a travel agent in Ukraine. Advertise some tourist routes around Ukraine. Use visual materials to illustrate your speech.

7. Read the poem by Robert Burns “My Heart in the Highlands” and its

Translation into Russian by Olha Tarasova. Try your hand at translating.

My heart’s in the Highlands

By Robert Burns

My heart’s in the Highlands, my heart is not here,

My heart’s in the Highlands a-chasing the deer.

Chasing the wild deer and following the roe;

My heart’s in the Highlands, wherever I go.

Farewell to the Highlands, Farewell to the North,

The birthplace of valour, the country of worth;

Wherever I wander, wherever I rove,

The hills of the Highlands forever I love.

Farewell to the mountains high covered with snow;

Farewell to the straths and green valleys below;

Farewell to the forests and wild-hanging woods;

Farewell to the torrents and loud-pouring floods.

В горах мое сердце (перевод Тарасовой Ольги)

В горах мое сердце – оно не в груди,

И знает оно все оленьи следы.

Лети за косулей вслед, сердце, лети!

В горах мое сердце, а сам я в пути.

До встречи, Шотландия – дом мой, уют,

Здесь доблесть навеки нашла свой приют;

И где бы ни странствовал я как герой,

Всегда я любил лишь край свой родной.

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