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Discuss this before you read the text. 1. Why have you decided to go on learning English?
1. Why have you decided to go on learning English? 2. What do you expect of this course? 3. How old were you when you began learning English? 4. Did you enjoy your lessons then? 5. How long have you been learning English? 6. How do you keep up your English? 7. Have you ever been abroad? 8. Have you been to any English-speaking countries? 9. Do you read books in English?
10. What kind of books do you like? 11. Do you read English newspapers? 12. Do you use the dictionary when reading?
Read the text and make sure that you understand it. The list of new words on p. 10-11 will help you. ENGLISH AS AN INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE* The present-day world status of English is the result of two main factors: the expansion of British colonial power, which peaked towards the end of the nineteenth century, and the emergence of the United States as the leading economic power of the 20th century. It is the latter factor, which explains the position of the English language today (much to the displeasure of some in Britain who find the loss of historical linguistic priority unbearable). Nowadays the USA contains nearly four times as many English mother-tongue (EMT) speakers as the next most important EMT nation (the UK), and these two countries comprise 70 per cent of all EMT speakers in the world. Such numerical dominance, accompanied by political and economic factors, gives the Americans a controlling interest in the way the language is likely to develop. This, however, is a matter of opinion. Most books on English imply in one way or another that English is superior to all other languages. Robert Burchfield, the editor of the Oxford English Dictionary, writes: " As a source of intellectual power and entertainment the whole range of prose writing in English is probably unequalled anywhere else in the world." " I would like to think he's right, " Bill Bryson retorts in his national bestseller The Mother Tongue, " but I can't help wondering if Mr Burchfield would have made the same generous assertion had he been born Russian or German or Chinese." Yet there are one or two small ways in which English has an advantage over other languages. For one thing its pronouns are largely, and mercifully, uninflected. In Russian, if you wish to say 'you', you must choose between at least eight words: «ты», «вы», «тебя», «вас», «тебе», «вам», «тобой», «вами». A similar difficulty exists in many other languages. In English these problems are avoided by relying on just one form: 'you'. English is free of gender and declension and is from this point of view a godsend to students everywhere. At the same time it would be most misleading to assert that English is easy to learn, for it has its own booby-traps. The number of English tenses is really frightening and so are the different functions of the so-called /ng-forms, the stiff word order and the proverbial inconsistency of English spelling. Phrasal verbs are another learner's headache. Let's not forget that in each EMT nation people speak their own variety of English so that even native speakers cannot always communicate effectively, as almost every American learns on his first day in Britain. Indeed, Robert Burchfield created quite a stir in linguistic circles on both sides of the Atlantic when he announced his belief that American Eng-
Unit one
When Volkswagen set up a factory in Shanghai they found that there were too few Germans who spoke Chinese and too few Chinese who spoke German, so now Volkswagen's German engineers and Chinese managers communicate in a language that is alien to both of them. So, for better or worse, English has become the most global of languages, the lingua franca of business, science, education, politics and pop music. New Words expansion [iks'paenjbn] n расширение, экспансия expand [iks'paend] урасширять(ся), развивать(ся) peak [pi: k] v достичь максимума, достичь вершины peak л вершина, пик, максимум emergence [i'm3: d3ans] л возникновение, появление emerge [I'imids] v возникнуть, появиться latter ['lseta] adj второй (последний) из двух unbearable [лп'ЬеэгэЫ] adj невыносимый bear [Ьеэ] v(bore, borne) выносить, терпеть contain [kan'tem] v содержать, вмещать comprise [kam'praiz] v составлять, иметь в своем составе numerical [nju'menkal] adj численный dominance ['dommsns] л превосходство controlling interest контрольный пакет акций (не менее 51 %), зд. (в переносном смысле) решающая роль imply [im'plai] v подразумевать, иметь в виду, намекать entertainment [.enta'temment] л развлечение entertain [.enta'tem] v развлекать range [гетф] л объем, диапазон
unequalled [An'iikwald] adj непревзойденный syn. incomparable [т'котрэгэЫ] adj несравнимый retort [n'to: t] v резко возразить, парировать can't help... не могу не... generous ['djengrgs] adj щедрый assertion [3's3: Jan] л утверждение, суждение make an assertion высказать утверждение assert [s's3: t] v утверждать, заявить advantage [ad'vamtids] л преимущество mercifully ['m3: sifuli] adv милосердно, великодушно avoid [a'void] v избегать rely [ri'lai] (/полагаться, рассчитывать godsend ['godsend] л милость божья misleading [mis'li: din] adj вводящий в заблуждение booby-trap ['bu: bi traep] л ловушка, западня stiff [stif] adj жесткий, негибкий proverbial [ргэ'уз: Ь1э1] adj вошедший в пословицу proverb ['prDV3: b] л пословица inconsistency [mkan'sistgnsi] л непоследовательность consistent [ksn'sistant] adj последовательный stir [st3: ] л переполох, суета, суматоха drift apart разойтись, отдалиться друг от друга rapidly ['raspidh] adv быстро, с большой скоростью rapid ['raepid] ad/быстрый (о темпе) baffle ['baefl] v озадачить, сбить с толку rate [reit] л темп, скорость integral ['mtigral] adj неотъемлемый legitimate [h'cfeitimat] adj законный, легитимный public relations (PR) пиар, установление связей с общественностью alien ['eilian] ad/иностранный, чуждый lingua franca ['hngwa Чхгепкэ] лингва-франка, особого рода язык, развившийся для удовлетворения потребности в межэтническом общении, не являющийся родным для людей, его использующих Grammar Terms uninflected [.Anm'flektid] adj неизменяемый (о слове) inflect [m'flekt] узд. склонять, спрягать inflection [m'flekjan] л флексия, грамматическое окончание gender ['dsenda] л род (feminine - женский род, masculine - мужской, neuter- средний) declension [di'klenjan] л склонение и Unit one
1. According to the text English has become an international language. Do 2. Another assertion, contained in the text is that the whole range of writing 3. Do people in the former British colonies still use English as an official 4. Do you think that English is easier to learn than other languages? 5. What do you think of the present status of the Russian language? 6. Is borrowing foreign words a normal process or is it harmful for the 7. Do you agree or disagree with the prediction that within 200 years the 8. Do you think English will preserve its world language position in the fu 9. Which language may, in your opinion, replace English as an international
10. Do you think the Russian language needs protection? 11. What do you think can be considered standard Russian? EXERCISES 1. Find English equivalents in the text for the following (you may think of better Russian translations). 1. Именно последним фактором объясняется положение английско 2....в четыре раза больше... 3....на долю этих двух стран приходится 70 % всех естественных но 4. Это, однако, спорный вопрос. 5....тем или иным образом... 6....весь объем (диапазон) прозы на английском языке... 7. Большинство книг об английском языке... 8....я не могу не задуматься... 9....во-первых, его местоимения широко и милосердно избавлены
10....в этом отношении является милостью божьей... 11....наделал много шума... 12. 13....похоже на то, что они вряд ли затруднят... 14....с нынешней (теперешней) скоростью... 15....нельзя отрицать того, что... 16....стали неотъемлемой частью... 17....согласованный международный язык общения... 18....к лучшему или к худшему... (к добру или к худу)