Analysis. Traditional theory deems that the Lorentz force, which deflects an electron moving in a static homogeneous magnetic field
Traditional theory deems that the Lorentz force, which deflects an electron moving in a static homogeneous magnetic field, is irrelevant to the electron’s speed . If the strength of a static homogeneous magnetic field is , then the theoretical Lorentz deflecting force is . The Lorentz deflecting force is balanced by the centrifugal force acting on an electron moving circularly due to the deflection. Therefore, the kinematic equation of the electron’s circular motion is:
or , ( 4.1)
where is the electron’s moving mass and is the radius of the electron’s circular track.
Einstein’s formula makes the equation (4.1) becoming:
or . ( 4.2)
The traditional electromagnetic acceleration theory maintains that all the Linac’s working energy is transferred to the accelerated electron and becomes the electron’s kinetuic energy so that . As above-mentioned in §3.2, the traditional electromagnetic acceleration theory and the Einsteinian relativistic mechanics together lead to the formula (3.1). By use of (3.1) we can calculate the electron’s speed and then by use of (4.2) we can calculate the radius of the electron’s circular motion. The calculated values of are shown below:
| [Mev]
| 0.9919
| 0.9969
| 0.9986
| 0.9992
| 0.9995
| 0.9997
| 0.121[tesla]
| [cm]
| 11.00
| 17.85
| 26.59
| 35.20
| 44.53
| 57.49
| 0.081[tesla]
| [cm]
| 16.43
| 26.66
| 39.72
| 52.58
| 66.52
| 85.88
| 0.063[tesla]
| [cm]
| 21.13
| 34.28
| 51.07
| 67.61
| 85.53
| 110.42
| Table 8
The calculated value of increases almost propotionally to the Linac’s working energy level , which does not match the experiment’s results. Thus, both the traditional electromagnetic acceleration theory and the Einsteinian relativistic mechanics are questionable.
The above-mentioned calorimetric experiment with high-speed electrons bombarding a lead target has revealed a “ phenomenon” (see §3.2). By use of the formula (3.3), which takes the “ phenomenon” into consideration, we can calculate the speed of electrons entering the magnetic field from the Linac. On the other hand, placing of the Galilean relativistic mechanics into (4.1), we obtain: or . ( 4.3)
By use of (3.3) and (4.3) we can calculate the electron’s actual speed and the radius :
| [Mev]
| 0.9299
| 0.9503
| 0.9652
| 0.9730
| 0.9793
| 0.9832
| 0.121[tesla]
| [cm]
| 0.959
| 0.970
| 0.978
| 0.982
| 0.986
| 0.988
| 0.081[tesla]
| [cm]
| 1.433
| 1.449
| 1.461
| 1.467
| 1.473
| 1.476
| 0.063[tesla]
| [cm]
| 1.842
| 1.863
| 1.878
| 1.886
| 1.894
| 1.898
| Table 9
The calculated values in the Table 9 are far smaller than those measured in the experiment. However, the varying trend of values is similar to the vaying trend of measured in the experiment.
The Lorentzian deflection is an interaction between a static magnetic field and a moving electron’s moving magnetic field. This is a force-force transaction, not an energy-energy transaction, because the kinetic energy of the electron in circular motion remains constant. Due to the same reason that a sailing-boat can never reach the speed of the wind, we may consider another kind of the “ phenomenon” in the action of a static magnetic field’s Lorentzian deflecting force on an electron moving circularly at constant speed .
However, the exact mechanism of this kind of magnetic interaction has not yet been clearly understood and is pending to be studied. We propose to match the theoretically calculated with the experimentally measured .
In case of 0.121[tesla], the calculated mean value of is 0.9735[cm] while the experimentally measured mean value of is 18[cm]. The gap is . In case of 0.081[tesla], the calculated mean value of is 1.4545[cm] while the measured mean value is 27[cm]. The gap is . In case of 0.063[tesla], the calculated mean value of is 1.87[cm] while the experimentally measured mean value is 35[cm]. The gap is . The matching coefficient changes very little as the electron’s speed changes from to .
Therefore, to match the theoretically calculated with the experimentally measured values, it is necessary to multiply the calculated values by times:
, (4.4)
where , 18.6 and 18.7 for 0.121[tesla], 0.081[tesla] and 0.063[tesla] respectively. By use of the formula (4.4) we obtain:
| [Mev]
| 0.9299
| 0.9503
| 0.9652
| 0.9730
| 0.9793
| 0.9832
| 0.121[tesla]
| [cm]
| 17.74
| 17.95
| 18.09
| 18.17
| 18.24
| 18.28
| 0.081[tesla]
| [cm]
| 26.65
| 26.95
| 27.17
| 27.29
| 27.40
| 27.45
| 0.063[tesla]
| [cm]
| 34.07
| 34.47
| 34.74
| 34.90
| 35.03
| 35.11
| Table 10
The theoretically calculated mean values of in the Table 10 are 18[cm], 27[cm] and 35[cm] respectively.