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Vocabulary. The English Channel [´ɪ ŋglɪʃ ´tʃænl] Ла-Манш
The English Channel [´ ɪ ŋ glɪ ʃ ´ tʃ æ nl] Ла-Манш The Strait of Dover [´ streɪ t ə v ´ də ʊ və ] Па-де-Кале The North Sea [´ nɔ: θ ´ si: ] Північне море The Irish Sea [´ aɪ rɪ ʃ ´ si: ] Ірландське море The Isle of Man [´ aɪ l ə v´ mæ n] острів Мен The Isle of Wight [´ aɪ l ə v´ waɪ t] острів Уайт The Orkney Isles [ ɔ knɪ ´ aɪ lz] Оркнейські острови The Shetland Isles [´ ʃ etlə nd ´ aɪ lz] Шетландські острови The Hebrides [´ hebrɪ dɪ: z] Гебридські острови The Channel Isles [´ tʃ æ nl´ aɪ lz] Нормандські острови Cardiff [´ kɑ: dɪ f] Кардиф Edinburgh [´ edɪ nbə rə ] Единбург Belfast [´ belfɑ: st] Белфаст Choose the geographical names from the list to complete the sentences. The English Channel, the Strait of Dover, the Atlantic Ocean, the North Sea, the Irish Sea, Wales, Northern Ireland, Edinburgh, Cardiff, the Isle of Wight, the Orkney Isles, the Isle of Man, Greenwich, Ireland, the Hebrides 1. The United Kingdom is located between the … … and … …. 2. The prime meridian of 0 passes through the Old Observatory at …. 3. It is separated from the European continent by the … …. 4. The two main islands are Great Britain and …. 5. The … … is the narrowest part of the English Channel and is only 32 km wide. 6. Great Britain and Ireland are separated by the … …. 7. The capital of Scotland is … and the capital of Wales is …. 8. The United Kingdom consists of four parts: England, Scotland, … and Northern Ireland. 9. Belfast is the capital of … …. 10. The Shetland and the … … are biggest among the smaller islands and are located in the north of the country. 11. The … … has a diamond shape and is in the south. 12. The … … and the Channel Isles are the Crown dependences. 13. The north-west is fringed by the large chain of isles known as the …. Complete the sentences with the verbs in the list in the correct form To locate, to situate, to separate, to wash, to fringe, to consist of, to refer to, to create, to pass, to compose 1. Great Britain and Ireland … by the Irish Sea. 2. The United Kingdom … four units. 3. The UK … off the western coast of Europe. 4. Great Britain … from the European continent by the English Channel. 5. The north-west … by the Hebrides. 6. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland sometimes … as Great Britain or England. 7. The Shetland Isles and the Orkney … in the north. 8. The prime meridian of 0 … through the Old Observatory at Greenwich, near London. 9. The UK … of about 5.500 small and large islands. 10. Great Britain … by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, the North Sea, the Irish Sea, the English Channel. 11. Favourable conditions for the development of shipping, trade and economy … by the geographical position of the country.